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Audio, Radio New Zealand

As if the crumbling ceilings, broken sewage pipes and torn up roads weren't enough for the people of North Christchurch to deal with, now there's a new problem that may be caused by the September earthquake: Mosquitoes. Pines Beach and Kairaki residents say black clouds of mosquitoes are descending on them at dusk and dawn.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Topics - A couple of New Zealand women, determined to carry on clubbing with kids, have launched the first New Zealand-based"Baby Loves Disco"franchise in Auckland's Viaduct. The"sheer strength and power"of the September the 4th earthquake has more than doubled the number of reported supernatural events in Canterbury, according to a paranormal investigator. The 2010 Census of Women's Participation reveals that female participation in governance, professional and public life is slipping away - erasing gains made in the past decades.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A review of the week's news including: The aftermath of New Zealand's worst aviation disaster since Erebus, Ports of Auckland industrial negotiations break down again while a report calls for privatising ports, the earthquake recovery minister is offside with the Christchurch business community, how safe is hunting in new Zealand? notorious criminal Dean Wickcliff behind bars again, turning Wellington's white knuckle flight arrivals into an opportunity, and something different for the kids these school holidays... adopt a pony.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Jim Hay keeps ticking along in a career that's spanned more than 30 years. He's a watchmaker and although he'll be the first to tell you time's just about run out on wrist watches, his skills in clock repairs are in demand since the Christchurch earthquake.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A UN report warns today that the world is running out of time to make sure there is enough food, water and energy, The Government says residents forced to sell up and leave their earthquake-damaged houses in the red zones of Christchurch can't expect to be told when their former homes will be demolished. A big story in the current Atlantic Monthly concludes, after looking at many studies, that cellphone use isn't harmful to your brain.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Mike Ardagh is a specialist emergency physician at Christchurch Hospital, who is chairing a research group which is looking into the health implications of the earthquakes. His work in improving the efficiency and performance of emergency departments was recognised in the New Year's Honours.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

1. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Has he had time to read and digest the judgement of Justice Miller regarding the Crafar farm deal; if so, does he stand by his comments made in the House yesterday? 2. Hon DAVID PARKER to the Minister for Land Information: Does he believe he and the Government have conducted themselves competently and appropriately in relation to the decision to approve the purchase of the Crafar farms by a foreign buyer; if not, what did they do wrong? 3. JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister of Finance: What reports has the Government issued on the economy? 4. JACINDA ARDERN to the Minister for Social Development: Does she have confidence that Work and Income meets their own "case management approach" expectations? 5. JAN LOGIE to the Minister for Social Development: Does she have concerns that changes to the eligibility for the Training Incentive Allowance are causing single parent beneficiaries to consider working in the sex industry? 6. Dr CAM CALDER to the Minister of Health: What improvements have there been to services for patients as a result of greater collaboration between District Health Boards? 7. Hon CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Minister for State Owned Enterprises: Does he still intend to sell 49 per cent of the four State-owned energy companies? 8. JAMI-LEE ROSS to the Minister of Local Government: What analysis has he received on rate increases across New Zealand's 78 councils following the enactment of new local government legislation in 2002? 9. Hon LIANNE DALZIEL to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery: Does he stand by the part of his statement of 27 January, announcing the extension of the red zone offer to retirement villages, that letters of offer would be sent to each resident and CERA would work with village owners as quickly as possible to ensure the residents are assisted; if not, why not? 10. Dr RUSSEL NORMAN to the Minister for Land Information: Did Overseas Investment Office officials meet with Chinese political consul Cheng Lei late last year; if so, did they discuss Shanghai Pengxin's bid for the Crafar farms? 11. CLARE CURRAN to the Minister of Broadcasting: What is the name of the documentary which was withheld in the papers released publicly by NZ On Air titled "Records of decisions made at working group meeting"? 12. Hon TAU HENARE to the Minister for Economic Development: What progress has he made declaring the Volvo Ocean Race Stopover a major event under the Major Events Management Act 2007?

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A new report says the financial cost of a major earthquake in Wellington would be much bigger than the Canterbury quakes. Opposition parties attack the asset sales plan after Bill English's "it's just a guess" comment and cuts to jobs, services, and profits, hard times at Qantas.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A new council report into Wellington's resilience has found the city's economy would take a $37 billion hit if it experienced an event like the Christchurch earthquake. Old people stand accused of displacing more than 40,000 teenagers from jobs over the past five years, as more of them choose to stay in the workforce and employers choose experience over youth.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The National Recovery Coordinator for Red Cross Emergency Services in Australia, who has researched disaster recovery practices around the world including the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, London bombings and Sichuan earthquake. She is visiting New Zealand ahead of the first anniversary of the February earthquake in Christchurch.