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Audio, Radio New Zealand

The public will have its first chance to see an $11 million earthquake memorial today, after family members of the injured and dead held an emotional private service at the site yesterday evening.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

After the magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Canterbury on 4 September 2010, most media reports claimed that no lives had been lost. But In fact, this first earthquake killed at least 3000 chickens, eight cows, one dog, a lemur and 150 aquarium fish. University of Canterbury associate professor Annie Potts, along with co-author Donelle Gadenne, wrote Animals in Emergencies: Learning from the Christchurch Earthquakes, revealing what happened to the animals during and after the series of quakes. Annie Potts will give a public lecture, 'Animals and natural disasters: Learning from recent earthquakes', on Thursday 16 March, 7pm at UC Ilam campus, Christchurch. Register to attend free at:

Audio, Radio New Zealand

When the new Canterbury Earthquake Memorial was revealed last month, something unusual happened for a work of public art. It was universally appreciated! Christchurch filmmaker Rick Harvie has documented the two year long project from seeking submissions though to the official ceremony. Rick tells Lynn Freeman he's about to put his now finished documentary, including footage of the ceremony and feedback from a range of people, online.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Post-earthquake most people would say it was difficult to find housing in Christchurch. But reports suggest that the market has flattened. And terraced housing and apartments are sitting empty. Christchurch Council finance committee chairman, Councillor Raf Manji, discusses future developments like The East Frame.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Lyttelton was hit harder than most by the Christchurch earthquakes - particularly the Lyttelton Museum. But now it's back - triumphantly, we may say! - with a little help from its friends, past and present. Key historical figures in Lyttelton's history are brought back to life in a new exhibition by Julia Holden - Lyttelton Redux - which has just opened at Canterbury Museum.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Work has finally begun dismantling Lancaster Park in Christchurch, six years after it was damaged beyond repair in the February earthquake. It comes at the same time the city's leaders debate what a new stadium could look like and who will pay.