A photograph of SPCA Canterbury Education Officer Jasmine Lewis and an animal attendant sorting through paperwork for animals which are being relocated after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of members from Massey University's Veterinary Emergency Response Team (VERT) ready to depart. VERT travelled to Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in order to assist with the caring of animals.
A document produced by SPCA Canterbury describing their experiences after the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of a veterinarian giving a stray cat a worming tablet and checking its teeth after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of SPCA Inspector Christoff Heyns checking in a rabbit which was displaced by the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a member of SPCA helping a member of Massy University's Veterinary Emergency Response Team (VERT) to load medical supplies into their vehicles. VERT travelled to Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in order to assist with caring for animals.
The Canterbury earthquakes destroyed the Christchurch CBD and caused massive disruption to business across the region. There was an urgent need to support business survival and foster economic recovery. Recover Canterbury is a hub providing seamless support for businesses affected by the earthquakes, giving them easy access to government and commercial expertise in a one-stop shop.
A photograph of the clock from the Canterbury Provincial Chambers on display in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum.
Object Overview of 'Canterbury region earthquake source identification and characterisation (Kingsbury and Pettinga, 2008).'
The 2010 Canterbury time capsule chimney box which will record Canterbury earthquake memories.
The 2010 Canterbury time capsule chimney box which will record Canterbury earthquake memories.
An image depicting the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster'. The image models how to best utilise the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' poster and magnet set, with named carriages at different places on the roller coaster. The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.
A photograph of a sign about liquefaction in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum.
A photograph of a sign about liquefaction in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum.
A photograph of a sign about liquefaction in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum.
A photograph of the Speaker's Chair on display in the Canterbury Quakes exhibition at the Canterbury Museum. The Speaker's Chair stood at the southern end of the Stone Chamber of the Canterbury Provincial Chambers, and survived the 22 February 2011 earthquake despite the damage to the chamber.
A PDF copy of a news item from the union.org.nz website, titled, "Canterbury Earthquake".
The Canterbury Time Capsule 2010 Booklet explaining the project.
Vice Chancellor of the University of Canterbury Dr Rod Carr writes about the 2010 Canterbury Earthquake.
Damage to the Baptist Church on Oxford Terrace. Cracks in the roof facade.
Fulton Hogan employees examining a large crack in the middle of a road in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Large cracks along a footpath barred off by City Care tape along the river in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
Liquefaction and flooding in a street in Kaiapoi, after the September 4th earthquake.
Liquefaction 'volcanos' in Kaiapoi, after the September 4th earthquake. Silt erupted out of the ground, piling up over the surface and leaving cracks at the mouth of the volcano.
Liquefaction-damaged carpets removed from a residential propoerty in Pines Beach, after the September 4th earthquake.
Large cracks along the ground in Kaiapoi, after the September 4th earthquake.
Cracks in the path of a residential property on Hood Avenue in Pines Beach after the September 4th earthquake.
Workers survey a street in Avonside where there are large cracks, piles of liquefaction dug up from people's houses, fenced off portions of the street and an army vehicle parked, after the September 4th earthquake.
Police tape cordons off large cracks in the road beside large piles of liquefaction dug from people's houses on a street in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.
A large crack in the centre of a street in Avonside after the September 4th earthquake.