Two separate chances to inspect the Canterbury Television building were missed before the February earthquake saw it pancake to the ground last year, killing 115 people.
The CTV inquest has been told the most senior fire fighter on duty on the day of the Christchurch earthquake was missing in action.
The doctor who is about to receive a bravery award for his work during Christchurch's February earthquake, says the images from that day are still with him.
Two engineers who prepared a critical report on the CTV building spent much of the day yesterday defending their expertise and credentials at the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission.
In North Hagley Park thousands of people gather for a Memorial Service in a day of remembrance and to stand united in two minutes of silence. Then Hewitt Humphrey reads the names of those who died in the earthquake .
The Government's decision to only talk to iwi and hapu with interests in water which is used by Mighty River Power is supported by a member of the Iwi Chairs Forum; A constitutional Advisory Panel member, Professor Ranginui Walker, says many Maori are worried the Treaty could one day be forgotten; A Christchurch woman says she's still overwhelmed by the aroha and support shown, not only by Maori organisations, but also the general public, since the first earthquake hit Canterbury two years ago today; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori.
A member of the Iwi Chairs Forum says right now iwi and hapu with interests in water that is used by Mighty River Power should talk directly with the government; A constitutional Advisory Panel member, Professor Ranginui Walker, says many Maori are worried the Treaty of Waitangi could one day be forgotten; A former Christchurch woman says she's still overwhelmed by the aroha and support shown, not only by Maori organisations, but also the general public, since the first earthquake hit Canterbury two years ago today; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty of Waitangi claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty of Waitangi claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori.
TODD McCLAY to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on progress in building a faster-growing economy?
GRANT ROBERTSON to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in his Ministers; if so, why?
Dr PAUL HUTCHISON to the Minister of Health: What progress can he report on the numbers of patients receiving elective surgery?
JACINDA ARDERN to the Minister for Social Development: Does she stand by her answer to oral questions on Tuesday that "There is in New Zealand no actual poverty line" and "I do not see the measurement as a priority"?
Dr RUSSEL NORMAN to the Prime Minister: Does he agree with the statement made by the Hon Bill English, in relation to the release of Natasha Fuller's private details by his Social Development Minister, that, "People who enter into public debate are welcome to do so … and should provide their full information to the public"?
CHRIS AUCHINVOLE to the Minister of Broadcasting: What percentage of households in Hawkes Bay and on the West Coast of the South Island have gone digital ahead of the digital switchover in these regions on 30 September?
CHARLES CHAUVEL to the Minister of Justice: What assistance will be available to families unable to afford the fee of over $900 she proposes to introduce in order to access the new Family Dispute Resolution Service?
JOHN HAYES to the Minister for Courts: In light of the opening of the temporary courthouse in Masterton last week, what is the range of services that courts can now offer in Masterton?
DENIS O'ROURKE to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery: Was restoration of the Christchurch Cathedral included in the Christchurch Central City Recovery Plan; if not, why not?
SUE MORONEY to the Minister of Women's Affairs: Is she satisfied with the action this Government has taken to improve the lives of women in New Zealand?
JAN LOGIE to the Minister for Social Development: Is she concerned that Wellington Rape Crisis is shutting its doors one day a week because of funding shortfalls?
IAIN LEES-GALLOWAY to the Minister of Transport: Which commuter rail services, if any, do not receive funding from the New Zealand Transport Agency?