Plastic wrapped package containing Japanese [?] sweets.
Plastic wrapped container of Asahi brand Mintia.
600ml plastic bottle of Coca Cola.
Artificial fabric and plastic orange gerbera with stem.
Two litre plastic bottle of Asahi brand water.
Artificial fabric and plastic orange gerbera with stem.
Slightly flared plain white glazed bowl. Bowl is dirty.
Foil wrapped package containing a Japanese [?] Black Thunder bar.
175ml can of Maxwell House original beverage.
600ml plastic bottle of Coca Cola Zero.
175ml can of Maxwell House original beverage.
Fabric red gerbera with wire and plastic stem.
280ml plastic bottle of green tea beverage.
Foil wrapped package containing a Japanese [?] Black Thunder bar.
Foil wrapped package containing 20g of Japanese [?] Kabaya brand biscuits.
White fabric artificial flower with plastic sepals and short stem.
Artificial fabric and plastic white lily with single green leaf.
Artificial fabric and plastic yellow lily with single green leaf.
520ml plastic bottle of I Lohas brand water.
500ml plastic bottle of Origin brand green tea.
350ml plastic bottle of OZ20 brand water.
A green painted stone with a pink heart in the centre.
A yellow painted stone with a blue heart in the centre.
Red fabric artificial rose flowerhead, with grey-green plastic sepals, no stem.
A plastic wrapper containing Nobel lemon flavoured chewing candy. Wrapper is open.
Four strings of forest green, light green, yellow, orange and purple peace cranes.
White fabric artificial flower with plastic sepals and short plastic coated wire stem.
Red fabric artificial rose flowerhead, green fabric leaves, plastic sepals and short stem.
Brown ceramic sewage pipe damaged by the 22 February 2011 and 13 June 2011 earthquakes.
White fabric artificial rose flowerhead and green fabric sepals. No stem. Stained and dirty.