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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of visitors to Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store deciding which of the ten paintings were their favourites. The paintings were part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of visitors to Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store standing in front of their favourite painting. The painting was part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a visitor to Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store standing in front of her favourite painting. The painting was part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a visitor to Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store standing beside his favourite painting. The painting was part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an All Right? image on the first page of The Christchurch Star highlighting the Christchurch Gig Guide on page 36. The image depicts an 'All Rightie' listening to music and dancing. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 13 September 2013 at 4:09pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a map used by the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team. The block of buildings between Montreal, Acton, St Asaph, and Antigua Streets has been outlined in red. Halkett Street has also been coloured in red. Various buildings around these areas have been highlighted in orange and blue.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Julia Holden and Tracey Porteous sitting beneath two paintings at Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store. The paintings were part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Gap Filler volunteer Masha Oliver choosing her top five paintings at Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store. The painting was part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Grey Quinn at Gap Filler's Inconvenience Store, standing in front of his favourite painting. The painting was part of the 'Present Tense' project which sought to highlight the inconvenience of the city in the present day. Visitors to the store were asked to choose five paintings they would like to see presented as a billboard installation in Auckland.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a map used by the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team. The block of buildings between Montreal, Acton, St Asaph, and Antigua Streets has been outlined in red. Halkett Street has also been coloured in red. Various buildings around these areas have been highlighted in orange and blue.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a map used by the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team. The block of buildings between Montreal, Acton, St Asaph, and Antigua Streets has been outlined in red. Halkett Street has also been coloured in red. Various buildings around these areas have been highlighted in orange and blue.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a protest against the merging of Phillipstown and Woolston Schools. Staff and students from Phillipstown School lead a march down Ferry Road to highlight the dangers children will face walking to school if Phillipstown is closed. The video also includes interviews with Phillipstown Principal Tony Simpson and Christchurch City Councillors Peter Beck and Makere Hubbard, about the protest and the merger.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Leanne Crozier, Director of Decipher Group Ltd, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Deciphering Employment Trends in Post-quakes Canterbury and Tapping Top Talent in the Pursuit of Innovation".The abstract for the presentation reads, "Highlighting employment opportunities that have emerged as a result of the rebuild and uncovering trends that will endure over the long term."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Penelope Burns during the second plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. Burns is the Senior Lecturer in the Department of General Practice at the University of Western Sydney. The presentation is titled, "Recovery Begins in Preparedness".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Involvement of primary care doctors in planning is essential for optimising the health outcomes of communities during and after disasters. However, our experience in Australia has shown that primary care doctors have not been included in a substantial way. This presentation will highlight our experience in the Victorian and New South Wales bushfires and the Sydney Siege. It will stress the crucial need to involve primary care doctors in planning at national, state, and local levels, and how we are working to implement this.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Matthew Pratt during the Resilience and Response Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Investing in Connectedness: Building social capital to save lives and aid recovery".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Traditionally experts have developed plans to prepare communities for disasters. This presentation discusses the importance of relationship-building and social capital in building resilient communities that are both 'prepared' to respond to disaster events, and 'enabled' to lead their own recovery. As a member of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Community Resilience Team, I will present the work I undertook to catalyse community recovery. I will draw from case studies of initiatives that have built community connectedness, community capacity, and provided new opportunities for social cohesion and neighbourhood planning. I will compare three case studies that highlight how social capital can aid recovery. Investment in relationships is crucial to aid preparedness and recovery.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This report provides information on the locations and character of active geological faults and folds in Ashburton District. The faults are mapped at a district scale and the information is intended to highlight areas where there is a risk of permanent fault movement at the ground surface, and where more detailed investigations should be done if development is proposed in that area (depending on the potential activity of the fault and the type of development proposed). See Object Overview for background and usage information. Most of the faults and folds identified at the ground surface in Ashburton District are in rural or very sparsely populated areas. In addition, most of the faults have relatively long recurrence intervals (long-term average time between fault movements) in the order of several thousand years. Following the Ministry for the Environment Active Fault Guidelines, normal residential development would be allowed on or near faults with recurrence intervals this long. There are no recommendations associated with this report. The information in the report will be reviewed as required, after the remaining district reports are completed in the region.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This report provides information on the locations and character of active geological faults and folds in Mackenzie District. The faults are mapped at a district scale and the information is intended to highlight areas where there is a risk of fault movement, and where more detailed investigations should be done if development is proposed in that area(depending on the potential activity of the fault and the type of development proposed). Most of the faults and folds identified at the ground surface in Mackenzie District are in rural or very sparsely populated areas. In addition, most of the faults have relatively long recurrence intervals (long-term average time between fault movements) in the order of several thousand years. Following the Ministry for the Environment Active Fault Guidelines, normal residential development would be allowed on or near faults with recurrence intervals this long. There are no recommendations associated with this report. The information in the report will be reviewed as required, after the remaining district reports are completed in the region. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the keynote-presentation by Dr Jeanne LeBlanc, Registered Psychologist, during the second plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. LeBlanc is a Registered Psychologist, specialising in Clinical Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation. She is the British Columbia Psychological Association (BCPA) Representative for the American Psychological Associate State, Territorial and Provincial Disaster Response Network, and has also been appointed as the Behavioural Health Liaison to the American Board of Disaster Medicine. The presentation is titled, "Machetes and Breadfruit: Medical disaster response challenges in unstable settings".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti resulted in a massive response to a setting which was already fraught with danger, causing a number of personal, logistical, and safety challenges to responding medical teams. This presentation will provide a first-person account of this experience from the perspective of a behavioural health professional, whose responsibility was both the overall emotional wellbeing of the medical responders, as well as those impacted by the quake. Unique 'lessons learned' by these response teams will be highlighted, and recommendations will be provided for responders considering deploying to future events in highly unstable areas.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the keynote presentation by Alexander C. McFarlane during the third plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. McFarlane is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Adelaide and the Heady of the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies. The presentation is titled, "Holding onto the Lessons Disasters Teach".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Disasters are sentinel points in the life of the communities affected. They bring an unusual focus to community mental health. In so doing, they provide unique opportunities for better understanding and caring for communities. However, one of the difficulties in the disaster field is that many of the lessons from previous disasters are frequently lost. If anything, Norris (in 2006) identified that the quality of disaster research had declined over the previous 25 years. What is critical is that a longitudinal perspective is taken of representative cohorts. Equally, the impact of a disaster should always be judged against the background mental health of the communities affected, including emergency service personnel. Understandably, many of those who are particularly distressed in the aftermath of a disaster are people who have previously experienced a psychiatric disorder. It is important that disaster services are framed against knowledge of this background morbidity and have a broad range of expertise to deal with the emerging symptoms. Equally, it is critical that a long-term perspective is considered rather than short-term support that attempts to ameliorate distress. Future improvement of disaster management depends upon sustaining a body of expertise dealing with the consequences of other forms of traumatic stress such as accidents. This expertise can be redirected to co-ordinate and manage the impact of larger scale events when disasters strike communities. This presentation will highlight the relevance of these issues to the disaster planning in a country such as New Zealand that is prone to earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Lesley Campbell during the Community and Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Canterbury Family Violence Collaboration: An innovative response to family violence following the Canterbury earthquakes - successes, challenges, and achievements".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Across a range of international jurisdictions there is growing evidence that shows a high prevalence of family violence, child abuse and sexual violence over a number of years following natural disasters (World Health Organisation, 2005). Such empirical findings were also reflected within the Canterbury region following the earthquake events in 2010 and 2011. For example, in the weekend following the September 2010 earthquake, Canterbury police reported a 53% increase in call-outs to family violence incidents. In 2012, Canterbury police investigated over 7,400 incidents involving family violence - approximately 19 incidents each day. Child, youth and family data also reflect an increase in family violence, with substantiated cases of abuse increasing markedly from 1,130 cases in 2009 to 1,650 cases in 2011. These numbers remain elevated. Challenging events like the Canterbury earthquakes highlight the importance of, and provide the catalyst for, strengthening connections with various communities of interest to explore new ways of responding to the complex issue of family violence. It was within this context that the Canterbury Family Violence Collaboration (Collaboration) emerged. Operating since 2012, the Collaboration now comprises 45 agencies from across governmental and non-governmental sectors. The Collaboration's value proposition is that it delivers system-wide responses to family violence that could not be achieved by any one agency. These responses are delivered within five strategic priority areas: housing, crisis response and intervention, prevention, youth, and staff learning and development. The purpose of this presentation is to describe the experiences of the collaborative effort and lessons learnt by the collaborative partners in the first three years after its establishment. It will explore the key successes and challenges of the collaborative effort, and outline the major results achieved - a unique contribution, in unique circumstances, to address family violence experienced by Canterbury people throughout the period of recovery and rebuild.