
found 8 results

Images, Canterbury Museum

One green plastic Port-A-Loo door with surround, lock and mirror on interior; Port-A-Loo logo on front. One of the most immediate challenges facing Christchurch residents following the 22 February 2011 earthquake was the restriction on using residential toilet facilities. The restrictions were implemented due to the extensive damage to sewerage...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One oblong perspex covered 3-D model of the fault plains that ruptured to cause the 22 February and 13 June 2011 earthquakes; top of the model also acts as a map overlay. This model provides a visual demonstration of the geological forces that caused the 22 February and 13 June 2011 earthquakes. These forces were so strong that parts of the Por...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 19 November 2011 looking east from Norwich Quay from approximately the base of Canterbury Street. Visible in the photograph are the partially deconstructed former Lyttelton Harbour Board Offices, the Holcim Cement Silos, the Oxford Street Railway Overbridge, Lyttelton Port of Christchurch's storag...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 of London Street, Lyttelton. The photograph was taken from St Davids Street looking west. The roofs of the portable buildings forming the temporary Lyttelton Police station are visible in the foreground. The Lyttelton Port Company offices and Tunnel Portal are prominent in the midgrou...