A container labelled 'Chch East residents'has landed on the far side of the planet Mars. Others have landed or are descending. People in space suits exit the containers. One of them shakes hands with a green Martian commenting to him that the ground there is solid, it has nice views and the locals are a lot less alien than the insurance agents back home. Context: refers to NASA's exploration of the surface of Mars by the Curiosity rover. The rover landed on Mars in September 2012 and the ongoing problems of earthquake survivors in Christchurch's eastern suburbs. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows Christchurch's Anglican cathedral receiving extensive treatment including blood, ambulances, scaffold and signs reading 'save!' In the background Christchurch's Catholic Cathedral says it wants its share of attention as well. Context: The focus of repairing the Christchurch Anglican cathedral appeared to draw focus and resources from the equally historic and damaged Catholic Cathedral. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A louse labelled, Insurance companies, is shown eating something labelled, Huge premium hikes. A definition of the louse as a scavenger and a parasite is given below. Context: Insurance premiums rose New Zealand wide following the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury Earthquakes Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The three versions of this cartoon show words reading 'rumble' and 'crack' and refer to problems in relationships between the Christchurch City Council and the government about how to manage the rebuilding of Christchurch after the second most damaging earthquake that occured one year ago today (22 February 2011) Quantity: 3 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a aerial representation of Christchurch's eastern suburbs with the course of the Avon River. The new river course spells the word 'munted'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Christchurch City Councillor Aaron Keown has brought a building down on top of himself by hammering it with a mallet in his attempt to chain himself to it. Context: Refers to the start of the demolition of the Christchurch Cathedral in the wake of the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. Aaron Keown has said he will chain himself to the cathedral to stop it being demolished. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A red and black flag - Canterbury colours - showing silhouettes of the 185 people who died in the Christchurch earthquake of February 22nd 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Martin Setchell, the organist, is shown playing a mouth organ made out of cardboard tubes. This is a comment on the controversy over the replacement of Christchurch Cathedral, which was severely damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, by a temporary building made out of cardboard tubing. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Under the caption, young people carrying their baggage flutter into the air, away from Canterbury and toward 'Oz'. In September GNS Earth Sciences reported that after the earthquakes, the Greendale and associated faults were still moving as they settled into a new configuration. At the same time the young were leaving Canterbury (and New Zealand) for a better future in Australia. The population of New Zealand was moving into a new configuration. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a mobile phone with a text on it that reads 'Dear Chch (Christchurch) thinking of u (you) all xxx NZ'. Context: Refers to the commemoration events taking place in Christchurch on 22 February 2012 which is the first anniversary of the 2011 earthquake which killed 185 people. Mobile phones were instrumental in helping to locate victims and in enabling people to communicate with trapped victims. B&W and colour versions of this cartoon available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Dove carries worm to chicks in a sunlit nest; the background is broken columns and rubble. Context - the 22nd February 2012 was the first anniversary of the earthquake of 22nd February 2011 in which 185 people died. Title created by librarian Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Two men discuss in a pub the problem that Christchurch has about how to house all the workers arriving to rebuild the city. One of them suggests the solution found for the workers on the Manapouri Dam which was housing them on cruise liners. Context: One solution has been provided by the Defence Force who are leasing 42 derelict NZDF houses next to Burnham Military Camp. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Offers new lyrics to familiar Christmas carols based on current events in Christchurch, New Zealand. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Prime Minister John Key tells the Minister for Earthquake recovery, Gerry Brownlee, to 'fill it in before it climbs back out!' Gerry Brownlee is sweeping rubble into a deep pit. The rubble represents many of the problems that New Zealand faces like Pike River, earthquakes, the Rena, child abuse, Winston Peters, gas pipeline damage and so on. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A silt castle has been built by Christchurch East that wins the competition. Context: The eastern suburbs have had a lot of problems with liquefaction following earthquakes and aftershocks. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows rain falling over two gondolas of people floating past flooded Christchurch damaged houses. One person points to people in balaclavas climbing over the houses and calls out 'And look...the wildlife's returning!'. Context: Heavy rain and flooding hit Christchurch suburbs, including earthquake damaged homes (Newstalk website 14 August 2012). At the same time, wildlife (possums and rare birds) are moving into abandoned suburbs (Stuff 13 August 2012) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows snarling rats labelled 'insurance companies' in a cityscape. Context: Concerns about shortfall in insurance cover have arisen in response to the Christchurch City Council's draft annual plan, which proposes a 7.5 per cent rates increase to fund earthquake rebuild (Stuff 23 April 2012). Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a patched wind up heart labelled 'ChCh Central' with several tubes attached. Context: On 18 April 2012 Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee annnounced the establishment of Christchurch Central Development Unit focussing on the rebuilding of the Christchurch Central Business District (CBD) (Scoop website 18 April 2012). Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows various sized boats for the 'tsunami-conscious' as show homes in Christchurch. Context: There is anxiety about the potential for a local source tsunami but the Christchurch City Council says on its website that there will be no time to issue an official warning for a local source tsunami. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Refers to the rebuilding of Christchurch after the earthquakes. Shown are a cardboard 'weetbix' box, a condom brothel that gives great protection, a pile of rolls of toilet paper, the 'popcorn hotel' expands in microwave, the 'Milo' building, soft but reinforced with iron', and the 'styrofoam chalice'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a number of rental possibilities like a waterfront, a kennel, a wheelie bin, a parkbench, tress, the cardboard cathedral when it is no longer required and a sewage pipe. Context: The problem over lack of rental accomodation after the earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Ruamoko, the Earthquake God, stirs in his bed, and with a sudden yawn, wonders if it is time to awake again. Above him Christchurch City trembles. On 15 May 2012, after several months of comparatively small quakes, a 4.5 Richter Scale earthquake was registered only 10 km East of Christchurch. Quake-weary Christchurch citizens feared that another large earthquake was on its way. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Two cowboys representing the CCC (Christchurch City Council) and 'protesters' are about to have a gun battle in a deserted street. Context: Relates to anger and a protest of 4000 people at what they see as poor performance by the City Council in dealing with earthquake issues. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A plane flies into the distance. Attached to it by a rope is a large package containing Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and CEO of the City Council Tony Marryatt. The package is addressed 'Deepest Siberia c/- isolated hellhole Russia'. The mayor looks on the bright side considering this to be a junket the people will approve of. Context: Public disapproval of the Mayor's two-week tour of Asian countries with a Christchurch International Airport-led delegation. The airport is paying for the mayoral couple to take part in the trip. There is public criticism that the trip take place at this time because of ongoing problems with the council and earthquake recovery. There is also criticism of Tony Marryatt's $68,000 pay increase considered poor form when so many people are struggling with earthquake related problems. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
The top frame shows the barbed wire and watch tower of a prison. There is a comment about someone wanting the warmth of a prison cell. The second frame shows prison staff chatting at cross purposes about a petition from Christchurch with homes wrecked by earthquake pleading to be allowed to live in prison and the sentence imposed on the Bridgecorp directors who have been accused of defrauding investors. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
Shows as asterisks, stars etc a list of curses and swear words used to describe the EQC, delays, Roger Sutton, Gerry Brownlee and insurance companies. Context: The words describe the frustration and stress being experienced by many people in Canterbury post earthquake. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows Bishop Victoria Matthews reading a brochure offering cheap deals for cathedrals and their various accoutrements. Context: refers to the debate about the fate of the Christchurch Cathedral. Bishop Victoria Matthews is in favour of demolishing the cathedral to a certain safe level. The lobby for saving the cathedral, wrecked by the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, is very strong. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a happy crowd playing in the sea and sand in the Christchurch Square. Bishop Victoria Matthews is seen balancing on the Wizard of Christchurch who has turned himself into a surfboard. Context: refers to a proposal by Bishop of Christchurch Victoria Matthews that the earthquake-damaged Square could be made "welcoming and engaging" again by transforming it into an artificial beach with large movie screens. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows flowers at the Ellerslie Flowershow that represent various politicians. They are (from left) Mayor Bob Parker, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (Cera) chief executive Roger Sutton, Gerry Brownlee Minister of Earthquake recovery, Tony Marryatt, the Christchurch council chief executive, former Nelson mayor Kerry Marshall appointed Crown observer to oversee city council issues, Christchurch City Councillor Aaron Keown, and Deputy Mayor Ngaire Button. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee as Pontius Pilate washing his hands of the rental crisis in Christchurch. In the background is Jesus burdened with the cross and representing the 'rental crisis'. Context: The rental housing situation in Christchurch is at crisis point and is causing huge stress for people unable to find suitable accommodation. Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee said last month that the rental housing crisis was best left to the market, but Gatonyi said his stance was "totally flawed". (Press 12 April 2012) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).