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Audio, Radio New Zealand

With many in Christchurch still living in earthquake damaged houses, the cold snap has prompted a call for temporary emergency shelters. Daphne Lewis-Mannix lives in a quake-damaged home in New Brighton. Her power was out last night, and she's been shivering overnight, already sick with a cold before the storm hit.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

After a damning report into the CTV building, how many other Christchurch buildings had faults when the earthquake struck? Police investigate the tragic death of a five year old and when so many businesses are struggling, how did the country's big banks increase profits by a quarter?

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A new report says the financial cost of a major earthquake in Wellington would be much bigger than the Canterbury quakes. Opposition parties attack the asset sales plan after Bill English's "it's just a guess" comment and cuts to jobs, services, and profits, hard times at Qantas.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Maori Council confirms it will go to court to try and stop the partial sales of power companies. Advocates for sexual assault victims say the police have been too slow to improve the way they deal with complaints and concern that management problems at the Fire Service hampered rescue efforts after Canterbury's deadly earthquake.