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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

An exceedingly large 'Gerry' Brownlee, the Minister for Earthquake Recovery, rises from a chair, holding a briefcase labeled 'CERA' and calling for 'Bob' Parker, the mayor of Christchurch. The thin Parker was flattened against Brownlee's enormous rear, when Brownlee sat on the chair. Brownlee and Parker had a strained relationship, with the government taking an increasing amount of control in local decision making. After ongoing assurances by Parker that Christchurch City Council would meet all of International Accreditation New Zealand's requirements on issuing building consents, Brownlee announced in June 2013 without Parker's prior knowledge that the authority had withdrawn its accreditation. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Commentary from the cartoonist 'The Earthquake Commission's leak of 83,000 files is like a storyline from Alfred Hitchcock: : a loon attempts to shock a nation that has already been rendered braindead from previous shocks.Note: EQC is ued here as an 'echo' of the term ECT [electro convulsive shock treatment].' In March 2013, there was a massive leak of of some 83,000 EQC files relating to individual claims relating to the Christchurch earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A bus tours a city street with destroyed schools either side. The guide points out destruction on the right from earthquakes and on the left from Hekia Parata. Wider context is the ongoing impact of the Christchurch February 2011 earthquake. The implication is that the earthquake caused physical damage to some schools and that the Minister for Education is responsible for destroying others with her announcement of school closures in Christchurch on 18 February 2013. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).