A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'Domo Store, 236 Tuam Street'.
Damage to the rear of the Ballantynes building, seen from Tuam Street. Bricks along the top of the wall have collapsed.
Damage to a building on Tuam Street. Bricks have fallen from the wall onto the fire escape stairs.
Looking north up Manchester Street from Tuam Street.
A photograph of the Telogis Concept Christchurch project on the corner of Tuam Street and Madras Street. The project was organised by the Student Volunteer Army and Life in Vacant Spaces.
A photograph of a removed roof on the ground on the corner of Tuam Street and Manchester Street. A stack of shipping containers can be seen in the distance, against the remaining facade of the Excelsior Hotel building.
A photograph of the Telogis Concept Christchurch project on the corner of Tuam Street and Madras Street. The project was organised by the Student Volunteer Army and Life in Vacant Spaces.
An aerial photograph of High Street. The photograph has been captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A detail of High Street between the Lichfield and Manchester Street intersection and the Tuam and Poplar Street intersection".
A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building, previously the site of Portobello Antiques on Tuam Street. The second storey wall has collapsed leaving the inside exposed.
A report which details the archaeological investigations carried out during the course of SCIRT project 10952, wastewater renewal work on Tuam Street.
A photograph looking east down Tuam Street. The old Post Office building (now C1 Espresso) can be seen in the distance.
A photograph looking east down Tuam Street. The old Post Office building (now C1 Espresso) can be seen in the distance.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The side view of the McKenzie & Willis building on Tuam Street".
A digital copy of a pen and ink and watercolour painting by Raymond Morris, titled, 'McKenzie & Willis Store, Tuam Street'.
A photograph looking east along Tuam Street towards the intersection of Colombo Street. The badly-damaged Bean Bags and Beyond building at 626 Colombo Street can be seen on the right hand side. In front of it is the remains of the Leather Direct building (615 Colombo Street).
A photograph of the earthquake damaged site of the Domo furniture store on Tuam Street taken shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Two men can be seen walking past the rubble along the street.
A photograph of a earthquake damaged building on Tuam Street taken shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Bricks from the top of the façade have crumbled, falling into the street below and crushing some parked cars.
A photograph of workers from the Residential Access Project walking down Tuam Street. The project gave residents temporary access within the red-zone cordon in order to retrieve items from their homes.
A photograph of Agropolis, an urban farm on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street. Agropolis was the venue for several events throughout FESTA 2013.
A photograph of Agropolis, an urban farm on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street. Agropolis was the venue for several events throughout FESTA 2013.
A photograph of Agropolis, an urban farm on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street. Agropolis was the venue for several events throughout FESTA 2013.
A photograph of Agropolis, an urban farm on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street. Agropolis was the venue for several events throughout FESTA 2013.
PTE Tea Glbert 2/1RNZIR and CFC Ng Evan, Singapore Air Force, guarding a cordon on the corner of Tuam and Durham Streets at dusk.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to R&R Sport on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets. Most of the side wall has crumbled, exposing the wooden structure beneath.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to R&R Sport on the corner of Colombo and Tuam Streets. Most of the side wall has crumbled, exposing the wooden structure beneath.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "7 Poplar Lane".
The McKenzie and Willis building on High Street with damage to the top storey. The side wall has crumbled, exposing the inside of the building where the roof has been propped up by scaffolding. The front facade of the building is also damaged and is held upright by steel bracing.
The back of a Poplar Lane building, now visible due to all the other buildings around it being demolished.
The corner of Manchester and Tuam Streets in town, the street cordoned off in the distance. Peaches and Cream can be seen, the walls braced with wooden planks.
A photograph of the badly-damaged buildings on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street. The corner has been cordoned off and fallen bricks lie behind the fences. Stark, white mannequins can be seen in the windows.