Te Ahi Kaa mo 13 o Poutu te Rangi (March) 2011
Audio, Radio New Zealand
Te Ahi Kaa check out the relief effort following the Christchurch earthquake on February 22, 2011.
Te Ahi Kaa check out the relief effort following the Christchurch earthquake on February 22, 2011.
Te Pae, Christchurch's near $450 million convention centre, has been officially opened this afternoon with a pōwhiri and unveiling by Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Minister Megan Woods. Billed as a legacy for the city, it replaces the old centre which was demolished following the Canterbury earthquakes. Niva Chittock is at the ceremony and joins Lisa with the details.
Australia's controversial offshore detention regime hits a massive stumbling block; Fiji's parliament votes against reinstating the Great Council of Chiefs; Stalemate over probe into high profile PNG fraud case; Pacific thinking about collective action over long line fishing; Lessons from the Christchurch earthquakes used to heal in Fiji; CNMI school group to challenge court gun ruling; Secret to Pacific growth in its growing working age population; Fiji disappointed after Radradra picked for Australia.
A new study suggests young Maori wahine are being let down by the health system, because of inadequate information to help them find a midwife; A South Island marae has accepted a donation to repair its wharekai damaged during the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes; About 750 Maori and Pasifika Auckland tertiary students will celebrate their academic achievement this week.
A new study suggests young Maori wahine are being let down by the health system, because of inadequate information to help them find a midwife; A South Island marae has accepted a donation to repair its wharekai damaged during the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes; About 750 Maori and Pasifika Auckland tertiary students will celebrate their academic achievement.
A Waikato iwi authority says it's struggling to supply the Government with a list of sites of cultural significance; The Government says it is committed to boosting Maori literacy achievement from early childhood and primary school level so that the education system isn't having to catch up all the time; A Ngai Tahu owned South Island whale watching operation say it's excited to be named a finalist in an international tourism award; A multicultural marae has been recognised for its community work, including caring for refugees during the Christchurch earthquake.
A Waikato iwi authority says it's struggling to supply the Government with a list of sites of cultural significance; The Government says it is committed to boosting Maori literacy achievement from early childhood and primary school level so that the education system isn't having to catch up all the time; A multicultural marae has been recognised for its community work, including caring for refugees during the Christchurch earthquake; A Ngai Tahu owned South Island whale watching operation say it's excited to be named a finalist in an international tourism award.
The Black Caps captain will lay a wreath in Christchurch for the Canterbury earthquake remembrance service. Brenton Vannisselroy has te pūrongo hakinakina.
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Ali Jones & Shane Te Pou to discuss No Pay Day - the day that women in Aotearoa effectively begin working for free. Plus the reopening of Christchurch Cathedral. Ali Jones is a communication adviser / writer/Broadcaster/ Christchurch earthquake claims preparer. Shane Te Pou is a former labour party activist and CEO of Mega
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman is joined by panellists Ali Jones & Shane Te Pou to discuss: President Biden pardoning his son Hunter, and Avian Flu outbreak in Otago and news from the Labour party conference. Ali Jones is a communication adviser / writer/Broadcaster/ Christchurch earthquake claims preparer. Shane Te Pou is a former labour party activist and CEO of Mega
Read by Rima te Wiata Tyger the cat finds out just where home is after an earthquake in Christchurch. For years 6-10 years.
The earthquake was felt as far afield as Te Awamutu and Christchurch, with residents from all the places in between describing it as extremely frightening.
More than 11,000 people reported feeling the earthquake that hit just after 2am on Friday. The magnitude 4.8 quake was centred 5-kilometres south of Te Aroha, at a depth of 6-kilometres. People from Kaitaia, through to the sodden regions of Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, and even down in Christchurch, reported feeling it. A series of weaker aftershocks began to strike 40 minutes later, although there are no immediate reports of damage as of yet. It's not the first quake to hit Te Aroha this year - a 5.1 quake rattled the town on January 4. Te Kuiti resident Zane Burdett and Kees Meinderts from Motumaoho, just south of Morrinsville, spoke to Corin Dann.
Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 16 December. This week .... This week...another housing boom as property prices increase, the current state of Maori journalism, two stories from Canterbury's earthquake - a victim's recovery and a musician's return, a look back at the life of an albatross genius, the DNA of food, performing Shakespeare in te reo Maori and 200 years of wedding fashion on exhibition at Te Papa.
METIRIA TUREI to the Minister for the Environment: Ki Te Minita mō Te Taiao: Ka tukua e ngā paerewa e whakaarohia akehia nei mō te pai ake o te wai i roto i te pūhera Wai Mā, te kaha kē atu, te iti kē iho rānei o te uru atu o te tūkinotanga ki roto i ō tātou awa wai, e ngā mea whakakapi? Translation: Do the proposed standards for water quality in the Clean Water package allow more pollution or less to enter our waterways than the ones they will replace? BRETT HUDSON to the Minister of Finance: How much is the Government committing to spend on infrastructure over the next 4 years? ANDREW LITTLE to the Prime Minister: Given his predecessor told the Pike River families, “I’m here to give you absolute reassurance we’re committed to getting the boys out, and nothing’s going to change that”, when, if ever, will he be announcing the re-entry of the drift? STUART SMITH to the Minister of Transport: What announcements has he made recently regarding the Government’s commitment to reinstate key transport links following the Kaikōura earthquake? JACINDA ARDERN to the Minister for Children: When was she first notified that the Ministry for Vulnerable Children Oranga Tamariki, or its predecessor CYF, were placing children and younger persons in a hotel or motel for short-term care without a supervisor, and what was her first action, if any? MELISSA LEE to the Minister of Health: Can he confirm that 55,000 care and support workers will share in the $2 billion pay equity settlement announced on 18 April 2017? GRANT ROBERTSON to the Minister of Finance: Does he agree with the Dominion Post editorial that his Government has “singularly failed to answer the pressures of Auckland”; if not, why does he think they would write this? ANDREW BAYLY to the Minister for Building and Construction: How do the latest reports on the level of building activity in Auckland and nationwide for the month, quarter, and year compare with 2016? Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his statements; if so, how? PHIL TWYFORD to the Minister of Transport: Why has the completion of the $2.4 billion Western Ring Route been delayed, and when can Aucklanders expect the new motorway to be open? EUGENIE SAGE to the Minister of Conservation: Is it Government policy to increase the logging of native forests on West Coast conservation land? Dr MEGAN WOODS to the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration: Does she agree that the first homes in the East Frame will be completed 5 months ahead of schedule? Questions to Members CLARE CURRAN to the Chairperson of the Commerce Committee: Does she intend to call for further submissions on the petition of Dame Fiona Kidman before it is reported back to the House, in light of the recently released footage shot inside the drift of the Pike River mine?
Instead of concentrating on the buildings destroyed in and after the earthquakes in Christchurch's CBD, a new event is enticing people back to explore the heritage buildings that have survived. A new organisation, Te Putahi, is behind the Open Christchurch programme that celebrates the city's surviving architecture, starting with inner-city schools throwing open their doors to the public. Architectural historian and co-founder of Te Putahi, Dr Jessica Halliday tells Lynn Freeman they hope to encourage discussion around well-designed spaces and their impacts on peoples' lives. Open Christchurch starts next Sunday with a tour of The Cathedral Grammar Junior School.
After lengthy construction and Covid-19 delays, a centrepiece in Christchurch's earthquake rebuild will finally open its doors today. The $475 million convention centre called Te Pae is already booked to host 150 events next year, but they're not expected to be money-makers. Reporter Jean Edwards took a tour.
A Burnside woman who's been helping tangata whenua has received a Christchurch Earthquake Award; The country's biggest Maori performance event is coming to Christchurch in 2015; The Ministry of Education will help fund up to 40 Te Pumaomao nation-building courses this year; One of New Zealand's most influential Maori academics is one of six recipients of Auckland University's 2012 Distinguished Alumni Awards.
The country's biggest Maori performance event is coming to Christchurch in 2015; A Burnside woman who's been helping tangata whenua has received a Christchurch Earthquake Award; The Ministry of Education will help fund up to 40 Te Pumaomao nation-building courses this year; and One of New Zealand's most influential Maori academics is one of six recipients of Auckland University's 2012 Distinguished Alumni Awards.
MARAMA DAVIDSON to the Prime Minister: Ka tū a ia i runga i tana kōrero mō te iti rawa o te mahi haumi i roto ratonga tūmataiti, ā, nā runga i tērā, “we didn't know it would be this bad” ā, mēnā kua pēnei rawa, ka pēhea te nui o te iti rawa o te mahi haumi nei? Translation: Does she stand by her statement on underinvestment in public services that “we didn't know it would be this bad”, and if so, how significant is this underinvestment? Hon SIMON BRIDGES to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s policies and actions? Hon AMY ADAMS to the Minister of Finance: Is he committed to reducing core Crown net debt to 20 percent of GDP by 30 June 2022? Dr DEBORAH RUSSELL to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he seen on the state of the New Zealand economy? Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE to the Minister of Health: Does he stand by all his statements and actions? JAMI-LEE ROSS to the Minister of Transport: What is the total increased level of funding for the Public Transport activity class for the next 10 years if the mid-point level of funding proposed in the draft Government Policy Statement in the 2018/19 year continues at that level for 10 years without increase; and can he confirm that when that increased funding is added together with mid-point level funding for the new Rapid Transit and Transitional Rail activity classes over 10 years, the total new and increased funding for these three activity classes is $5.398 billion? Dr DUNCAN WEBB to the Minister responsible for the Earthquake Commission: What reports has she seen about the financial impact of remedial repairs in Canterbury by EQC? Hon NATHAN GUY to the Minister of Agriculture: Does he stand by all his Government’s actions in the agricultural sector? Hon PAULA BENNETT to the Minister of Employment: Does he stand by all his policies, statements, and actions? JAN TINETTI to the Minister of Education: What funding challenges does the early child education sector face? BRETT HUDSON to the Minister for Government Digital Services: Does she agree with the comment made by ICT veteran and expert in the industry, Ian Apperley, who said “when you read the Government’s Chief Technology Officer job description it occurs to me that making the role effective is provably impossible. It is largely waffly which means the Government may not know what it wants”; if not, why not? Dr LIZ CRAIG to the Minister of Health: What advice has he received about DHB deficit levels?
A 22-year-old self-employed dairy farmer hopes his success through winning a new Maori farming award will inspire other young troubled Maori to follow their dreams; The Chairperson of Nelson's first Maori language immersion school says there's been a shift in attitude among members of the public - who now understand the school won't be exclusive; The former National MP Sandra Goudie is calling for Waikato ratepayers to oppose two Maori seats that the Regional Council is introducing at next year's election; Liquefaction from the Christchurch earthquakes may have unearthed four taonga on the banks of the Heathcote river.
A member of the Iwi Chairs Forum says right now iwi and hapu with interests in water that is used by Mighty River Power should talk directly with the government; A constitutional Advisory Panel member, Professor Ranginui Walker, says many Maori are worried the Treaty of Waitangi could one day be forgotten; A former Christchurch woman says she's still overwhelmed by the aroha and support shown, not only by Maori organisations, but also the general public, since the first earthquake hit Canterbury two years ago today; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty of Waitangi claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty of Waitangi claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori.
The Government's decision to only talk to iwi and hapu with interests in water which is used by Mighty River Power is supported by a member of the Iwi Chairs Forum; A constitutional Advisory Panel member, Professor Ranginui Walker, says many Maori are worried the Treaty could one day be forgotten; A Christchurch woman says she's still overwhelmed by the aroha and support shown, not only by Maori organisations, but also the general public, since the first earthquake hit Canterbury two years ago today; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori.
The Maori King has called a national hui for iwi and hapu to discuss water rights after the government refused to call one; A member of the Iwi Chairs Forum says it might be time for the Maori Council to step aside from the water rights debate; The Whanganui River Maori Trust Board says it's satisfied with how its Treaty of Waitangi negotiations with the Crown are progressing, saying the Government's taking into account the iwi's unique circumstances; A Maori broadcaster who was living in Christchurch during many of the earthquakes says she tried hard to put whanau at ease while she was on-air, but admits it was tough remaining calm during the many aftershocks.
The Maori King has called a national hui for iwi and hapu to discuss water rights after the government refused to call one; A member of the Iwi Chairs Forum says it might be time for the Maori Council to step aside from the water rights debate; The Whanganui River Maori Trust Board says it's satisfied with how its Treaty of Waitangi negotiations with the Crown are progressing, saying the Government's taking into account the iwi's unique circumstances; A Maori broadcaster who was living in Christchurch during many of the earthquakes says she tried hard to put whanau at ease while she was on-air, but admits it was tough remaining calm during the many aftershocks.
Ngai Tahu's property portfolio has taken a direct hit from the Christchurch earthquake - losing value and suffering damage; A Northland iwi says a decade long battle to protect a large ancient burial cave on Karikari peninsular north east of Kaitaia, has taken its toll on several hapu; A lecturer specialising in Maori criminal law is question the timing of a Maori Party co-leader's attack on the justice system; The Housing Minister, Phil Heatley, says a project to build three three bedroomed houses and two kaumatua flats on the Chatham Islands, will go some way to easing a housing issue for Maori residents.
A Northland iwi chair says a decade long battle against American owned Carrington Farms and the Far North District Council, has been financially and mentally taxing; A lecturer specialising in Maori criminal law is question the timing of a Maori Party co-leader's attack on the justice system; Ngai Tahu's property portfolio has taken a direct hit from the Christchurch earthquake - losing value and suffering damage; The Housing Minister says a project to build three three bedroomed houses and two kaumatua flats on the Chatham Islands, is a great example of iwi wanting to meet the needs of its people.
Iwi from Northland, Bay of Plenty, the East Coast and Taranaki are joining a pan-tribal hui against new oil drilling and mining; Marae and Maori families around the country are opening their doors to Canterbury earthquake victims who have also suffered from domestic violence; The lead agency for Whanau Ora in Whangarei says it could do with a few more Nannies-on-Wheels.
Several iwi are joining a pan-tribal hui against new oil drilling and mining; The body of the former Maori Women's Welfare League national president, Meagan Joe, will be moved from a Napier marae to another in Mohaka in northern Hawkes Bay later today; Marae and Maori families around the country are opening their doors to Canterbury earthquake victims who have also suffered from domestic violence; The lead agency for Whanau Ora in Whangarei says it could use a few more Nannies on Wheels.
Tairawhiti District health board officials are going into schools in the Gisborne region in an effort to reduce cases of rheumatic fever; A designers' group says the Canterbury earthquake has created an opportunity for the local iwi to put its architectural stamp on the new Christchurch; Kaitaia people will be among the first in the country to see a long-awaited film about the much-loved comedian - Billy T James.