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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Our Christchurch features producer, Kary Gosset has a story from one of the worst affected areas from the Feb 22 earthquake. Sumner has frequently been in the news with images of its crumbled cliffs, and Sumner is where Katy Gosset lives. This is her latest snapshot at where her suburb is at.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The number of speed camera tickets being issued skyrockets, police say it's about road safety, the AA's not so sure. Crisis talks in Europe over the Greek debt crisis... and its impact on the Eurozone and there were angry scenes at a Christchurch meeting last night as residents tried to stop a dump for earthquake debris being built in their suburb.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Alps and ranges around New Zealand are now laden with snow yet while most of us are hunkering down and keeping warm, some in Canterbury are still having to get on within a broken city following this year's earlier devastating earthquakes. Bryan began by speaking to Major Mike Allwright of the Salvation Army and followed up with Lyttleton musician Lindon Puffin. Bryan also spoke to Christine Parker from the Eastern suburb of Aranui and Regina Nyadani who lives in central Christchurch with her family.