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Audio, Radio New Zealand

In the years that have followed the devastating Christchurch earthquake, there have been many stories of the struggles people have faced. Tonight we bring you the tale of the little school in Christchurch's east that took on Wellington's big decision makers and won. Redcliffs School finally reopened last year, after spending the best part of a decade battling for its survival. Our reporter Nick Truebridge and cameraman Nate McKinnon caught up with Redcliffs' principal Rose McInerney to reflect on a tumultuous last 10 years.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A school leader says the Ministry of Education of wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over years of earthquake repairs, and was obstructive and misleading. The building budget at Christchurch Girls High School has blown out by 50 percent to $40 million and it's not finished, even after five years of work. Mike Lay, who was chair of the board of trustees for most of those years, until 2018, says the ministry botched the job then targeted him when he tried to hold it accountable. He told Phil Pennington about the school's struggle to get the school re-built properly.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Prime Minister Chris Hipkins today announced an additional three hundred and one million dollar boost for the rebuild of earthquake damaged Christchurch schools, and said the programme in Christchurch may be a template for repairing flood damaged schools in the North Island. Some schools are still waiting to be repaired more than a decade after the devastating quakes. On his first visit to Christchurch since becoming Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins visited one of the schools still in the midst of its rebuild process, and to celebrate the progress being made. Our reporter Rachel Graham and videographer Nate McKinnon went along. 

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Head of Music at Linwood College in Christchurch on status of school orchestra's European trip that was planned before earthquake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Education advisors are warning that children could suffer mental health problems for years to come if schools botch their return to the classroom. They say the Christchurch earthquakes and Australian bushfires show teachers should resist the temptation to launch straight back into normal lessons after a major event. Principals are hoping to learn today when they will move into alert level two and how many of their students will be able to return to school. RNZ's education correspondent John Gerritsen reports.