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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Furniture spray-painted with drawings and words by members of the public as part of the Words of Hope project. Messages can be seen, such as, "Oneness, lovingness, synchronised hearts", "Take it easy! Yay...words of hope!", "Think differently", "Happy, happy, happy", "Christchurch FTW", "Life is for loving", "Life is beautiful", "Plant and grow", "Rise up", and "Keep going Chch".

Audio, UC QuakeStudies

A recorded conversation about the arts in Christchurch, facilitated by Rosalee Jenkin (UC CEISMIC) and featuring Sophie Davis (UC Masters student and co-director of North Projects), Lara Strongman (Senior Curator at Christchurch Art Gallery), Gaby Montejo (visual art practitioner and teacher) and Wongi Wilson (street artist and professional graffiti artist). The podcast is the first in a series of conversations hosted by UC CEISMIC about Christchurch, five years on from the February 22 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The Youth Shop, parth of the emerging Youth Hub on Barbadoes Street. The Youth Hub aims to be a one-stop-shop for youth to address their health, education, employment, volunteering, justice and welfare needs. On the front is a sign that says ' Canterbury Youth Shop, 294 Barbadoes Street, CHCH. 10am-4pm. Come mee the crew. Job Searching. Study Options. Youth Employment Advisors' and 'Hire me' in the background.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A protest sign painted on a fence shows a bulldozer labelled "Govt." driven by a woman (presumably representing Education Minister Hekia Parata) running over a sheep labelled "Chch schools", next to the words "Every time you close a school you have to build a jail - Mark Twain." The photographer comments, "Due to the earthquakes in Christchurch and parents leaving the area to give their children a quieter and more education friendly life a lot of the local schools especially in the East of Christchurch are to be closed or amalgamated. This was a decision by the government without consultation with any other authorities. Mark Twain actually said 'Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail'".