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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of two draft images created for the Hanmer Springs competition. Both images read, "Win a Hanmer Springs getaway! We have a Family Escape ($419) or Pamper Pack ($329) to give away, along with eight Mini-Group passes to the hot pools. To be in to win, simply visit and post a photo of something that makes you feel all right in winter. Entries close at 5pm on Thursday 21 August".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Adam McGrath, Jess Shanks and Alice Ryan Williams from Lyttelton band The Eastern singing songs to people in the community. The song recipients were nominated by family, friends or workmates, and in total seven people were chosen, including a teacher, office worker and traffic controller. The video and event were organised by All Right?. The video was distributed by The Press and was posted to the All Right? Facebook Timeline in October 2014.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a billboard design encouraging people to give and connect. The billboard depicts a family sharing some kai and reads, "When did you last share kai with the whānau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love." The billboard is from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing. The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a simple, evidence-based approach to improving wellbeing, promoted by the Mental Health Foundation.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a presentation slide with the title "Why...Pacific women; The heartbeat of the family" . The slide shows a poster from the All Right? I am... Identity project featuring Sandy Otufangavalu with her daughter Arihadnah. The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of conference leaders and presenters at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. People in the photograph include Terisa Tagicakibau (Community and Public Health; third from left), Losana Korovulavula (Healthy Families New Zealand; middle) and Diane Fenika (Ministry of Pacific Peoples; second from right). The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An image encouraging people to give. The image depicts an 'All Rightie' trimming a hedge and accompanied by a dog and reads, "When did you last show a little love? It's the little things that really make a big difference to our family and friends." The image was from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing. The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a simple, evidence-based approach to improving wellbeing, promoted by the Mental Health Foundation.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a presentation slide with the title "Pacific wellbeing". The slide shows a poster from the All Right? I am ... Identity project featuring Sophia Leota. The title of the poster is "It's like a family. On and off the field, we look out for each other". The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Win a Hanmer Springs getaway! We have a Family Escape ($419) or Pamper Pack ($329) to give away, along with eight Mini-Group passes to the hot pools. To be in to win, simply email a photo of something that makes you feel all right to Entries close at 5pm on Thursday 21 August". All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 7 August 2014 at 12:29pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Teddy time: A Whanganui man has sent dozens of teddy bears to Rangiora to be distributed to children affected by the Canterbury earthquake. Ted Cheriton sent the teddies to National MP Kate Wilkinson's office to be distributed. Ms Wilkinson said it was a fantastic gesture. 'I am sure they will be welcome in Kaiapoi and beach settlements where damage from the earthquake has severely affected many families', she said. 'Hopefully these teddies will bring a smile to some young children and cheer them up in what has been a very trying and traumatic time'".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of conference leaders and presenters at the beginning of the conference, including Terisa Tagicakibau (Community and Public Health; third from left), Losana Korovulavula (Healthy Families New Zealand; middle), Edna Soli (Pacific Trust Canterbury; third from right) and Diane Fenika (Ministry of Pacific Peoples; second from right). The photograph was taken at the second annual Out of the Heart Pacific Women's Leadership Conference, held at Riccarton Racecourse on 21 May 2016. The conference was sponsored by All Right? and featured posters from the All Right? I am ... Identity project.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A residential property in Bexley has an offensive message spray-painted on the garage door warning off intruders. The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt ... Saddest of all are the messages that have been scrawled on walls and garage doors by departing locals. At one end of the scale, thanking the family home for the memories, and at the other end of the scale cursing the looters which have made a bad situation that much more unbearable".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A residential property in Bexley with an overgrown garden. A spray-painted message on the wall of the house reads, "Thanks 4 the memories, 1997-2012, kia kaha". The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt ... Saddest of all are the messages that have been scrawled on walls and garage doors by departing locals. At one end of the scale, thanking the family home for the memories, and at the other end of the scale cursing the looters which have made a bad situation that much more unbearable".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with New Zealand Fire Service Chief Executive and National Commander Paul Baxter, about the findings of the coronial inquest into the CTV building deaths. Coroner Gordon Matenga found that failures by the Fire Service and Urban Search and Rescue did not contribute to the deaths of eight students at the CTV site in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Baxter talks about the importance of acknowledging the families of the deceased, and the changes and improvements that have been made by the New Zealand Fire Service since the collapse of the CTV building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A tribute taped to a window of a house on Tasman Place. The tribute reads, "Our red zoned house. When we bought you years ago, you looked a bit tired and sad, but overall you weren't too bad. We spruced you up with paint and love and asked for a blessing from above. The years went by, family and friends celebrations under your roof, your 'veggie' garden gave us kai. We felt safe within your wall, then one dreadful September night, the shaking earth made you fall. You tried with all your groaning might to keep us from harm. Because you were strongly built we held onto the door, while a wave of terror buckled the floor and outside the garden flooded with silt. Now you are near the end, sunken walls and windows bend. We say goodbye today and let you go, Our spirit and heart feels low. You are more than just mortar and brick. For us you were a gift, a safe haven where we once lived".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

An entry from Maxine Bennett's blog, "Blackbird Has Spoken: Having a go at this blogging lark" ( The entry for 12 February 2013 is titled "Of sorrow and salvage. Op-Shop Show-Off Feb 12th 2013". Maxine writes, "I’m Max, an English girl in, and in love with New Zealand, and the New Zealander husband. In an almost forgotten previous life I worked as a psychotherapist and psychiatric nurse; now I’m the contented stay at home mother of Claudine who's almost 3, and the baby-boy-currently-gestating. We live a quiet life in a small rural town in our arts and crafts house, but dream of moving out to some land one day, to build our own home and enjoy a long view. I like to laugh, be outside, craft, grow, op-shop, read and cook. My little Kiwi family, learning new things, quiet, beauty and reading blogs make me the happiest of all. My blog is a record of my enthusiasms, fleeting and enduring, and a means of communication with you kindred spirits near and far." Note that the blog post has been converted to PDF format for archiving, which may have resulted in changes to the formatting and layout of the page.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a Victim Support poster on a traffic light on Oxford Street. The poster reads, "Looking after yourself in times of crisis. Firstly you have the strength within you to get through this. You are not alone: keep talking to the people around you, use your family, whanau, friends and colleagues and do what you can to help others. Don't ingnore your own emotions and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Keep positive: it is important to keep a positive attitude to events keeping a focus on your strengths and positive coping skills. Do things that will help give you a sense of control. Remaining positive can help reduce stress and anxiety in other people around you, especially children. Reduce stress: you need to keep to routines as much as possible including eating, sleeping, exercise and incorporating those things you enjoy doing as part of your usual daytime activities. Do things that you find comforting as be with people who company you enjoy. It is especially important for children to be participating in normal routine activities as quickly as possible to reduce long term stress factors. You may experience a range of feelings as you move through the crisis and afterwards. Stress, worry, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, anger etc. all are natural responses. Feeling tense and constantly going over events in your mind are also natural responses. It is normal and okay to feel whatever you are feeling. The intensity of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings will lessen as life returns to normal".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of signage for the Places of Tranquillity initiative. Healthy Christchurch lead the collaborative project to create six gardens of beauty and peace to fill in some of the grey demolition sites across Christchurch. The signage promotes the initiative and invites people to register to create tranquil gardens at From "Healthy Christchurch is leading this innovative collaboration creating six gardens of beauty and peace to fill in some of the grey demolition sites across Christchurch.These gardens are for peace and tranquillity as well as family and community use with spaces designed for both." "This is a Healthy Christchurch collaboration in partnership with the city's ethnic communities to include their traditions, cultures and spiritual beliefs. This ensures that these communities' voices and presence is more visible in the rebuild of our city. There are three key partners in this collaborative project. Greening the Rubble are providing expertise in temporary site development and project managing the creation. Lincoln University School of Landscape Architecture provided the student competition and are supporting the winning students and their designs into fruition. Community and Public Health (CDHB) provide the overall project management, networks and promotion." "In 2012 Lincoln University School of Landscape Architecture students created 40 beautiful designs for the Places of Tranquillity. Six winning designs were chosen from the 995 votes made online or at the displays at Community and Public Health and the Migrant Centre. The six winners were announced at the Healthy Christchurch Hui on the 31st May 2012. Each winning student received a Certificate and a $50 Scorpio Book Voucher. The awards were presented by Michelle Mitchell, General Manager of the CERA Wellbeing Team."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Two images of a house, taken before and after the earthquakes. In the after photograph the chimneys are gone, a column supporting the car port has partly collapsed, windows are broken, and the previously neat lawn and driveway are overgrown. The photographer comments, "This was a house that I was selling up to the September 2010 earthquake in Christchurch. It was on Avonside Drive, which was an area that has been badly hit in every earthquake that has hit the area. In the September quake parts of the house moved in different directions and one of the upstairs doors had to be smashed open to release one of the sons from his bedroom. This occurred in the dark with numerous aftershocks shaking the house. Liquefaction poured up through the floor and flowed down the drive. Everyone got out OK, but soon after the house was red stickered meaning it was dangerous to enter. The house was looted many times even though there was constant police patrols. When the most violent earthquake occurred on 22 February 2012 both the tall heavy chimneys came crashing through into the living areas. Subsequent earthquakes and aftershocks have caused one of the brick fence pillars to fall and the front garage pillar to break up and twist. The family's troubles did not end there. They moved into the home of one of their parents and this mansion of a home was so badly affected by the February earthquake that no one could enter to collect any of their or their parents' belongings. They now own a new home, which they are fond of except when the ground shakes yet again. There has been to date 10,712 earthquakes and aftershocks since 4 September 2010".