An earthquake community group in Canterbury says a damning report on the ineffectiveness of the Earthquake Commission highlights the frustration of getting information on their own homes.
There's been a strong earthquake in Canterbury just after 9am. We speak to Scott Shannon, deputy mayor of Timaru and a John, a Pleasant Point resident.
With half his life work destroyed by earthquakes, Christchurch conservator Graham Stewart is on a mission to save what is left of Canterbury's remarkable stained glass history.
Canadian-born Mark Quigley is a senior lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology at the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He's become an unwitting star as the go-to scientific voice throughout the Canterbury earthquakes, using plain language to help people understand what's behind the earthquake sequence. He's also had his own personal quake story - his Avonside home was badly damaged and is in the red zone.
With Tom Love - A principal of consulting firm Sapere Research Group, who was commissioned by the Canterbury District Health Board, to examine the population impact of February's earthquake.
A property manager has been questioned at the Royal Commission investigating the Canterbury earthquakes about why he didn't tell tenants the building they worked in was unsafe.
In a serious privacy breach - the addresses and earthquake claim details of almost ten thousand Canterbury people have been mistakenly emailed by Earthquake Commission to the wrong person.
A structural engineer has told the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission that illegal building techniques are being used in the Christchurch rebuild because the engineering profession is in crisis.
The earthquakes in Canterbury may have brought tragedy and economic hardship for many, but Christchurch business leaders say they're now seeing renewed signs of improving business confidence.
An Earthquake Commission policy of covering over asbestos in quake-damaged Canterbury houses and not making that information publicly available, is being described as shortsighted and potentially harmful.
The cost of insurance could rise by 20 per cent as a result of the Government bailout of AMI Insurance and the mounting cost of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Demolition companies and building owners in central Christchurch hope efforts by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority will speed up the city's rebuild after it's been languishing for weeks.
The Canterbury earthquake authority has now been legally vested with the extraordinary powers given to the Government under the state of national emergency declared after the February disaster.
The Earthquake Commission has more than doubled its estimate of how much it will pay out for Canterbury earthquake claims, from three billion dollars to seven billion dollars.
It's day four of the massive clean-up operation in Canterbury. Hundreds of shops and offices in the region are being assessed to check if they're safe.
Pyne Gould building tenants in Christchurch have told the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Canterbury Earthquakes hearing they didn't feel safe there after the September quake.
Canterbury residents who haven't seen hide nor hair of a Earthquake Commission inspector have been told they might need to make a fresh claim to get noticed.
A new report says a major earthquake in Wellington would leave a bill of nearly 40 billion dollars, almost twice as much as that of the Canterbury quakes.
Two engineers who prepared a critical report on the CTV building spent much of the day yesterday defending their expertise and credentials at the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission.
The Earthquake Commission and the Insurance Council are going to the High Court for a ruling on who's responsible for 10-thousand claims from the earlier Canterbury earthquakes.
Christchurch poet Jeffrey Paparoa Holman whose new collection Shaken Down 6.3 looks at the impacts and aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes. It's published by Canterbury University Press.
When the Canterbury earthquakes brought about the destruction of almost all of the buildings in central Christchurch, it created a unique opportunity for an insight into the past.
Professor of Timber Design at the University of Canterbury, who is playing a key role in the international resurgence in the use of timber for large-scale buildings.
To Canterbury now where the recent earthquakes have reignited interest in civil defence. Katy Gosset drops in on a major training exercise where there's no shortage of fresh blood.
The Canterbury electricity lines company, Orion, says electricity use in its region is starting to recover following the earthquakes, helping it lift both annual profit and sales 3 percent.
Panellists Neil Miller and Zoe George discuss a breakthrough in multi-storey buildings for earthquakes with Ben Moerman, a PHD student from the University of Canterbury studying Civil Engineering.
The Canterbury earthquakes damaged the facility beyond use, and almost six years after it was demolished, a new facility known as Taiora QE2 has risen from the rubble.
The Canterbury Communities' Earthquake Recovery Network or CanCERN represents dozens of residents' associations and community groups. Tom McBrearty is chairman, whose own house has been badly affected.
Two former Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority officials attempted to use their positions for their own financial gain and their actions will now be referred to the Serious Fraud Office.
The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority spent more than three million dollars on communications staff and consultants in the last financial year, up by a third on the previous year.