A graphic showing the council's liabilities on infrastructure and the anchor projects.
A photograph of a Christchurch City Council building on Tuam Street. One of the windows on the bottom floor has shattered and there is glass on the footpath below.
A photograph of the Christchurch City Council car park building on Madras Street. The bottom windows of the building have been boarded up and the building has been fenced off.
A video of a press conference with Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Raf Manji, Chair of the Christchurch City Council Finance Committee, about the KordaMentha report. KordaMentha is an independent auditing firm which specialises in insolvencies and corporate recovery. The report analysed the Christchurch City Council's three year budgeting plan and the financial strategies that lay behind it. Much of this budget dealt with the challenges in Christchurch caused by the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Dalziel talks about the cost of mending Christchurch's infrastructure, the Council's insurance settlement, and the need to address the findings in the report. Manji talks about the Council's financial options following the report.
A video of Lianne Dalziel announcing her decision to run for the mayoralty of Christchurch. Dalziel talks about the rebuild of Christchurch, and the daily lives of those living in post-earthquake Christchurch. She also talks about her decision to run independently, her experience as a minister, and the need for transparency and financial integrity in the Christchurch City Council. Lastly, she talks about the building consent crisis at the Council, and the need for the Council to connect with communities.
A graphic promoting a discussion on press.co.nz of an article about dissatisfaction with the Christchurch City Council CEO.
A safety notice board in the window of the Christchurch City Council Civic Offices on Hereford Street.
A safety notice board in the window of the Christchurch City Council Civic Offices on Hereford Street.
The west face of the former Christchurch City Council building, seen from Colombo Street.
A photograph of a sign reading, "Save this building", on the badly-damaged Christchurch City Council building on Tuam Street.
A video of an interview with Lianne Dalziel about her decision to run for the mayoralty of Christchurch. Dalziel talks about resigning as a member of parliament, creating a sounding board for community, businesses, and the political spectrum at the Christchurch City Council, and the importance of uniting the Council.
A PDF copy of a letter from the Anglican Advocacy (formerly the Anglican Life Social Justice Unit), to Christchurch City Council requesting exemption from parking requirements for inner city east landowners.
An aerial photograph looking south over the Christchurch City Council administration building on Worcester Street with the Christchurch Art Gallery in the foreground.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Old Christchurch City Council administration building on Tuam Street".
A photograph of a makeshift café set up by Lyttelton Coffee Co outside the Christchurch City Council in Lyttelton.
A photograph of a sign on the door of the Christchurch City Council Building on Hereford Street. The sign reads, "EOC staff to use Worcester Street entrance".
A photograph of a detail of the installation 'Cardencity', showing a logo based on the Christchurch City Council's logo, but featuring a damaged cathedral.
A photograph of a detail of the installation 'Cardencity', showing a logo based on the Christchurch City Council's logo, but featuring a damaged cathedral.
Christchurch City Council workers placing planters on Colombo Street in preparation for its re-opening.
Christchurch City Council workers placing planters on Colombo Street in preparation for its re-opening.
Christchurch City Council workers placing planters on Colombo Street in preparation for its re-opening.
Christchurch City Council workers placing planters on Colombo Street in preparation for its re-opening.
A photograph of a crane outside the former Christchurch City Council building on Tuam Street.
A photograph of a sign giving information about consultation on the Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Master Plan.
A photograph of a sign giving information about consultation on the Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Master Plan.
A pdf copy of the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group's submission on the Christchurch City Council's Long Term Plan.
A pdf copy of feedback given by the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi organising group on the draft Christchurch City Preliminary Resilience Assessment.
An incomplete layout for the front page of The Press. The headline reads, "City Council failed to grasp the magnitude of the task".
Painted lines on the road at the corner of Hereford and Colombo Streets, part of the Christchurch City Council's Transitional City project.
A PDF copy of pages 272-273 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Events Village'. Photos with permission: CCC