Almost 200 workers in Christchurch have lost their jobs with the closure of the Canterbury Spinners Plant - which the owners say was so badly damaged in last month's earthquake that it is beyond repair.
The Law Society is warning disruption to services following last month's earthquake in Christchurch is likely to lead to a massive bottleneck of court cases.
A PhD student from the United States who moved to Canterbury to study earthquakes says his firsthand experience in Christchurch has been extremely useful.
German pianist and professor of music at Canterbury University previews upcoming earthquake fundraising concert tour of NZ.
Christchurch-based 11 year-old piano player talks about the compostition he wrote in response to the Sepetmber 4 earthquake.
Lyttelton-based musician Fiona Pears is putting her life back together after the Christchurch earthquake. She's written a song, called Calm After The Storm.
The Finance Minister says the Government will cover the ten billion dollar cost of the Christchurch earthquake by borrowing more rather than cutting spending or putting up taxes.
On the eve of the memorial service for the Christchurch earthquake, the Labour party is laying into the Government's handling of the city's ditching as a Rugby World Cup venue.
A Christchurch kapa haka group took to the stage in Auckland today, surprising organisers who didn't expect they'd be able to perform after last month's earthquake.
Scientists studying last month's earthquake in Christchurch say the shaking was exacerbated by a slapdown or trampoline effect that made the land under the city bounce up and down.
Sydney-based NZ soprano who has arranged an Australian fundraising concert for Christchurch earthquake victims.
Scientists are just beginning to understand why the recent Canterbury earthquakes 'punched above their size', and their findings could change international scientific thinking about earthquakes. Alison Ballance talks with GNS seismologists Martin Reyners and Bill Fry to find out more.
More than a houndred people with businesses in Christchurch's CBD have stormed a cordon into the Red Zone, in frustration at still not being allowed access to their buildings - one month on from the earthquake.
News that a former military man, Major General Martyn Dunne, is expected to head the first stage of earthquake recovery in Christchurch has reignited debate about how that recovery should be managed.
Sixteen-year-old Sam Mackwell and his mates from St Thomas of Canterbury College have created a device that uses boiling water to charge cellphones, power a light and run a radio. They came up with the idea for the small generator after the first earthquake in Canterbury in September when electricity supplies were cut to much of the city. They call the device"The Lion"and hope to sell it in retail stores soon.
A stand-alone government department will be vested with the wide ranging powers the Government gave itself after last year's quake, to oversee recovery efforts in Canterbury.
One Christchurch business has found just the right ingredients to rise again."The Naked Baker"gave away all of their cakes and buns and baked goods to the people of North Brighton after the earthquake on February 22nd. Co-owners Darren Carlaw and Andrew Snee started the bakery, coffee roastery and mobile food business 8 years ago. The cafe had to shut for more than 2 weeks to clean up all the damage . They didn't know what to expect when the business re-opened. What they discovered is that business is up by 30% thanks in part to their ability to bring their coffee and cakes to the many offices that have moved out of the center of town.
The budget airline Jetstar is cutting back on some of its flights out of Christchurch partly because of the earthquake.
Auckland ratepayers are to pay up to almost three million dollars to host three extra rugby world cup games relocated from earthquake damaged Christchurch.
The Canterbury Tactix netball team are playing at home tonight for the first time since last month's earthquake.
Catholic priest Father John O'Connor is of a mind that religion is not about to become extinct in NZ, especially in light of how people responded to last month's Christchurch earthquake.
British crossover tenor performing Christchurch Earthquake fundraiser with NZSO and Elizabeth Marvelly this weekend.
Tourist operators in Akaroa on the Banks Peninsula hit hard by the effects of the Christchurch earthquake are making a desperate push to lure back the tourists.
Naval blockade: Greenpeace say its activists are willing to get arrested over their protest against a Brazilian oil company surveying off East Cape. Royal Commission: Legal experts are in agreement ... the purpose of the Royal Commission into February's earthquake in Christchurch is to investigate - not to incriminate.
Three time capsules, recovered after the Christchurch earthquake, have been opened in the city today.
Parliament is debating under urgency the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Bill, but the Greens plan to vote against the first reading.
Legislation setting up the Authority for the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery has passed.
A Canterbury University engineer says building standards need to be upgraded before rebuilding begins in the earthquake battered region.
Demand for temporary accommodation in Christchurch for earthquake evacuees is expected to be intense once the rebuild work kicks into action in coming months - despite a slow start.
Canterbury earthquake victims with the most damaged homes could have to wait more than two and half years for their houses to be fixed - but one owner says her problems are nothing compared to the misery of the Pike River mine disaster.