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Videos, NZ On Screen

This 1974 end of year special for music show Popco features cover songs performed in the studio and around Christchurch. Presenting and singing are Rob Guest (before musicals fame), Steve Gilpin (before he founded Mi-Sex) and Hayden Wood. Joining them are Space Waltz (in their glam rock glory), Annie Whittle (on the banks of the Avon), show regulars the Maggie Burke Dancers in Cathedral Square, Mark Williams (sparkling in green lurex), Bunny Walters and Claire Raine, Rockinghorse (featuring 'Nature' composer Wayne Mason), Drut (complete with flaming guitar) and Beaver (in the finale).

Videos, NZ On Screen

The Mainland Touch was a popular regional news magazine programme broadcast from Christchurch between 1980 until 1990. In excerpts here, Christchurch Botanic Gardens welcomes the arrival of spring with a daffodil festival while local gardening groups prepare a floral carpet. The Wizard of Christchurch battles Telecom over the colour of phone boxes and joins opponents of a proposed restaurant tower in Victoria Square. Punting on the Avon is extended, and a cockatoo hitches a ride in the garden city.