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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of a light fitting outside the former Ozone Hotel in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "The broken light fitting is on the Ozone Hotel, which is red stickered after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch. They will need to fix the building before this light gets a new bulb. The distinct blue colour seen is what made the Ozone stand out on Marine Parade".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of damage to a house in Richmond. A double-brick wall has collapsed, and a gap is visible between the house and its foundation. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. The house and the concrete patio are now 15cm apart. The house took half the dining room's remaining bricks with it as it jumped off the foundations. It gives a good visual indication of the displacement".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of damage to a house in Richmond. A double-brick wall has collapsed. A wire loop which formerly tied the two layers of bricks together has pulled out from one of the layers, showing how the two parts of the wall moved apart during the shaking. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. The remaining double brick by the back door has been further smashed and twisted".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Ciaran Fox from All Right? discussing the easiest way to give yourself and others a boost - smiling. Fox talks about the importance and effects of smiling, while another All Right? staff member and an 'All Rightie' travel around Christchurch making people smile. The video was uploaded to the All Right? YouTube channel on 1 October 2014. The description includes links to talks and articles that go into more detail about the science behind the benefits of smiling.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of damage to the former Princess Cinema in New Brighton. Bricks have fallen from the wall, exposing the interior. The photographer comments, "This is the back of the old Princess Cinema in New Brighton after the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand on 22 February. The bricks seem to be just on the edge of falling. This building has now been knocked down as it was so dangerous".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This report was the first report in the district series, and has a different format to later reports. It includes all natural hazards, not only earthquake hazards. It describes earthquake, flooding, meteorological, landslide and coastal hazards within Hurunui district and gives details of historic events. It includes district-scale (1:250,000) active fault and flood hazard maps. The report describes an earthquake scenario for a magnitude 6.9 earthquake near Cheviot, as well as flooding, meteorological, landslide, coastal erosion, storm surge, and tsunami scenarios.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This report was the first report in the district series, and has a different format to later reports. It includes all natural hazards, not only earthquake hazards. It describes earthquake, flooding, meteorological, landslide and coastal hazards within Hurunui district and gives details of historic events. It includes district-scale (1:250,000) active fault and flood hazard maps. The report describes an earthquake scenario for a magnitude 6.9 earthquake near Cheviot, as well as flooding, meteorological, landslide, coastal erosion, storm surge, and tsunami scenarios. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This report describes the earthquake hazard in Waimate and Mackenzie districts and the part of Waitaki district within Canterbury, and gives details of historic earthquakes. It includes district-scale (1:500,000) active fault, ground shaking zone, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility maps. The report describes earthquake scenarios for a magnitude 7.2-7.4 Ostler Fault earthquake near Twizel, a magnitude 8 Alpine Fault earthquake, and a magnitude 6.9 Hunters Hills Fault Zone earthquake near Waimate. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of damage to the former Princess Cinema in New Brighton. Bricks have fallen from the wall, exposing the interior. The photographer comments, "This is the side view of the back of the old Princess Cinema in New Brighton after the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand on 22 February. The bricks seem to be just about to fall, but stayed in place after several big aftershocks. This building has now been knocked down as it was so dangerous".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a media release by All Right? titled "Bug Invasion to Support Anxious Canterbury Children". The media release details the launch of the Worry Bug Project and the books Maia and the Worry Bug and Wishes and Worries. It includes quotes from Sarina Dickson (The Worry Bug Project), Dr Julie Burgess-Manning (Worry Bug), Sue Turner (All Right?), Dr Russell Wills (Children's Commission) and Tracey Chambers (The Canterbury Community Trust). The release was embargoed until 8 July 2015.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A yellow sticker on the door of a house in Worcester Street reading, "Restricted use. No entry except on essential business. Warning: This building has been damaged and its structural safety is questionable. Earthquake aftershocks present danger. Enter only at own risk. Subsequent events may result in increased damage and danger, changing this assessment. Reinspection may be required. The damage is as described below: partial collapse of longitudinal walls". Following on from this are the specific conditions that must be complied with to enable entry into the property, the inspector's identification details, and the date and time the building was inspected. At the bottom the form reads, "Do not remove this placard. Placed by order of the territorial authority Christchurch City Council".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph of the He-Ne Continuous Gas Laser used in David Lockwood's MSc research at the University of Canterbury. David says, "The experiments in the Thesis were aimed at examining the effects of sound waves on colloids, which are very small particles that are found in clays for example (for more details see page 181 of ). In fact, I was looking at nanoparticles of matter, which preceded the emergence of nanotechnology as a field of research by more than two decades. I needed a suitable light source to probe the alignment of the nanoparticles in the ultrasonic sound field. At that time the laser had just been invented and I realized that this was the ideal light source for my experiment. I then proceeded to construct the first home-built laser in New Zealand. This laser - a He-Ne continuous-wave gas laser - operated at 632.8 nm (in the red). This laser, over a metre long, is shown in the black-and-white photo. There were lot of problems to be overcome, but eventually, with invaluable help from Dr. Tom Seed (my MSc supervisor) and Dr. Rod Syme, I had it working".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Jane Murray and Stephen Timms during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Land Use Recovery Plan: How an impact assessment process engaged communities in recovery planning".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: In response to the Canterbury earthquakes, the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery directed Environment Canterbury (Canterbury's regional council) to prepare a Land Use Recovery Plan that would provide a spatial planning framework for Greater Christchurch and aid recovery from the Canterbury earthquakes. The Land Use Recovery Plan sets a policy and planning framework necessary to rebuild existing communities and develop new communities. As part of preparing the plan, an integrated assessment was undertaken to address wellbeing and sustainability concerns. This ensured that social impacts of the plan were likely to achieve better outcomes for communities. The process enabled a wide range of community and sector stakeholders to provide input at the very early stages of drafting the document. The integrated assessment considered the treatment of major land use issues in the plan, e.g. overall distribution of activities across the city, integrated transport routes, housing typography, social housing, employment and urban design, all of which have a key impact on health and wellbeing. Representatives from the Canterbury Health in All Policies Partnership were involved in designing a three-part assessment process that would provide a framework for the Land Use Recovery Plan writers to assess and improve the plan in terms of wellbeing and sustainability concerns. The detail of these assessment stages, and the influence that they had on the draft plan, will be outlined in the presentation. In summary, the three stages involved: developing key wellbeing and sustainability concerns that could form a set of criteria, analysing the preliminary draft of the Land Use Recovery Plan against the criteria in a broad sector workshop, and analysing the content and recommendations of the Draft Plan. This demonstrates the importance of integrated assessment influencing the Land Use Recovery Plan that in turn influences other key planning documents such as the District Plan. This process enabled a very complex document with wide-ranging implications to be broken down, enabling many groups, individuals and organisations to have their say in the recovery process. There is also a range of important lessons for recovery that can be applied to other projects and actions in a disaster recovery situation.