A colour photograph showing damage to the former City Council Civic Offices following the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of rubble from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of rubble from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of bricks from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a pile of bricks from the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The huge leadlight ceiling in the old City Council Civic Offices, Manchester Street".
A photograph of a marble plaque on the wall of the partially-demolished City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street. The plaque lists the former Mayors and Chairmen of Christchurch. The bottom of the plaque has been covered by rubble.
A colour photograph of the east frontage of the former City Council Offices on Manchester Street, which appears to have been taken before the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A written history of 194-196 Manchester Street, the former City Council Civic Offices.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Plaster reliefs on the wall of the old City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The former City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street".
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch City Council Civic Offices and surrounding buildings.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The plaque listing the mayors of Christchurch on the wall of the old City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street".
A photograph of the stained glass skylight in the former City Council Civic Offices building on Manchester Street.
A photograph of the former City Council Civic Offers at 194-196 Manchester Street. USAR codes have been stray-painted on the windows. A yellow sticker is stuck to the door, indicating that entry to the building is restricted.
A photograph of the former City Council Civic Offers at 194-196 Manchester Street. USAR codes have been stray-painted on the windows. A yellow sticker is stuck to the door, indicating that entry to the building is restricted.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Rear of the old City Council Civic Offices in Manchester Street, seen from Gloucester Street".
The end gable of the Library Chambers has crumbled, and the area has been cordoned off with fencing and cones. In the background is the new Christchurch City Council's Civic Offices.
A view of the intersection of Cambridge Terrace and Worcester Boulevard. From the left are the Police station, Christchurch City Council's Civic Offices, the HSBC Tower and the Harley Building on the right.
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch City Council Civic Offices and surrounding buildings. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The River Avon runs through this photograph and marks the western edge of the red zone".
View of Christchurch Art Gallery's forecourt, which includes the sculpture "Reasons for Voyaging", a collaboration between Canterbury sculptor, Graham Bennett and architect, David Cole. Behind it is the HSBC House and the new Christchurch City Council Civic offices.
Looking down Montreal Street, with the Christchurch Art Gallery on the left, and the sculpture "Reasons for Voyaging", a collaboration between Canterbury sculptor, Graham Bennett and architect, David Cole. Behind it is the new Christchurch City Council Civic Offices building.
A view of the intersection of Hereford Street and Cambridge Terrace. The end gable of the Library Chambers has crumbled, and the area has been cordoned off with fencing and cones. In the background is the Christchurch City Council's Civic Offices.