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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Paul Bushnell is talking today about how different clichés are subverted by great storytelling: Fragments, an RNZ series about the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and Carrier from the USA - what would once have been called a radio drama.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Film and TV reviewer Tamar Munch takes a look at the new US drama The Outsider, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, and Help Is On The Way, a Kiwi documentary based on the 6.3 Christchurch earthquake and what happened to the 36 guest trapped on the top floors of the Hotel Grand Chancellor.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Former drama teacher and casting director Rosie Belton (right) has a motto she lives by: "When all else fails - cook!" Her new book Wild Blackberries explores her life through food. It's about how food enhances the feeling of celebration, and comforts in times of sadness. Having lived through nearly four years of earthquakes in her hometown of Christchurch, Rosie tells Wallace Chapman about why the kitchen and dining table provided so much solace in such unstable times.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Gaylene Preston has been making feature films and documentaries with a distinctive NZ flavour for over 30 years. Her latest venture is an epic six part drama series called Hope and Wire, which she produced and directed. Set in Christchurch in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes, Hope and Wire is a fictionalised mix of characters - families that fly apart, others that come together - and what happens to a city that loses it's centre in an instant.