Canterbury Earthquake - David Miller
Audio, Radio New Zealand
David Miller is from Christchurch Civil Defence.
David Miller is from Christchurch Civil Defence.
Monique Oomen is at a closed Christchurch airport.
Monique Oomen is the communciations manager at Christchurch Airport.
Business confidence has rebounded sharply, despite February's devastating earthquake in Christchurch.
Christchurch city councillor Barry Corbett is at Civil Defence headquarters.
James Thompson is the Operations Manager for Civil Defence Christchurch.
Anna Crighton, Chairperson, Canterbury Earthquake Heritage Building Trust Board.
Coverage of John Key's speech to the people of Christchurch.
Another substantial earthquake in Christchurch
Lydia Ayden is Christchurch City Council's General Manager of Public Affairs.
Labour Party leader Phill Goff has been in Christchurch all day.
Orion's chief executive, Roger Sutton outlines the power situation in Christchurch.
We're joined by the mayor of Christchurch, Bob Parker.
A Christchurch arts event that took one of the biggest hits in the September earthquake last year, was the annual Body Festival.
Monique Devereux is a Christchurch resident and former Radio New Zealand reporter.
Vicki Treadell is the British High Commisioner and is in Christchurch now.
People have until midnight tonight to lodge a claim with the Earthquake Commission for property damaged in the February Christchurch earthquake.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock reports from the Christchurch Central City cordon.
Radio New Zealand's Head of News, Don Rood, has just arrived in Christchurch.
Denise Torrey is the principal of Summerfield School in the south of Christchurch.
Dean of Christchurch Cathedral Peter Beck talks about what the people of Christchurch are going through in the aftermath of the earthquake.
Bridget Mills is in the Christchurch central city with one of the rescue teams.
Christchurch Reporter Jessica Horn is at the emergency accomodation centre at Bernside High School.
The first full-length film documenting the lives of those affected by the Canterbury earthquakes had its premiere in Christchurch last night.
The 2011 Christchurch earthquakes and the sewage outfall diversion have had profound impacts on the Heathcote-Avon Estuary
Christchurch resident James McMullan's house was badly damaged.
Geologist and paleontologist at GNS Science Hamish Campbell discusses the geology behind the Christchurch earthquake.
Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel has experienced her fair share of earthquakes as a resident, MP and then Mayor. She joins Checkpoint.
Andrew Holden is the Editor of The Press. The Christchurch Press building suffered extreme damge.
Some Christchurch residents were able to get out of the city to stay with relatives.