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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of kapa haka practitioner Te Mairiki Williams with his twins Ruruhira (left) and Te Kotuku (right). The caption reads, "Embrace the epitome of 'aukati'. Auahi, waipiro, taru, patu kore. To prolong and sustain life".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of furniture and machinery. The photographer comments, "This furniture restoration company got caught in the middle of the Christchurch earthquake and lost a whole wall. After constant exposure to the elements everything now needs a bit of restoration. They are now working in a different part of Christchurch, but their past can still be seen".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a mannequin. The photographer comments, "During the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011 a lot of people were seriously injured or killed because they run out of buildings. Falling masonry from the exterior of the buildings hit them, but if they had remained inside they would have probably been perfectly safe".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Bandsmen's Memorial in Hagley Park. The photographer comments, "This memorial in Hagley Park in Christchurch can no longer be used due to large cracks at the base of most columns. This was mostly caused by the earthquake in February 2011, but later earthquakes have made the memorial even more dangerous".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digital copy of a poster from the Te Waioratanga project of the All Right? campaign. The poster features a black and white photographic portrait of kapa haka practitioner Whaea Tihi Puanaki. The caption reads, "Kapa haka is wellbeing for the soul. Te kapa haka te oranga o te tinana, te wairua, te hinengaro, te katoa o te tinana".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. Image from the inside of a Red Zoned home in the Horseshoe Lake area. Image depicts the dining area where a poem had been written on the walls by a member of the family. Poem talks about the earthquake, living in Horseshoe Lake, and being Red Zoned and what that means.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a stencilled logo for the Christchurch School of Music. The photographer comments, "The Christchurch School of Music donated several old broken pianos to be placed on Gap Filler sites in Christchurch. Gap Filler make the land where buildings have been demolished into places the local inhabitants can enjoy. As in Maths two negatives make a positive".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "This bridge over the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand has been left in place since the first major earthquake back in September 2010. Graffiti artists or taggers are still leaving their marks on it even though it is nearly twisted at 90 degrees at one point".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of broken windows on Shadbolt House. The photographer comments, "This was close to the start of the demolition of the earthquake damaged Shadbolt House building in the Port of Lyttelton, New Zealand. In the bright sun the glass reflected the blue sky, but the broken windows only reflected the blackness of the interior of the empty broken building".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Lawrie and Wilson Auctioneers building on Tuam Street. The photographer comments, "This building at 210 Tuam Street is still off limits after the Christchurch earthquake. It has Lawrie and Wilson Auctioneers at the top and Christchurch City Council below. In the past it had a City Photography and at a different time a Parking Unit sign".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of an excavator. The photographer comments, "This is a huge excavator in the Christchurch CBD. It is being used to clear away the enormous amount of rubble from the buildings being demolished. It seems that nearly all the big machinery from all other the world has been needed in the clean up of the earthquake damaged buildings and utilities".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Paul Nicholls from the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team and Digital Media Group Manager Wayne Riggall in their temporary office in KB02 in Kirkwood Village, the complex of prefabs set up after the earthquakes to provide temporary office and classroom space for the university. The photographer comments, "The e-learning group and the video conferencing team are now located in the Kirkwood Village at the University of Canterbury. It's a very impressive project, about 60 buildings arranged in various configurations with some used for teaching or computer labs, and others as staff offices. We will probably stay here for several years now. Adjoining our area is a space for Wayne, the Digital Media Group Manager, who will organise a sitting area for visitors and small meetings. Beyond Wayne is a closed-off meeting room".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a daffodil placed on the gates of QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "Someone placed a daffodil on the gates to the QEII Stadium in Christchurch. The stadium is being razed to the ground after being very badly damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. Besides being a Commonwealth Games stadium it was also housed one of the best swimming pools in the region".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the foyer of the Christchurch Art Gallery. The photographer comments, "The Christchurch art gallery has been closed to the public since the February 2011 earthquake and its reopening seems to be in the distant future. I want to convey the feeling that if art is not looked at darkness starts to overcome it and the paint starts to peel off".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the Ozone Hotel's sign, leaning against a cordon fence. The photographer comments, "This sign was all that remained after the demolition of the historical Ozone Hotel, which was damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. The sign disappeared so hopefully it will reappear at a later date in a museum. The bits of blue were the painted bricks of the hotel, which made it really stand out".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the sun shining through a stand of pine trees in New Brighton. Some of the trees are on a lean. The photographer comments, "Due to the Christchurch earthquakes and the land subsiding in this area the trees in this area will nearly all be cut down. So these may be the last tall trees to bathe in the sunshine for decades to come".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of light sculptures on Gloucester Street during the LuxCity event. The photographer comments, "This was part of the LuxCity event in Christchurch, New Zealand. It was a way of creating a city of lights on the sites of demolished buildings in the earthquake devastated red zone. 350 architecture and design students from all around New Zealand created and constructed 16 pop up spaces".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a letterbox lying on the ground in front of a red-stickered house. The photographer comments, "An abandoned red stickered house just outside the four avenues that surround Christchurch CBD. The letterbox came down when the wall it was attached to collapsed. The occupants would have had strict instructions to stay out as the property is too dangerous to enter in case there is another earthquake or big aftershock".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a broken window. The photographer comments, "There is hardly anything left of Christchurch's proud heritage buildings. Most older buildings were made of brick and though they should have had improvements to make them withstand a medium earthquake most did not. They were badly damaged when hit with a series of earthquakes that were up to 2.2g at the epicentre and 1.88g in the City".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a high-reach excavator demolishing a building. The photographer comments, "After the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand the demolition of most of the City Centre began. After two years the government thought that the progress was far too slow, so began the start of the automatic demolition. Luckily when the solar powered demolition machines started to cause indiscriminate death and destruction they were isolated to the South Island and unable to cross the seas".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a statue of the Virgin Mary in a broken window of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. The photographer comments, "Before the February 2011 earthquake the statue above was facing into the Cathedral looking down a corridor, but after it had turned 180 degrees to point towards the window. The statue of Mary turning like this gave a sign of hope for the people of Christchurch. It was amongst one of the most photographed things after the earthquake until it was removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the bottom of Victoria Lake in Hagley Park. The photographer comments, "After the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011, Victoria Lake suffered some cracking which broke the previous clay seal. The lake has now been excavated so that the new clay seal can be spread out and flattened ready to be filled again with water. The red pile is the clay and in the background is the grey silt or liquefaction that spewed into the lake from cracks in the lake bed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of twisted reinforcing rods amongst the rubble from the demolition of QEII. The photographer comments, "These rarely seen worms live in the pressurised earth under the foundations of buildings. They need a damp soil and be under at least 100 pounds of pressure per square inch. After the destructive force of an earthquake they swiftly rise to the surface through gaps in the rubble. Unfortunately they quickly die and then crystallise as hard as iron in the dry low pressure air".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of two chairs sitting among rubble. The photographer comments, "There is a strip of land that has been declared as the red zone. This means that the houses facing towards the tidal estuary must be abandoned as they are on land that has been declared uneconomic to repair after the Christchurch earthquakes. These chairs are at the front of one of these properties that will be bulldozed. These seem to be saying come hell or high water we will not be moved".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the damaged statue of Scott which was removed from its original site beside Worcester Boulevard for safekeeping. The photographer comments, "During the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand the statue of Robert Falcon Scott broke across the ankles and most of the statue came crashing to the ground. To commemorate a 100 years of association with Antarctica Christchurch council has laid out for viewing the statue in a prostrate position. I was lucky to encounter the statue before it was put into its glass display enclosure".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of damaged Music Centre. The photographer comments, "The destruction caused by the demolition of the heritage buildings damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes looks similar to the scenes in London during the second world war. The building was the Catholic Cathedral College, Christchurch. It was an integrated Catholic co-educational secondary school. It was founded in 1987, but its origins go back more than a 100 years earlier. The college was an amalgamation of two schools: Sacred Heart College for girls, and Xavier College for boys".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Digitally manipulated image of graffiti on a brick building on St Asaph Street. The graffiti depicts a sticking plaster over a broken section of the wall, with the words "I'll kiss it better". The photographer comments, "After the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch band aid plasters starting to appear in different parts of the city on damaged buildings. A year later most can still be seen. This one was once a whole plaster, but it has slowly broken up where it crossed the gap. The red bricks seen to symbolise the terrible wounds caused to the City and it's people".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a shop window. A vase is visible in the window, and the sillhouette of a mannequin in the background. The photographer comments, "The title came from the pot and the E on the window. This is a building that has been off limits since the Christchurch earthquake. The E was sprayed on the window by rescue teams after searching the building and finding it was empty. This is a very old wooden building that looks OK from the front, but terrible from the side as the previously adjoined building has been demolished.