Nisbet, Alastair, 1958- :'Sob!'. 6 September 2012
Images, Alexander Turnbull Library
On the second anniversary of the 2010 earthquake Canterbury weeps. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
On the second anniversary of the 2010 earthquake Canterbury weeps. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Dove carries worm to chicks in a sunlit nest; the background is broken columns and rubble. Context - the 22nd February 2012 was the first anniversary of the earthquake of 22nd February 2011 in which 185 people died. Title created by librarian Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Shows a mobile phone with a text on it that reads 'Dear Chch (Christchurch) thinking of u (you) all xxx NZ'. Context: Refers to the commemoration events taking place in Christchurch on 22 February 2012 which is the first anniversary of the 2011 earthquake which killed 185 people. Mobile phones were instrumental in helping to locate victims and in enabling people to communicate with trapped victims. B&W and colour versions of this cartoon available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).