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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Photographs of people gathered in the grounds of Parliament on 1 March 2011 to observe two minutes silence to remember the people killed in the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011. Arrangement: Images were originally in a folder labelled '2 Minutes Silence for Christchurch Earthquake Mar 1 2011' within the folder '300111 Fairs, Festivals & Protests Jan to July 2011' Quantity: 15 digital photograph(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

As a man and a woman walk along the man comments that 'for 2 minutes yesterday people were joined as one in a spirit of caring and thoughtful reflection...' The woman, speaking about their personal life, wonders why they only ever manage 2 minutes of that. Context - at 12.51 pm on Tuesday 1 March 2011 (exactly a week after the catastrophic Christchurch earthquake of 22 February) all of New Zealand stopped for two minutes of silent contemplation. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A large group of people stand on a huge sundial in a pattern that forms a map of New Zealand; the hand of the sundial casts a shadow that falls on nine minutes to one. Context - the people of New Zealand maintained a vigil of two minutes silence at 12.51 on 1 March which was exactly a week after the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February struck. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A television announcer sits at his desk reading the news. He says 'The shake which lasted 75 minutes and caused widespread damage in living rooms all over the country measured 5.18 on the rugby scale and was centred on Port Elizabeth in South Africa'. Context: The All Blacks lost to the Springboks 5-18 in a tri-nations test match in South Africa only a few days before the World Cup kick-off. Fans have been warned not to panic. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon simply has the time '12.51' printed in large text. Context - exactly a week after the Christchurch earthquake which occurred at 12.51 on Tuesday 22 February 2011, the people of New Zealand stopped whatever they were doing for 2 minutes of silence' (the date was Tuesday 1 March 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).