A press release from the Office of the Press Secretary in the US White House announcing the deployment of a US Agency for International Development (USAID) Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The response team included the Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue Team who assisted with the search and rescue efforts.
Members of the Urban Search and Rescue teams from Auckland at the Royal New Zealand Air Force Air Movements Terminal in Christchurch.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams outside the Kenton Chambers Building on Hereford Street.
Members of the USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) and Fire and Rescue New South Wales, eating lunch in their temporary headquarters in Latimer Square.
A photograph of workers and members of the Hutt City Emergency Response team and New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue team posing for a photograph. The photograph was taken outside the United States headquarters in Latimer Square.
Members of the Urban Search and Rescue teams from Auckland observing two minutes of silence a week after the 22 September 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of equipment from the New Zealand Fire Service Urban Search and Rescue team on display in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum. The equipment was used during the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
An image from a Army News March 2011 photo compilation titled, "All in a Days Work". The image is captioned, "A Chinese Urban Search and Rescue worker on the job". This USAR member was working on the CTV building which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
An image from a Army News March 2011 article titled, "Defence Medical Personnel Use Their Expertise". The image shows members of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team digging through rubble in the central city.
A digger clearing rubble on the site of the CTV Building.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams performing assessments of buildings on High Street near Manchester Street.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams performing an assessment of the Kenton Chambers Building on Hereford Street.
Structural Engineers from the New Zealand and Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue teams performing an assessment of the Kenton Chambers Building on Hereford Street.
A member of the Australian Urban Search and Rescue team standing next to a pile of bricks on Tuam Street. In the distance, dust is rising off a damaged store which is being demolished by a digger.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team, talking to a New Zealand Police Officer in Latimer Square. In the background is a wire fence with Search and Rescue Team equipment tied to it. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
A member of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Search and Rescue Team, talking to a New Zealand Police Officer in Latimer Square. In the background is a wire fence with Search and Rescue Team equipment tied to it. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, emergency service agencies set up their headquarters in Latimer Square.
Members of the Urban Search and Rescue teams from Auckland boarding an air craft at the Royal New Zealand Air Force air movements terminal in Christchurch.
Page 6 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Friday 25 February 2011.
Diggers at the CTV site. The rubble from the site has mostly been cleared, leaving an empty building site.
Diggers at the CTV site. The rubble from the site has mostly been cleared, leaving an empty building site.
An image from a Army News March 2011 photo compilation titled, "All in a Days Work". The image is captioned, "Searching through the rubble". In the image, members of the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue team are digging through rubble in the central city. In the background, a digger can be seen.
Page 5 of Section O of the Christchurch Press, published on Wednesday 23 February 2011.
A digger at the site of the CTV Building. In the background, the elevator shaft can still be seen.
Two diggers at the site of the CTV Building. In the background, the elevator shaft can still be seen.
Two diggers at the site of the CTV Building. In the background, the elevator shaft can still be seen.
Two diggers at the site of the CTV Building. In the background, the elevator shaft can still be seen.
Members of the New Zealand Defence Force and Urban Search and Rescue teams from Auckland observing two minutes of silence a week after the 22 September 2011 earthquake.
Members of the New Zealand Defence Force and Urban Search and Rescue teams from Auckland observing two minutes of silence a week after the 22 September 2011 earthquake.
A member of the New Zealand Defence Force on the site of the CTV Building. In the background diggers are being used to clear the rubble.
A press release from the United States Embassy New Zealand about the USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team gifting their New Zealand counterparts around $600,000 worth of sophisticated detection and rescue equipment after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.