A couple of Christchurch men are collecting letterboxes from the city's red-zoned suburbs, to create sculptures to tell the stories of the homes which have been demolished since the February 2011 earthquake. One of the men is Evan Smith - who co-chairs a group called the Avon-Otakaro Network. It's working toward creating a riverside park along the Avon, where the houses once stood.
The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority has confirmed land zoned red in Christchurch has no legal status.
Jane Bowron is a newspaper columnist who lived in the red zone at the time of the earthquake.
Residents living in Canterbury's red zones are praising Labour's plan to help them recover from the effects of the region's earthquakes.
Disgruntled Christchurch red-zoners who want the government to rethink its policy on quake-damaged homes are backing Labour's Earthquake Recovery Package.
Urban forager and food writer, Liv Sisson finds all sorts of tasty treats in the Otautahi city centre.With some of the housing and buildings destroyed in the earthquakes, a rewilding has taken place providing a range of edible plants. Liv Sisson gathers produce thriving on berms and near the Avon River.
As the first of a series of Government earthquake buy-out offers approach their deadline, some home-owners in Christchurch's residential red zone are pleading for more time.
Christchurch red zone residents say the area is experiencing an increasing amount of petty crime and dumped rubbish, due to a lack of people.
The red zone was established after thousands of houses - and the land underneath them - suffered severe damage in the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.
Last year (2019), a Regeneration Plan for the area was signed off by the government - which included building walkways, cycleways, forests, wetlands, and sport and recreation areas.
That's all designed to get people back into the red zone area - but much of the work is still years away.
Logan Church met a resident who told him that in the meantime, things are deteriorating.
A proposal to put houses back into Christchurch red zones is being shot down by some worried locals who say it's unfair and potentially unsafe. On Friday the crown-led agency, Regenerate Christchurch, released ten options for one area by the Avon river that 9 thousand people used to call home. Almost every house in the 602 hectare zone was demolished after the earthquakes.
A hundred beneficiaries in Canterbury are to be taken off the dole, and employed to help patrol the streets in a bid to reassure people living in red zoned suburbs that are all but deserted.
Most of Christchurch's earthquake damaged red zones are now almost clear of homes, but just over a hundred homeowners are now learning what life will be like once everyone else has gone.
Turning parts of Christchurch's red zoned land into a flat water sports lake, a community garden or a wave garden are some of the ideas being put forward to revitalise the earthquake-ravaged eastern part of the city.
Several thousand people attended the Christchurch red-zoned suburb of Brooklands' swan song gala. About five hundred homes have had to be abandoned because of earthquake damage, meaning Brooklands as it has been known will soon no longer exist.
The Earthquake Recovery Authority is knocking on the door of every red and orange zone resident in Christchurch to check on their welfare and offer them temporary accommodation if they need it.
The decision on what to do with Christchurch's earthquake damaged redzone is one step closer, with the end of the public consultation period on the plan for the area. Over the past month Christchurch people have been asked to comment on a draft land use plan for the 602 hectares of land. Now those pitching ideas want the authorities to get on with the next step, so they can have some certainty about whether their projects can go ahead.
A decision on the future of Christchurch's red zoned land could be made within a year. That's the hope of the man at the helm of Regenerate Christchurch, one of two organisations charged with taking over the city's rebuild from the Earthquake Recovery Authority, which shuts its doors in just three days.
TVs, shopping trolleys, beds, mattresses, even a gun. That is just some of the rubbish found by residents surrounding Christchurch's residential red zone. The area used to be filled with houses, but damage after the Canterbury earthquakes forced thousands of homes to be demolished. While many of the old suburban roads remain, the area now resembles a park. But it is now attracting those wanting to dump their rubbish for free - and Land Information NZ, which controls the land, has removed 25 tonnes of trash since January. Residents have had enough as well - with some taking matters into their own hands. Checkpoint reporter Logan Church has the story.
Residents in the Christchurch suburb of Parklands say their area should be made a red-zone.
We're broadcasting today from Christchurch on the second anniversary of the six point three magnitude earthquake which devastated this city. One hundred and eighty five died in the quake and today at midday a memorial service will be held in Latimer Square. After two years, the pace of the rebuild is growing, but for some, so is frustration. More than seven thousand property owners in the residential red zone received a buyout offer from the government. Most of those have taken it - but there are a few who haven't.
The tours will allow people to see the earthquake damage closeup for the first time since the earthquake struck in February.
The Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Authority says today's aftershocks have caused up to 50 additional buildings in the city's redzone to collapse or partially collapse.
Some of Christchurch's earthquake damaged red-zone land is another step closer to having some long term decisions made about its future. Today the Minister of Greater Christchurch Regeneration, Megan Woods, formally handed over ownership of 70 hectares of land to the Christchurch City Council. The land gifted to the council is in the coastal suburbs of Southshore, South Brighton and Brooklands, where residents have been waiting almost a decade to find out what the future holds for their area. Rachel Graham reports
Warwick Isaacs, the manager of demolitions for the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Authority was in the red zone when the magnitude 6 quake struck.
Public bus tours of Christchurch's red zone will start off with a warning that the passengers could be trapped by an earthquake and may not make it out alive.
More than a houndred people with businesses in Christchurch's CBD have stormed a cordon into the Red Zone, in frustration at still not being allowed access to their buildings - one month on from the earthquake.
Since the Christchurch earthquakes propelled Paul Fleming from his Chancery Lane shop in central Christchurch, he has begun a business called 'Happy Tours' featuring an immaculate Austin Seven called Myrtle. Myrtle takes Spectrum's Deborah Nation into Christchurch's central city Red Zone. Christchurch poet Helen Jacobs also tours in Myrtle.
Stonemason Mark Whyte puts sculpting commissions aside in order to respond to the Christchurch earthquakes and save classic street facades from the 1870s. Across the Red Zone and 3 generations of the Aires family- Bob, Rob and Suzie are at work on the Heritage Hotel which were the old government buildings.
In 1987, Jack Perkins recorded an award-winning documentary capturing the life, the sounds and the personalities of Cathedral Square in Christchurch. Thirty years on, Deborah Nation parallels that experience with the sounds of September 2011 as engineer Gabrielle Parker escorts her Shrough the earthquake Red Zone into the square as it is today.
Male mammals don't stay monogamous to produce fitter offspring, instead they do it for love and to protect their partner; Edward Snowden granted temporary asylum in Russia; Parking companies in central Wellington increase fees after earthquakes; and tours of Christchurch's Red Zone started this week.
Thirty-four years ago, Spectrum producer Jack Perkins recorded his award-winning documentary capturing the life, the sounds and the personalities of Cathedral square in Christchurch. In this edition of The Vault, Deborah Nation parallels that experience with the sounds of 2011 as she is escorted through the earthquake Red Zone into the square as it is today.