Remembering Christchurch: How the world reacted to the devastating Februar…
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It's been a decade since the magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck that killed 185 people.
It's been a decade since the magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck that killed 185 people.
It's been 10 years since the earthquake.
He's been fighting the insurance company since the 2011 earthquakes.
Here's the events.
Holly Henry has this report.
The 'moderate' quake struck 5km southwest of Christchurch.
At 12:51pm 10 years ago on Monday, Christchurch was changed forever.
A total of 115 people died when the building collapsed following the Christchurch earthquake in 2011.
"You displayed great fortitude in the face of sudden, overwhelming loss."
"They represented a lot of safety and stability to me."
Ten years on and these recordings are a raw reminder of that fateful day.
As New Zealand remembers the disaster a decade on, here is a look back at the devastation.
"The calls started coming in, and then you realised that this was a totally different kettle of fish."
When rescuers found her, she was still clutching the hand of her brother who didn't survive.
"It can be years down the track that things pop up, you know, you just can't ask him a question."