The damaged Haralds building in Papanui has a tarpaulin covering the roof, but still has an Open sign displayed and a sale bin of fabric displayed outside the shop.
A photograph of architecture students wearing hard hats and high-visibility vests setting up the large-scale fabric installation titled Kloud, which is part of LUXCITY.
A digger clearing building rubble from demolished buildings on the corner of London Street in Lyttelton. Fabric hearts have been attached to the fence in front.
Heart shaped fabric and a note that reads "Farewell Sweet Volcano" have been woven on the fence around site where the Volcano Cafe was located, on the corner of London and Canterbury Streets.
Heart shaped fabric and a note that reads "Farewell Sweet Volcano" have been woven on the fence around site where the Volcano Cafe was located, on the corner of London and Canterbury Streets.
A photograph of people installing a large-scale fabric sculpture on a vacant site on Worcester Street. The sculpture is for Canterbury Tales - the main event of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of people installing a large-scale fabric sculpture on a vacant site on Worcester Street. The sculpture is for Canterbury Tales - the main event of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of people installing a large-scale fabric sculpture on a vacant site on Worcester Street. The sculpture is for Canterbury Tales - the main event of FESTA 2013.
The MedLab building on Kilmore Street. Many of the windows are open or have been broken. Inside, ceiling tiles are missing and swaths of fabric hang from concrete beams.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Hope sign at Hereford and Manchester Streets".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Hope sign at Hereford and Manchester Streets".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Hope sign at Hereford and Manchester Streets".
A photograph of the street art in front of St Barnabas Church on Fendalton Road. The message, "Outrageous", has been constructed from fabric and other materials on the wire fences in front of the building.
A photograph of the street art in front of St Barnabas Church on Fendalton Road. The message, "Outrageous", has been constructed from fabric and other materials on the wire fences in front of the building.
A photograph of the street art in front of St Barnabas Church on Fendalton Road. The message, "Outrageous", has been constructed from fabric and other materials on the wire fences in front of the building.
A building on Lichfield Street with damage to the top storey facade and roof. Fabric has been strapped to the roof and windows have been boarded up to prevent weather damage to the inside of building. Fencing has been placed around the exterior of the building.
A photograph of people examining the artworks at the opening of the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A photograph of people examining the artworks at the opening of the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A residential property on the corner of Queensbury and Goodman Street in the Horseshoe Lake district". A road cone of the side of the road has been decorated with a fabric angel.
A photograph of the outside of the building housing the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition. Posters in the window advertise the exhibition.
A photograph of a detail of one of the large-scale puppets created by Free Theatre Christchurch for Canterbury Tales. A toothbrush, toothpaste, and other household items are held in pockets, sewn onto netting fabric. Canterbury Tales was the main event of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of a detail of one of the large-scale puppets created by Free Theatre Christchurch for Canterbury Tales. A fork, spoon, lighter, and other household items are held in pockets, sewn onto netting fabric. Canterbury Tales was the main event of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of some of the craft artists who were involved in creating the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A photograph of Jenny Cooper positioning paper mosaic designs on Crack'd for Christchurch's armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "January 2014. Jenny Cooper begins the design of the chair 'fabric'. The chair has to be finished by September."
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Visitor Ann Rees and her husband Bernard from South Wales said when looking at the yarn-bombed busts at the Arts Centre that it didn't appear like the work of vandals, but looked quite homely and warm".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Visitor Ann Rees and her husband Bernard from South Wales said when looking at the yarn-bombed busts at the Arts Centre that it didn't appear like the work of vandals, but looked quite homely and warm".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Visitor Ann Rees and her husband Bernard from South Wales said when looking at the yarn-bombed busts at the Arts Centre that it didn't appear like the work of vandals, but looked quite homely and warm".
A photograph of a Pacific print on fabric. The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.
A PDF copy of pages 170-171 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'As Far As Eye Can See'. Photos: Gap Filler
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch CBD was 'yarn-bombed' during the weekend using yarn and fabric pieces to brighten public areas and earthquake-affected spaces. Visitor Ann Rees and her husband Bernard from South Wales said when looking at the yarn-bombed busts at the Arts Centre (from left: Diana Isaac, Elisie Locke, Charles Luney and Margaret Mahy) that it didn't appear like the work of vandals, but looked quite homely and warm".