Site provides information for the Christchurch suburb of Redcliffs following the Feb. 22 earthquake. Includes information on basic services, local businesses, schools and community help; online request forms for people offering or needing services.
Blog of Action for Christchurch East, a group campaigning for the rights of residents in the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch. Includes discussion of political and social issues, delays to insurance payments and repairs, and protest actions in response.
Site of SCAPE which installs contemporary art by local, national and international artists in Christchurch’s public spaces. Information about past exhibits and about the next biennial, artists and permanent works. Includes the effect of the Christchurch earthquake on the organisation itself and the artists.
SKIP is a government funded initiative that supports parents and whanau to guide their children's behaviour in a positive way. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Site of industry representative organisations provides a one-stop portal where Cantabrians can research and engage local reconstruction professionals from plumbers and electricians to builders and civil contractors. Includes advice and tips.
Includes safety tips and information on contacting the Police. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
People share messages of thanks for help received after the Christchurch earthquake on February 22, 2011.
A 12-hour 'entertainment spectacular' centered in Christchurch. Features entertainers from around the world raising funds for the New Zealand Government's Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.
CERA site which allows a check of the status of residental property in greater Christchurch in the aftermath of the series of major earthquakes and aftershocks which began in September 2010. Also has information about the zone classifications and FAQs.
Site where artists can donate songs which are compiled into an album to raise money for Christchurch earthquake relief. Includes information about the first album, how to submit a song, and an online shop; and news blog of quake- and album-related information.
A forum created by Jeremy McManus to discuss ideas for rebuilding Christchurch following the February 22, 2011 earthquake. Topics discussed include housing, transportation, and urban design.
Blog describing the thoughts and travels of Christchurch librarian Moata Tamaira, the winner of's inaugural Blog Idol competition. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Decribes the new Re:Start village project in the Cashel Mall, which housing business previously located in Christchurch’s central city. Includes a directory of retailers, events, photographs, information about parking and access, and Christchurch central city news.
Blog providing information for residents of the Christchurch suburb of Mt Pleasant following the earthquakes. Includes news, information on basic services, and contacts for help and advice.
Discusses the history, purpose and the structure of the organisation. Also provides links to regional branches, news, newsletters, rural jobs- a resource for prospective employers and employees and resources such as guides, reports and contract and agreement forms. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Official site of the New Zealand Ministry of Education, in association with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) on education renewal in greater Christchurch in the wake of the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
Site of Christchurch-based handmade denim clothing company. Includes details of available stock, fitting guides, and photo gallery. Archive section of the site shows production models available prior to the Christchurch Earthquake.
Official information from Statistics New Zealand, including a summary of New Zealand statistics, also products and services and related links. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
MSD provides strategic social policy advice to the New Zealand Government and provides social services to more than one million New Zealanders. Information about the Ministry and its key initiatives, including downloadable factsheets and resources.
Lawrence Roberts' blog for those living in Cowlishaw Street, Chaddesden Lane, Patten Street, Retreat Road and close by. Includes information and news on earthquake assessment, repairs/rebuilding and related matters; and photo gallery.
Government initiative providing temporary accommodation service to people displaced by the Christchurch earthquake. Contains information about the service, and registration forms for property owners and applicants.
Summarises "Magnetic South," an online discussion about the long-term future of Christchurch in June 2011, with ideas about how the city might recover from the 2011 earthquake.
This website provides official information about Ministers, their portfolios and major initiatives. The site also includes full-text news items, press releases (including releases about the Budget), speeches and newsletters. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Describes the work of the New Zealand Res Cross does around New Zealand. Facility for making online donations and finding out where the local offices are available.
An intermittent collaboration between the Centre of Contemporary Art and a series of local artists looking to present new work which explores the realities of the post-earthquake cultural landscape in Christchurch. The artworks by Ed Lust, Sam Eng, and Robyn Wester each utilise the empty window space of the window and carport of the damaged COCA building which is awaiting repair.
Services to Schools offers support to New Zealand educators, through advisory services, professional development, literacy programs and the supply of non-fiction, fiction, picture books and graphic novels to New Zealand schools. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Website of scientist Dr N.E. Whitehead. Includes tabulated raw data from an online survey, a report based on the data, a link to the scientific paper written by Dr Whitehead and Professor Motoji Ikeya.
An initiative by the CPIT Faculty of Creative Industries to establish gallery and studio spaces for Christchurch artists following the Christchurch earthquake, by using flexible, adaptable cube modules.
Ngai Tahu are the Maori people of the southern islands of New Zealand, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu is the governing body. Background, objectives, information and programmes are detailed for all the associated corporations. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-
Site of the National Party MP for Christchurch Central. Communicates her political activities and parliamentary speeches. Includes updates about Christchurch earthquake recovery and rebuild.