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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph looking east down Cashel Street towards the intersection of Colombo Street. A section of one of the buildings on the left has collapsed and the rubble has spilled onto the street. A van has been crushed by the fallen rubble. The message, 'clear', has been spray-painted on the windscreen of the van. In the foreground signs from several shops are still on the street. There is also earthquake damage to the building on the right. Sections of this building's facade have crumbled and the bricks have spilled onto the street below, damaging the awning.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an earthquake-damaged house on Marine Parade in North Brighton. The front section of the house has collapsed, the rest buckled. The wall of the gable has also collapsed as well as part of the lower front wall. A red sticker in the window indicates that the building is unsafe to enter. A message has been spray painted on the front window, reading, "Roof tiles, $3 each". Police tape has been used to cordon off the house. Public notices can be seen on the fence, on the roof of the collapsed section and the section behind.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The fence around a property has been spray painted after it was cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked. Restricted access tape has been placed across the gates.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to a residential property on Bealey Avenue. "No go" has been spray painted on the brick fence, and danger tape cordons off the driveway. Behind the fence, fallen bricks and rubble can be seen, and the garage is red stickered.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shipping containers protect the road from rockfall in Sumner. On the cliffs above, damaged houses teeter on the edge of the cliff. One of the containers has been decorated with an artwork, and another has been spray-painted, "Sumner rocks".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a spray-painted message on a fence reading, "4 sale - handy mans dream. Mild reno's needed. Easy indoor/outdoor flow - with water feature!" The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "New Brighton by QEII Drive".