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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A view down Chancery Lane through cordon fencing. A sign reading "No Entry" is posted on the fence, and fallen leaves have accumulated around the fence and buildings. The photographer comments, "Chancery Lane in the Christchurch CBD red zone looks like it has had no one through at all since the February earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A broken window at ground level has building rubble behind it, some of which has been pushed out through the broken glass. The photographer comments, "The alternate title is 'Under Pressure'. A bulldozer must have pushed earthquake debris up against the internal wall not realising there was a glass reinforced window at ground level".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers inspect a broken sewerage line in New Brighton. The photographer comments, "After the Christchurch earthquake on 23 December 2011 the sewer pipe got badly damaged at New Brighton and was leaking into the Avon River. I think the guy was worried about the fast flow causing him to fill his boots rather than the depth".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A 'sand volcano' of liquefaction silt. The photograph has been rotated 180 degrees. The photographer comments, "This could be just a horrible hole caused by liquefaction pouring out of a hole after the Christchurch earthquake in January, but turn it upside down and it becomes an outcrop on the floor of an unseen tidal estuary".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Close up of an oven element which has blown and partly melted. The photographer comments, "After the Christchurch earthquake on the 22 February we had no power for about 4 days. We finally got electricity again from the electricity companies' mobile generator the size of a big van. We turned on the oven and there was a loud vibrating hum and this was the result".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Part of Mike Hewson's installation 'Homage To Lost Spaces' in the Cramner Courts building, a photograph of a young man working at a desk has been inserted into a gap in the building. The photographer comments, "Although Cranmer Courts are in ruins pictures have been inserted into the windows to make them look occupied".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a stencilled logo for the Christchurch School of Music. The photographer comments, "The Christchurch School of Music donated several old broken pianos to be placed on Gap Filler sites in Christchurch. Gap Filler make the land where buildings have been demolished into places the local inhabitants can enjoy. As in Maths two negatives make a positive".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a building on Poplar Lane. The photographer comments, "I felt that this building had a real Italian feel about it. It is actually in Christchurch, New Zealand. It appears on the list to be partially demolished after the Christchurch earthquake, so it might not be around for much longer".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The entrance to the West Avon building on Montreal Street. The photographer comments, "This very wonderful Art Deco heritage building in Christchurch had residents living in it until another visit from the building engineers re-re-checking for earthquake damage. Now it is fenced off and on the list for possible demolition".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The feet of a fallen mannequin rest against a shop window. The photographer comments, "It is enough to make your toes curl. This is a mannequin that has been on its back since this clothing store was cleared out after the Christchurch earthquake. The store, which is in the earthquake red zone, has been off limits and untouched in the for two years".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper and framing below. The driveway is cracked and covered in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. More shaking damage on the east wall of the living room at our house".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team in their temporary office in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. The e-learning corner; Alan Hoskin (learning adviser) in the foreground, some guy in a blue shirt at my desk, Rob Stowell (our video guy) arriving, Herbert Thomas (group leader), Lei Zhang (elearning developer/sysadmin)".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Lei Zhang, a member of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team, in their temporary office in the University Printery building. The photographer comments, "The University restarts its teaching, and the techies in e-learning move out of NZi3. We are sharing an office at the printery building. Richard Holliday and Aimee Leaning do their pre-press and outsourcing work, while Lei configures a new video streaming system".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the entrance to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The window to the left has been boarded up with plywood, and tape has been placed in front to keep the area clear. A green sticker can be seen in the window to the right, indicating that the hotel is safe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a man standing inside the cordon fence which has been placed around a building on Cashel Street. Road cones have also been placed around the building and the word "Danger" has been spray-painted on the footpath in front. Fallen masonry from the building lies on the footpath in front.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a pile of liquefaction and other rubble on the side of a residential road in Christchurch. The material has been removed from a property and placed on the road for the Christchurch City Council to collect. A road cone has been placed next to the pile to warn road users of its presence.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of looking west out a window of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building on Armagh Street. To the left is the Victoria Apartments with a slight forward lean. Victoria Square is in the centre of the photograph and to the right is the Crowne Plaza Hotel. In the foreground is the Copthorne Hotel.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an earthquake-damaged house. Wooden bracing has been placed in between the house and the fence, with wires connecting the top of the bracing to the peak of the roof. Emergency management personnel are in the driveway to the right. In the foreground a section of the brick fence at the front of the property has toppled.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the site of a demolished house on the corner of Springfield Road and Bealey Avenue. "No go" has been spray-painted on the earthquake-damaged fence. Wire fencing and police tape has been placed across the entrance as a cordon. In the background, rubble from the demolished building can be seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the a gable of the Cranmer Courts on the corner of Kilmore and Montreal Street. Wooden bracing has been used to hold the rest of the stones together, and neon tape has been wrapped around the other gables to help keep them secure during aftershocks.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of rubble from a number of earthquake-damaged buildings on Bealey Avenue. Bricks from the building in the distance have spilled onto the footpath in front and wire fencing has been used to cordon it off. In the foreground, rubble from a demolished house can be seen. Cordon tape reading "danger keep out" has been draped across the fence.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Anderson and Hill Sports Power on the corner of St Asaph and Colombo Streets. Wire fences have been placed across the street as a cordon. In the background, rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings and crushed cars line the left side of the road. There is also foliage from a fallen tree.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the New Zealand Army talking to a police officer on the corner of Colombo and Wordsworth Street. In the background there is a block of earthquake-damaged shops. Sections of the shops' walls have collapsed and the rubble has spilled onto the road and footpath.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Piko Wholefoods Building on the corner of Kilmore and Barbadoes Street. Sections of the top storey of the building have collapsed and the bricks and other rubble have spilled onto the footpath below. Steel fences have been placed around the building as a cordon.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the experiences of church goers after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Many of the congregations have had to find temporary facilities after the earthquake damaged their churches. The video includes an interview with Bishop Barry Jones from the Roman Catholic Church. Jones talks about the miracle that nobody died in the earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with nuns at the Jesus of the Carmelite monastery in Halswell, about their experiences during the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The video includes interviews with Sister Dorothea Mary of Jesus, Sister Cushla of Mary Immaculate, and Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Jacinda, a member of the Lyttelton community who was given a felt heart outside the library. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A member of the Lyttelton community who was given a felt heart outside the library. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A member of the Lyttelton community who was given a felt heart outside the library. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.