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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Angry reaction to Government energy strategy, Tizard questions Goff's ability to win election, Auckland agencies criticised for secrecy, Christchurch residents worried as winter approaches, Foreign language students scared off by earthquakes, Christchurch's tourism flickers to life but limited by quake, and Harawira aims for April 30th launch of new party.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

With many in Christchurch still living in earthquake damaged houses, the cold snap has prompted a call for temporary emergency shelters. Daphne Lewis-Mannix lives in a quake-damaged home in New Brighton. Her power was out last night, and she's been shivering overnight, already sick with a cold before the storm hit.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

John Key wants inquiry into collapse of buildings; Police update on latest from Christchurch emergency; Cordon update; More budget cuts in store after Christchurch earthquake; Attention turns to shape of new Christchurch CBD; Clifton Hills residents able to go home after evacuations; Quake Minister says ten thousand homes may be written off.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Earthquake Commission says it's likely homes in the Christchurch suburb of Bexley, which sank and cracked in Saturday's quake, will be rebuilt. People in the hardest hit areas of Canterbury have been learning more about their insurance entitlements, as the commission's assessors arrive in Kaiapoi and Bexley to begin evaluating the damage.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Christchurch earthquake last February forced many circus performers to flee the city in search of work. Their base - the Circo Arts school - was damaged in the quake and is likely to be demolished. But they're now slowly returning, as a new base for circus performers is established in the city.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Regional civil defence says listen to national centre, not pacific; Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre - "warning" too confusing; Union plans legal action against Earthquake Commission; Auckland DHB avoids possible legal action over smoking complaint; 7.6 quake triggered near Kermadec Islands; NIWA says National Oceans Strategy urgently needed; and 27 Christchurch bakers lose their jobs.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

At 12.51pm it will be 10 years since a devastating 6.2 earthquake struck Ōtautahi Christchurch, bringing down buildings and killing 185 people. A National service will get underway at half-past-12 at the city's Canterbury Earthquake Memorial site, to mark the anniversary. Maurice Gardiner's sister, Donna Manning, died in the CTV building collapse. Mr Gardiner told Māni Dunlop that at the Avonhead Cemetery this morning, he and his family joined others who have whānau buried there for a private service, where they remembered those they lost 10 years ago.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Billy Kristian of The Invaders shares his memories of Ray Columbus who has died at the age of 74. Islay Marsden of the University of Canterbury discusses what clearing rocks and silt from quake-induced landslides will do to the coastal environment. Kevin Furlong of Penn State University discusses the connection between the earthquakes and various faultline systems.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch Hospital has just celebrated its 150th anniversary. The major medical facility is in the heart of the city, beside Hagley Park, and played a key role in the February earthquake, treating the many who were seriously injured. Christchurch correspondent Katy Gosset discovers the hospital faces its own quake-related challenges as it plans for the future.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A legal settlement between the Earthquake Commission and a group of Canterbury homeowners over the standard of quake repairs, is being described as a milestone for house owners throughout the country. The Reserve Bank has left the cost of borrowing unchanged at a record low 2-point-25 percent, athough it is signalling further cuts remain on the cards.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The government plans to introduce legislation to change the Earthquake Commission's operations, after a report found major failings. It found EQC was woefully unprepared as it dealt with the Canterbury quakes, and made dozens of recommendations about clarifying EQC's role and improving the way it deals with claimants. RNZ political reporter Yvette McCullough has more.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A huge milestone in the rebuild of the Christchurch Cathedral. Twelves years since the Canterbury earthquakes caused extensive damage to the building, community leaders and project managers have gathered inside the cathedral this morning for the first time since the quakes. It also marks the completion of stablisation phase of the project. Our reporter Adam Burns went along.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

On the 10th anniversary of the devastating 2011 Christchurch quake we hear the first-hand story from Zara Potts, who describes how the brick cafe she was in caved in around her; we hear from Dr Caroline Bell on how the earthquakes impacted the mental health of Cantabrians and how things are looking a decade later; and our panellists share their own memories from that day.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The chair of the inquiry in to the Earthquake Commission has grave concerns about the state of the housing stock in Christchurch due to EQC's failure to properly fix quake damage. It's just one of a raft of findings released by Dame Silvia Cartwright today, after a year and a half long inquiry that heard from hundreds of homeowners and key players. Conan Young has the story.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Canadian-born Mark Quigley is a senior lecturer in Active Tectonics and Geomorphology at the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Canterbury. He's become an unwitting star as the go-to scientific voice throughout the Canterbury earthquakes, using plain language to help people understand what's behind the earthquake sequence. He's also had his own personal quake story - his Avonside home was badly damaged and is in the red zone.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Shift to quake recovery operation devastating for survivor;Brother of missing woman speaks out;Police say end of rescue effort sad day for all concerned;Other families trying to come to grips with rescue's end;Hundreds struggle on with life inside Christchurch cordon;Christ's College spared from large scale damage;Gang patches can return - Hells Angels lawyer;Botany to elect new MP tomorrow;Earthquake Minister on shift to recovery operation.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch residents will gather today to mark the tenth anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquake. The 6.2 magnitude quake killed 185 people and caused widespread destruction across the city. It hit at 12.51pm while many people were in the city centre, working, shopping or enjoying their lunch in the sunshine. This is where our coverage began. A warning this is confronting audio of events that day.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A new research project will study the ongoing impact of "quake brain" on people's memory and other cognitive functions a decade after the Canterbury earthquakes; a Masterton print business that can't find a way to recycle its plastic waste has highlighted a national problem; a programme offering free period products for all school students is to be rolled out nationwide from June; and why don't we eat possum?

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The former Earthquake Commission minister, Gerry Brownlee, is defending EQC over claims its assessors in Christchurch were not properly qualified. A growing number of homeowners in the city are discovering EQC assessors have completely missed quake damage including broken foundations costing hundreds of thousands to repair. That's been disastrous for people who've bought homes with hidden damage who are sometimes finding private insurers unwilling to cover the cost of putting right mistakes made by EQC. The company hired by EQC to carry out repairs was Fletcher Construction. Its chief executive at the time, Mark Binns, told Checkpoint that EQC probably hired unqualified people to assess quake damaged homes. Gerry Brownlee refused to be drawn on the comments from Mr Binns. But when asked by RNZ Christchurch reporter, Conan Young, if it was acceptable to have retired policemen, school principals and vacuum cleaner salesmen carrying out assessments for EQC, he admitted finding enough people to do the job was a challenge.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Pike River Mine will be put up for sale soon, People allowed into another area of Christchurch cordon, Relative, friends of quake lost describe pain of waiting, Doubts swirl around Rugby World Cup in Christchurch and the ongoing questions surrounding the death of a New Zealander and other tourists in Thailand, Earthquake puts unprecedented pressure on Reserve Bank, Sovereign may not be last failure in struggling building sector, Space shuttle Discovery lands safely in Florida.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

It's been a long road to recovery for one of Christchurch's biggest post-quake projects. Eight years after the route connecting Sumner to Lyttleton was blocked off by the earthquakes, the road through Evans Pass will reopen on Friday. Sumner residents will now have a second route into the suburb, as well as a renewed connection to Lyttleton. Sara Templeton is the councillor for Heathcote Ward, which covers Sumner, and speaks to Guyon Espiner.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Canterbury got a big shock this morning with a long and strong earthquake that sent people running for the nearest door frame. While the region seems to have escaped any major damage, it's left locals thankful it wasn't worse. The quake measured 6.0 on the richter scale and was centred 45 kilometes north of Geraldine. Since then, there have been more than 40 aftershocks. Checkpoint producer Anastasia Hedge has been near the epicentre.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

In quake-ravaged Christchurch businesses are tentatively restarting, and infrastructure is being restored, but there's ongoing uncertainty about job losses and how people will survive financially. Within six days of the February earthquake; the Government had introduced a subsidy scheme for businesses and their employees, as well as people who'd found themselves out of a job. Now there's growing disquiet about what will happen to thousands of Cantabrians when that support scheme finishes at the end of May.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Today RNZ's Midday supervising producer, Denise Garland, looks at two brand new podcasts. Collapse is a podcast from Stuff, all about the Christchurch earthquakes in the lead up the to 10th anniversary of the devastating quake on February 22nd. She also looks at NZ Wars - Stories of Tainui from RNZ which over the three episodes covers the war of Waikato in the 1860s, the great war for New Zealand, a defining conflict of New Zealand.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Johanna McCord moved to Christchurch just before the first earthquake in September nearly four years ago. But she fell in love with the city, regardless of its tectonic troubles. Johanna has just set up a blog called 'We Built This City' which is designed to showcase some of Christchurch's businesses and events. More than an information hub, it takes a personal look at some of the people who are really making a difference in the quake struck city.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The public policy think tank, the New Zealand Initiative, says this country is still under-prepared for the next big earthquake. The group of economists has reviewed the policy response to the Canterbury earthquakes and has just released its report: Recipe for disaster: Building policy on shaky ground. It says recovery from the quakes was hindered by avoidable policy mistakes that still haven't been addressed. One of the report's co authors Dr Eric Crampton joins Susie Ferguson to discuss the issues.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Time is nearly up for owners of on-sold quake damaged properties in Canterbury to apply to claim money for botched repairs. The Government announced last year it would give an ex-gratia payment to home-owners with properties that went over the Earthquake Commission's then cap of $100,000. Today is the last day for applications after the original August deadline was extended due to Covid-19. But there are calls to extend that deadline again, as applications have flooded in over the past month.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

There are hopes an earthquake simulation in Porirua might result in homes being better prepared for a big shake. Houses on Christchurch's Port Hills suffered more damage than houses in other areas during the Canterbury Earthquakes - even though the ground shaking was roughly the same. Now the Earthquake Commission is on a mission to find out why that was - and prevent the same level of damage in a future quake. Checkpoint reporter Logan Church and video journalist Dom Thomas start their report up on a hilly farm above Wellington.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Hundreds of children and 12 schools have pre-registered for swimming lessons at Christchurch's new Taiora QE2 sports centre, which opens today. The Canterbury earthquakes damaged the complex beyond repair, and almost six years after it was demolished, a new QE2 has risen from rubble - admittedly smaller and without the athletics track the old one was so well known for. Schools in particular are welcoming today's opening, after having to spend big bucks on transport to get their students to pools for lessons since the quakes. Logan Church reports.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

We're broadcasting today from Christchurch on the second anniversary of the six point three magnitude earthquake which devastated this city. One hundred and eighty five died in the quake and today at midday a memorial service will be held in Latimer Square. After two years, the pace of the rebuild is growing, but for some, so is frustration. More than seven thousand property owners in the residential red zone received a buyout offer from the government. Most of those have taken it - but there are a few who haven't.