One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 off Godley Head looking west towards the face of the cliffs. Rock which fell from the cliffs is heaped at the waters edge. Some of the buildings from the coastal defence battery are visible on top of the cliff. Volcanic banding is visible in the face of the cliffs. There were severa...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 May 2013 of a retaining wall in Sumner Road which was replaced due to earthquake damage. The original wall was created using red volcanic rock. Many walls like this were built using the Hard Labour Gang from the Lyttelton Gaol. The replacement wall has a small section of stone installed to sho...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 of London Street, Lyttelton. The photograph was taken from St Davids Street looking west. The roofs of the portable buildings forming the temporary Lyttelton Police station are visible in the foreground. The Lyttelton Port Company offices and Tunnel Portal are prominent in the midgrou...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 May 2013 of a retaining wall in Sumner Road which was replaced due to earthquake damage. The original wall was created using red volcanic rock. Many walls like this were built using the Hard Labour Gang from the Lyttelton Gaol. The replacement wall has a small section of stone installed to sho...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on the corner of Norwich Quay and Canterbury Street, Lyttelton. The photograph shows the Mitre Hotel surrounded by temporary fencing. Three years after the 2010-2011 earthquakes there are still many uncertainties about which buildings can or will be retained. These buildings, or parts...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph shows part of the rear windscreen of a blue car with a sticker which reads 'I don't need sex EQC is screwing me'. The right side of the sticker is torn leaving a jagged edge. The process of negotiation with EQC and insurance companies to...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on the corner of Norwich Quay and Canterbury Street, Lyttelton. The photograph shows the sites of the Royal Hotel, Shadbolt House, and the Lyttelton Hotel along Norwich Quay. The Wunderbar and the repair and strengthening work underway on the Lyttelton Working Mens Club/The Loons are v...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 off Godley Head looking north to Boulder Bay and Taylors Mistake. Rock which fell from the cliffs is heaped at the waters edge. Volcanic banding is visible in the face of the cliffs. There were several major rock falls along the coastal cliffs near Christchurch and Lyttelton Harbour....
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph is taken looking south from the site of the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker to the site of the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity. Visible are the removed top of the bell tower and porch. The damaged vicarage is at the weste...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 of Lyttelton Main School. The photograph is taken from St Davids Street looking northwest. One of the broader consequences of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes has been the Ministry of Education’s Shaping Education – Future Direction Review of Schools in the Greater Christchurch Ar...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 off Godley Head looking north towards Sumner Head. There were several major rock falls along the coastal cliffs near Christchurch and Lyttelton Harbour. In and around the suburb of Sumner some of these falls necessitated the abandonment of houses in areas where cliffs had given way or...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 September 2011 showing the site of the Lyttelton Historical Museum on the corner of Gladstone Quay and Donald Street. The photograph shows the temporary fencing around the levelled site. The building visible at the rear is the former Municipal Stables on Donald Street. To the right of the phot...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 14 July 2011 showing damage to the Lyttelton Historical Museum on the corner of Gladstone Quay and Donald Street. The photograph shows the safety fencing and containers installed after the 22 February 2011 earthquakes. Architect Closed after the September 2010 earthquakes, the Lyttelton Museum bu...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 23 July 2011 showing the artwork by Trent Hiles erected on the site of the Harbourlight Theatre on London Street. The artwork presents part of James K Baxter's poem 'High Country Weather' using the international code of signal flags. The artwork was installed as a Gap Filler project. The artwork r...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 30 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the former Convent of Our Lady of Mercy and to the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker. Photograph taken from St. Davids Street The sense of loss felt when confronted with the collapse or demolition of an historic building is compounded when that bui...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 16 June 2011 showing the Lyttelton Bakery operating from a portable building on the Corner of Canterbury Street and Norwich Quay. This portable building has been placed on the site of the Royal Hotel. Also visible in the photograph are Shadbolt House and the rear of the buildings on the south side...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 16 June 2011 showing the site of the Timeball Station after its collapse. Part of the ground floor remains visible. Photograph taken from Oxford Street Overbridge. Architect The 13 June 2011 earthquakes caused the collapse of the already damaged Lyttelton Timeball Station. After the 22 February ...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 15 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Anglican Church of The Most Holy Trinity in Winchester Street, Lyttelton. Photograph shows collapsed roof of the nave and north transept. Photograph taken from the north side of the church. Architect The collapse of the Church of the Most Holy Trinity ...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 30 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to graves in Lyttelton Roman Catholic and Dissenters (Public) Cemeteries in Reserve Terrace. Most of the headstones and grave surrounds in the photograph show damage. Looking east in the Dissenters (Public) section of the cemetery. The Lyttelton cemeteries a...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 30 June 2011 showing signs warning of the danger posed by unstable headstones in Lyttelton Roman Catholic and Dissenters (Public) Cemeteries in Reserve Terrace. Several toppled headstones and collapsed grave surrounds are visible in the photograph. Looking east from the main gate. The Lyttelton c...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 30 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to a section of retaining wall in Sumner Road. Plastic sheeting installed to stabilise previous damage and protect from water erosion is visible to the right of the photograph. Also visible in the photograph is a boarded up broken window and temporary safety ...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 15 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Anglican Church of The Most Holy Trinity in Winchester Street, Lyttelton. Photograph shows collapsed roof of the nave and north transept. Photograph taken from the northwest corner of the church. Architect The collapse of the Church of the Most Holy Tr...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 6 September 2011 showing the demolition of 2 Sumner Road, the former library and fire station. This building was a private residence at the time of its demolition. Photograph taken looking north on Oxford Street. Also visible in the photograph are the Lyttelton Information Centre, an entrance to ...
Female mannequin with fabric and wax body. Stamped to front of mannequin waist is P. Imans Paris.
One white cotton t-shirt with black seismograph-like patterns in the shape of ChristChurch Cathedral. Produced to commemorate the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Canterbury at 4.35am on 4 September 2010. This t-shirt was designed and manufactured by Auckland based t-shirt company Mr Vintage in October 2010 to commemorate the 7.1 magnitude ...
One black, red and white plastic-backed fabric uniform badge commemorating the 22 February 2011 earthquake; the words 'Christchurch 6.3 Quake' are embroidered in red along the top along with '22-2-2011' and '12.51pm'; Along the bottom are the words 'In Memory'; In the centre is a map of New Zealand in green with a red embroidered star over Cante...
One white hard hat with a SCIRT logo at the front.
One orange High Viz vest with a SCIRT logo on the front.
One trophy made from a can attached to a wooden base issued to SCIRT as a thank you for participating in Canstruction Christchurch. Features a custom printed label which celebrates teamwork in place of the usual nutritional information.
One framed certificate issued to SCIRT in 2013 to mark winning The Press Champion Canterbury Supreme Award in the Medium-Large Enterprise category.