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Images, UC QuakeStudies

An aerial photograph of the Christchurch CBD. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This photograph shows the many tall CBD buildings, with the Hotel Grand Chancellor under demolition in the centre of the photograph. The street in the foreground running up the photograph from left to right is Lichfield Street with the old Bus Exchange clearly visible".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers operate a drilling rig, sampling soil as part of EQC's geotechnical investigation of TC3 land. The photographer comments, "The work of getting 'soil' samples from all the areas marked as green/blue zones in Christchurch. These areas may be susceptible to liquefaction if a major earthquake occurs. The soil samples were a failure as all they found was sand".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A building on St Asaph Street has been demolished, exposing the interior structure of the adjoining building. The photographer comments, "The building that this one was part of has been demolished and the join looks very much like the exterior walls of an Anglo-Saxon house. It has been exposed due to the demolition of damaged buildings after the Christchurch earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cycle Trading store on Manchester Street. The gable of the store has collapsed, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath in front. A car parked on the street has been crushed by the fallen rubble. The word "Clear" has been spray-painted on the front of the car. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of street art on the wall of a building on Colombo Street. The artwork is by Otis Frizzell and depicts police officer Constable Nao Yoshimizu comforting the grieving relative of an earthquake victim. Constable Yoshimizu acted as liaison officer for the families of Japanese victims of the earthquake. The mural was commissioned by the New Zealand Police as a recruitment advertisement.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The interior of the octagonal corner section of the Cranmer Court building, which housed Plato Creative from March 2008 to November 2009. The photograph showcases the building's intricate wooden ceiling and high windows. A stained glass crest is visible at the bottom of one of the windows reading, "Est. 1874. The spirit of this building lives on". Although designed to house a book depot, this section was used as the principal's office while Christchurch Normal School was operating from the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The interior of the octagonal corner section of the Cranmer Court building, which housed Plato Creative from March 2008 to November 2009. The photograph showcases the building's intricate wooden ceiling and high windows. A stained glass design is visible at the center of the windows with a motto underneath reading, "The spirit of this building lives on". Although designed to house a book depot, this section was used as the principal's office while Christchurch Normal School was operating from the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr conferring with former Chancellor Rex Williams, inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Around them students have gathered to watch a local musician play. The student have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged brick building on Tuam Street. Bricks have fallen from the wall exposing the interior, where a wooden structure can be seen to have collapsed. The photographer comments, "This is the damage caused by the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand. It closely resembles a face and the round blob in the square hole at the top of the nose is a pigeon".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Visitor Ann Rees and her husband Bernard from South Wales said when looking at the yarn-bombed busts at the Arts Centre (from left: Diana Isaac, Elisie Locke, Charles Luney and Margaret Mahy) that it didn't appear like the work of vandals, but looked quite homely and warm".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a statue of the Virgin Mary in a broken window of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. The photographer comments, "Before the February 2011 earthquake the statue above was facing into the Cathedral looking down a corridor, but after it had turned 180 degrees to point towards the window. The statue of Mary turning like this gave a sign of hope for the people of Christchurch. It was amongst one of the most photographed things after the earthquake until it was removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A pigeon perches in the beams of a damaged building. The photographer comments, "The building next door was demolished after the Christchurch earthquake, which exposed the side of this building with it's very old corrugated iron walls. Some of the sheeting was damaged and exposed parts of the interior. The pigeon was sitting on a bit of wood with the beam above it had a very serious crack. I think you would be nervous as well".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Andy Cole, site supervisor at Geovert, about the procedure for blasting rocks in Hillsborough. The rock-blasting work was paid for by two Christchurch couples whose properties were red-zoned and red-stickered. The couples hope that the blasting work will encourage CERA to change their land zoning from red to green, allowing them to rebuild their homes on the same sites.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the reopening of the trams in Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes an interview with tram driver Brian Erikson. Erikson talks about taking a job at a supermarket while the trams were closed, and the feeling he gets when he drives the trams. The video also includes an interview with Syleyman Sekman, whose son, Jubiter Ubukata Sekman, could not sleep because he was so excited to ride the trams again.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the first part of an address by Joseph Thomas, CEO of NZIM Southern, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talk explores how post-quake Christchurch has become a laboratory for new ways of working and accelerated change, and how it is important for organisations to identify and develop the cadre of new leaders who came to the forefront during and after the February quake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the second part of an address by Joseph Thomas, CEO of NZIM Southern, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talk explores how post-quake Christchurch has become a laboratory for new ways of working and accelerated change, and how it is important for organisations to identify and develop the cadre of new leaders who came to the forefront during and after the February quake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Christchurch Central MP Nicky Wagner (left), Emma Rawson of All Right?, and Maori Party Co-leader Marama Fox standing next to a Te Waioratanga portrait at the 2015 Te Matatini National Kapa Haka festival. The festival was held in Hagley Park in March 2015. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 10 March 2015 at 2:29pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The "Tree of Hope" at the River of Flowers event held in Riccarton Bush, commemorating the second anniversary of the 22 February earthquake. The photographer comments, "Luggage labels and pens were supplied, and people were encouraged to write a message of hope for Christchurch and tie it to the tree. Although the turn-out this year was just as big as last year's, there were not as many messages tied to the tree - perhaps we're all feeling less hopeful this year".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the Ozone Hotel's sign, leaning against a cordon fence. The photographer comments, "This sign was all that remained after the demolition of the historical Ozone Hotel, which was damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. The sign disappeared so hopefully it will reappear at a later date in a museum. The bits of blue were the painted bricks of the hotel, which made it really stand out".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street. The tower on the right has crumbled and the masonry has fallen to the pavement below. A car has been crushed by the fallen rubble. The dome of the left tower has collapsed and the cross at the top of the building is on a lean.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the New Zealand Police and the New Zealand Army working in Christchurch to keep the city safe following the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The video includes an interview with Senior Sergeant Phillip Dean, Captain Mark Rutledge, Lance Corporal Aaron Tuhi, Lieutenant Dennis Petre, and Second Lieutenant David Pedrosa-Durie. It also includes footage of the New Zealand Military preparing meals at Burnham Camp.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists outside the Simply New Zealand shop in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A sign above the 3 Wise Men shop in the Re:Start mall, reading "Re:Start, supported by ASB". The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall, seen from upstairs in one of the cafes. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a veterinarian and SPCA Field Officer preparing a pigeon before the two minutes of silence held in respect for those who lost their lives in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The pigeon was to be released as a symbol of love, hope and renewal after the two minutes of silence. It was found amongst the rubble and debris of the ChristChurch Cathedral and named Barney Rubble.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The interior of the octagonal corner section of the Cranmer Court building, which housed Plato Creative from March 2008 to November 2009. The photograph showcases the building's intricate wooden ceiling and high windows. A stained glass design is visible at the center of the window with a motto underneath reading, "The spirit of this building lives on". Although designed to house a book depot, this room was used as the principal's office while Christchurch Normal School was operating from the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr addressing a local musician inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The audience is made up of students who have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged buildings and rubble on Colombo Street near the intersection of St Asaph Street. The walls of the top storey of the buildings to the left have crumbled, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath and road below. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed across the street as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team, talking to a New Zealand Police Officer in Latimer Square. In the background is a wire fence with Search and Rescue Team equipment tied to it. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

People write messages for the "Tree of Hope" at the River of Flowers event held in Riccarton Bush, commemorating the second anniversary of the 22 February earthquake. The photographer comments, "Luggage labels and pens were supplied, and people were encouraged to write a message of hope for Christchurch and tie it to the tree. Although the turn-out this year was just as big as last year's, there were not as many messages tied to the tree - perhaps we're all feeling less hopeful this year".