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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Intricate and imaginative are the knits which are pearled and planed away in an exhibition at the Dowse in Lower Hutt. Artist and Christchurch earthquake refugee Jacquelyn Greenbank talks to Lynn about her wonderful and whimsical contribution from her new home in Tauranga.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The number of speed camera tickets being issued skyrockets, police say it's about road safety, the AA's not so sure. Crisis talks in Europe over the Greek debt crisis... and its impact on the Eurozone and there were angry scenes at a Christchurch meeting last night as residents tried to stop a dump for earthquake debris being built in their suburb.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The first of Christchurch's high-rise buildings to close after the February earthquake has reopened. All the tenants of the12-storey HSBC Tower are now back in the building which has been extensively checked by engineering experts.