Families of Christchurch earthquake victims receive formal apology from Ma…
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But for some families, the fight isn't over.
But for some families, the fight isn't over.
A Christchurch family who fled their home after the large earthquake on Monday morning returned home just hours later to find they'd been robbed.
Justice Minister Andrew Little has met with families who lost loved ones in the CTV building collapse in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
A farm in Canterbury has been divided by a valley that opened up from Monday's earthquakes.
Their dream home is showing signs of shoddy earthquake repairs.
Matti McEachen was killed by falling masonry in the 2011 earthquake.
A total of 115 people died when the building collapsed following the Christchurch earthquake in 2011.
"It can be years down the track that things pop up, you know, you just can't ask him a question."