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Audio, Radio New Zealand

The song 'Antartica' is the latest offering from nine-year-old Christchurch songwriter Bob Gaudin. It's not the first song he's had released - in fact it's the third. He wrote his first song - a one minute thirty second symphony - when he was seven about the Christchurch earthquake, which was played and recorded by the NZ Symphony Orchestra!

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Maori King has called a national hui for iwi and hapu to discuss water rights after the government refused to call one; A member of the Iwi Chairs Forum says it might be time for the Maori Council to step aside from the water rights debate; The Whanganui River Maori Trust Board says it's satisfied with how its Treaty of Waitangi negotiations with the Crown are progressing, saying the Government's taking into account the iwi's unique circumstances; A Maori broadcaster who was living in Christchurch during many of the earthquakes says she tried hard to put whanau at ease while she was on-air, but admits it was tough remaining calm during the many aftershocks.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Maori King has called a national hui for iwi and hapu to discuss water rights after the government refused to call one; A member of the Iwi Chairs Forum says it might be time for the Maori Council to step aside from the water rights debate; The Whanganui River Maori Trust Board says it's satisfied with how its Treaty of Waitangi negotiations with the Crown are progressing, saying the Government's taking into account the iwi's unique circumstances; A Maori broadcaster who was living in Christchurch during many of the earthquakes says she tried hard to put whanau at ease while she was on-air, but admits it was tough remaining calm during the many aftershocks.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch poet Jeffrey Paparoa Holman whose new collection Shaken Down 6.3 looks at the impacts and aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes. It's published by Canterbury University Press.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A research project on news coverage about Maori, has found that tangata whenua are still regarded as lower class citizens; Ngai Tahu iwi says it's learnt from the Canterbury earthquakes, just how important it is to safeguard important documents such as its whakapapa database in a digital form, in case there's another natural disaster; New Zealand's largest Maori owned fishing company wants to see the unique Maori story pushed by companies doing business in Asian countries; Meanwhile Ngati Kahungunu Chairman, Ngahiwi Tomoana, who was the business group convenor, says Maori business leaders are keen to set up an office in China

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A research project on news coverage about Maori, has found that tangata whenua are still regarded as lower class citizens; Ngai Tahu iwi says it's learnt from the Canterbury earthquakes, just how important it is to safeguard important documents such as its whakapapa database in a digital form, in case there's another natural disaster; New Zealand's largest Maori owned fishing company wants to see the unique Maori story pushed by companies doing business in Asian countries; Meanwhile Ngati Kahungunu Chairman, Ngahiwi Tomoana, who was the business group convenor, says Maori business leaders are keen to set up an office in China.