
found 37 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a crowd gathered on the corner of St Asaph Street and Madras Street for a public talk about ArtBox gallery by Andrew Just and Martin Trusttum. The talk was part of FESTA 2012.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the preparation for the 2012 Ellerslie Flower Show in Hagley Park. The video includes interviews with Xiaohua Li, an Architecture and Landscape Design student at Lincoln University, Dave Mee, the Ellerslie Flower Show Managing Director, and Leona Murahidy.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Martin Trusttum, CPIT Faculty of Creative Arts, giving a talk about ArtBox on the corner of St Asaph Street and Madras Street. The photograph was taken during a public talk about the temporary studio and gallery space. The event was part of FESTA 2012.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Martin Trusttum, CPIT Faculty of Creative Arts, giving a public talk about ArtBox on the corner of St Asaph Street and Madras Street. The photograph was taken during a public talk about the temporary studio and gallery space. The event was part of FESTA 2012.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of light sculptures on Gloucester Street during the LuxCity event. The photographer comments, "This was part of the LuxCity event in Christchurch, New Zealand. It was a way of creating a city of lights on the sites of demolished buildings in the earthquake devastated red zone. 350 architecture and design students from all around New Zealand created and constructed 16 pop up spaces".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of signage for the Places of Tranquillity initiative. Healthy Christchurch lead the collaborative project to create six gardens of beauty and peace to fill in some of the grey demolition sites across Christchurch. The signage promotes the initiative and invites people to register to create tranquil gardens at From "Healthy Christchurch is leading this innovative collaboration creating six gardens of beauty and peace to fill in some of the grey demolition sites across Christchurch.These gardens are for peace and tranquillity as well as family and community use with spaces designed for both." "This is a Healthy Christchurch collaboration in partnership with the city's ethnic communities to include their traditions, cultures and spiritual beliefs. This ensures that these communities' voices and presence is more visible in the rebuild of our city. There are three key partners in this collaborative project. Greening the Rubble are providing expertise in temporary site development and project managing the creation. Lincoln University School of Landscape Architecture provided the student competition and are supporting the winning students and their designs into fruition. Community and Public Health (CDHB) provide the overall project management, networks and promotion." "In 2012 Lincoln University School of Landscape Architecture students created 40 beautiful designs for the Places of Tranquillity. Six winning designs were chosen from the 995 votes made online or at the displays at Community and Public Health and the Migrant Centre. The six winners were announced at the Healthy Christchurch Hui on the 31st May 2012. Each winning student received a Certificate and a $50 Scorpio Book Voucher. The awards were presented by Michelle Mitchell, General Manager of the CERA Wellbeing Team."