A video of a presentation by Dr Rob Buxton of GNS Science on "Modelling interdependencies of critical infrastructure". The presentation was delivered at the learning forum on Interdependencies of Lifeline Systems as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
A video of a presentation by Roger Fairclough of the National Infrastructure Unit on "New Zealand resilient infrastructures: interdependency issues when planning for the future". The presentation was delivered at the learning forum on Interdependencies of Lifeline Systems as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
Video of Sylvia's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Video of Audrey Dragovich's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A video of a presentation by Michelle Daly of GNS Science on the "Economics of Infrastructure Resilience EoRI project". The presentation was delivered at the learning forum on Interdependencies of Lifeline Systems as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
A video about the New Zealand Army's engineers working with the Christchurch City Council and community centres to secure buildings in Christchurch, set up bases in Latimer Square, and fix infrastructure such as Burwood Hospital's water supply.
A video of a CTV News broadcast of a Ministry of Women's Affairs initiative to attract more women into trades and construction related jobs.
A video filmed during the Liquefaction Trial detonation and immediately following (run time approximately one minute).
A video which describes the history of the bridge and SCIRT's repair methodology.
A video of a presentation by Ian Campbell, Executive General Manager of the Stronger Christchurch Rebuild Team (SCIRT), during the third plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Putting People at the Heart of the Rebuild".The abstract for this presentation reads: On the face of it, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) is an organisation created to engineer and carry out approximately $2B of repairs to physical infrastructure over a 5-year period. Our workforce consists primarily of engineers and constructors who came from far and wide after the earthquakes to 'help fix Christchurch'. But it was not the technical challenges that drew them all here. It was the desire and ambition expressed in the SCIRT 'what we are here for' statement: 'to create resilient infrastructure that gives people security and confidence in the future of Christchurch'. For the team at SCIRT, people are at the heart of our rebuild programme. This is recognised in the intentional approach SCIRT takes to all aspects of its work. The presentation will touch upon how SCIRT communicated with communities affected by our work and how we planned and coordinated the programme to minimise the impacts, while maximising the value for both the affected communities and the taxpayers of New Zealand and rate payers of Christchurch funding it. The presentation will outline SCIRT's very intentional approach to supporting, developing, connecting, and enabling our people to perform, individually, and collectively, in the service of providing the best outcome for the people of Christchurch and New Zealand.
A video of an interview with Tom Thomson, Managing Director of Elastomer Products, about the experiences of businesses in the aftermath of the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Thomson talks about the importance of focussing on people, diversifying infrastructure, and informing customers after the earthquakes. He also talks about the need for businesses to understand their insurance policies and to have building and service fall-back plans. This video is part of a series about businesses in Christchurch after the earthquakes.
A video of the removal of the earthquake-damaged Medway Street bridge from the banks of the Avon River. The video shows members of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team removing the bridge and preparing it for transport to the Ferrymead Heritage Park. It will remain at the park until a permanent home can be found for it as an earthquake memorial.
A video about the discovery of a historic tramline on North Avon Road. The video includes an interview with Brent Leersynder, a site engineer for SCIRT, and Steve Timpson, site foreman for SCIRT. The SCIRT team found the tramline while repairing the damaged wastewater system under North Avon Road in May.
A video of a presentation by Haydn Read, Programme Director of Smart City Coalition, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Smart City/Choice City".The abstract for the presentation reads, "'We want to get to the point where people can get amazing information in real-time that helps them make choices about where to swim or what road to take' (Vicki Buck, Deputy Mayor of Christchurch). Real time information and feedback via the Internet of Things. The CCC is now part of Land Information New Zealand's (LINZ) Smart City coalition which aims to test the value of smart city concepts through a series of projects in Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington."Note that due to technical issues, the final part of this presentation was not recorded.
A video of the second part of a keynote address by Dr. Colin G Harrison from IBM Smarter Cities, USA, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talk is about the opportunity that post-quake Christchurch has to reinvent and rebrand itself as a smart, green, energy-efficient city through clever IT strategies, flexible infrastructure, and sustainable values.
A video of the first part of a keynote address by Dr. Colin G Harrison from IBM Smarter Cities, USA, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talk is about the opportunity that post-quake Christchurch has to reinvent and rebrand itself as a smart, green, energy-efficient city through clever IT strategies, flexible infrastructure, and sustainable values.
A video of a presentation by Professor Chris Kissling, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Transport Roles in Helping Shape Canterbury's Post-earthquakes Future".The abstract for the presentation reads, "The necessity for embracing integrated transportation solutions to meet emerging societal needs."
A video of a conversation between John Hamilton, National Controller of the Civil Defence Emergency Response, and Dr Sonia Giovinazzi, Research Fellow at the Department of Civil and Natural Resource Engineering at the University of Canterbury. Hamilton and Giovinazzi discuss the Civil Defence's response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake and the lessons that they learned.The video includes footage from the Ministry of Civil Defence (licenced under Creative Commons Attribute 3.0 New Zealand).
A video of a press conference with Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Raf Manji, Chair of the Christchurch City Council Finance Committee, about the KordaMentha report. KordaMentha is an independent auditing firm which specialises in insolvencies and corporate recovery. The report analysed the Christchurch City Council's three year budgeting plan and the financial strategies that lay behind it. Much of this budget dealt with the challenges in Christchurch caused by the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Dalziel talks about the cost of mending Christchurch's infrastructure, the Council's insurance settlement, and the need to address the findings in the report. Manji talks about the Council's financial options following the report.
A video of a presentation by Richard Conlin during the Community Resilience Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Resilience, Poverty, and Seismic Culture".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: A strategy of resilience is built around the recognition that effective emergency response requires community involvement and mobilization. It further recognizes that many of the characteristics that equip communities to respond most effectively to short term emergencies are also characteristics that build strong communities over the long term. Building resilient communities means integrating our approaches to poverty, community engagement, economic development, and housing into a coherent strategy that empowers community members to engage with each other and with other communities. In this way, resilience becomes a complementary concept to sustainability. This requires an asset-based change strategy where external agencies meet communities where they are, in their own space, and use collective impact approaches to work in partnership. This also requires understanding and assessing poverty, including physical, financial, and social capital in their myriad manifestations. Poverty is not exclusively a matter of class. It is a complex subject, and different communities manifest multiple versions of poverty, which must be respected and understood through the asset-based lens. Resilience is a quality of a community and a system, and develops over time as a result of careful analysis of strengths and vulnerabilities and taking actions to increase competencies and reduce risk situations. Resilience requires maintenance and must be developed in a way that includes practicing continuous improvement and adaptation. The characteristics of a resilient community include both physical qualities and 'soft infrastructure', such as community knowledge, resourcefulness, and overall health. This presentation reviews the experience of some earlier disasters, outlines a working model of how emergency response, resilience, and poverty interact and can be addressed in concert, and concludes with a summary of what the 2010 Chilean earthquake tells us about how a 'seismic culture' can function effectively in communities even when government suffers from unexpected shortcomings.
A video of a presentation by David Meates, Chief Executive of the Christchurch District Health Board and the West Coast District Health Board, during the first plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Local System Perspective".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: The devastating Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 have resulted in challenges for the people of Canterbury and have altered the population's health needs. In the wake of New Zealand's largest natural disaster, the health system needed to respond rapidly to changing needs and damaged infrastructure in the short-term in the context of developing sustainable long-term solutions. Canterbury was undergoing system transformation prior to the quakes, however the horizon of transformation was brought forward post-quake: 'Vision 2020' became the vision for now. Innovation was enabled as people working across the system addressed new constraints such as the loss of 106 acute hospital beds, 635 aged residential care beds, the loss of general practices and pharmacies as well as damaged non-government organisation sector. A number of new integration initiatives (e.g. a shared electronic health record system, community rehabilitation for older people, community falls prevention) and expansion of existing programs (e.g. acute demand management) were focused on supporting people to stay well in their homes and communities. The system working together in an integrated way has resulted in significant reductions in acute health service utilisation in Canterbury. Acute admission rates have not increased and remain significantly below national rates and the number of acute and rehabilitation bed days have fallen since the quakes, with these trends most evident among older people. However, health needs frequently reported in post-disaster literature have created greater pressures on the system. In particular, an escalating number of people facing mental health problems and coping with acute needs of the migrant rebuild population provide new challenges for a workforce also affected by the quakes. The recovery journey for Canterbury is not over.