Fairfax Video, January 2012 (9)
Videos, UC QuakeStudies
A video of an excavator demolishing a red-zoned property on Seabreeze Close in Bexley. The house is the first to be demolished in the Bexley residential red zone.
A video of an excavator demolishing a red-zoned property on Seabreeze Close in Bexley. The house is the first to be demolished in the Bexley residential red zone.
A video showing part of the demolition of the Ozone Hotel in New Brighton. Steve Taylor comments "She put up a good fight. The Ozone in New Brighton was damaged in the February earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. Here is the main corner of the structure being, as they say, deconstructed. At the end there is a reverent bow by the excavator. Just before this the claw had caught on the floor/ceiling and the whole building shook from side to side, but it still stayed in place."
A video of an interview with Helen and Edna Yates about their Worcester Street house which is to be demolished due to earthquake damage. The 96-year-old identical twins lived in the house for 95 years before it was damaged in the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes footage of Helen and Edna visiting the house before it is demolished.
A video of an excavator demolishing the clock tower of the former railway station on Moorhouse Avenue.
A time-lapse video of excavators demolishing the Heritage Tower in Cathedral Square. The video was filmed over three months.
A video of the demolition of the Radio Network House on Worcester Street. The building was demolished by Controlled Demolition Inc using a controlled implosion.
A video of the rubble from the tower of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The tower was demolished in May 2012 after the 22 February 2011 earthquake made it unsafe.
A video of people protesting the demolition of the Cranmer Courts on Armagh Street. In the background, an excavator is being used to demolish the building. Earlier in the day a man was arrested on a trespassing charge for climbing the fence.
A video of excavators demolishing the former railway station on Moorhouse Avenue. The building was only moderately damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, but repair work was deemed too costly for the co-owner, Science Alive!.
A video of an interview with Zac Cassels, the co-owner of the Cassels & Sons Brewery bar, about the preparations for the bar's opening. The bar is to open in a historic building on Madras Street, despite CERA's plans to demolish the building and build a stadium.
A time-lapse video of New Regent Street, taken from The Press building, which accidentally captured the collapse of the Copthorne Hotel. A cloud of dust from the collapsing building can be seen in the top of the video. The hotel collapsed while it was being demolished.
A video of a reunion between John Abraham and Josh Anderson. Abraham saved Anderson's life after he was buried under rubble from the Durham Street Methodist Church on the 22 February 2011. They are meeting for the first time in three years on the site of the demolished church.
A video of an interview with Arts Centre CEO Andre Lovatt about the restoration of the Arts Centre after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video also includes a tour of the Arts Centre, including the Boys' High School swimming pool and gymnasium which was exposed after another building was demolished.
A video of a tour through the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Victoria Square, the Town Hall, Oxford Terrace, Armagh Street, New Regent Street, Gloucester Street, Colombo Street, and Cathedral Square. It also includes footage of excavators demolishing the ChristChurch Cathedral.
A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Oxford Terrace, Armagh Street, Colombo Street, Gloucester Street, Hereford Street, High Street, the Westpac Trust Building, Cashel Street, Manchester Street, Poplar Lane, the site of the demolished Convention Centre, and the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
A video of a press conference with Anglican Bishop Victoria Matthews and Dean Peter Beck, about the interim plans for the earthquake-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. In the press conference Matthews announces that the Cathedral will be deconsecrated, that parts of it will be demolished, and that the rest will be made safe. These measures will allow the recovery of artefacts and heritage items from the building.
A video of an interview with Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Frank Delli Cicchi, the Grand Central Group Australian and New Zealand general manager, about the demolition of the Hotel Grand Chancellor. The Grand Chancellor is the tallest building in Christchurch, and was severely damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Fletcher Construction have been chosen to demolish the building.
A video of a helicopter using a monsoon bucket to wash loose debris off a cliff in Redcliffs. The debris is from an earthquake-damaged building on the edge of the cliff which has had to be urgently demolished after wet weather and aftershocks made it unstable. The video also includes an interview with Brenden Winder, Red Zone Cordon and Access Manager at CERA, about the removal of the debris and the need to check other properties.
A video telling the story of a Dallington house which was built by Bill Cooper in 1957. The house was demolished last month as part of the clearance of the Christchurch residential red zone. The story of the house is used to illustrate what is happening in many Christchurch suburbs. The video also includes the story of a sea elephant that lived in the Avon River in the 1970s and 1980s.
A video about the demolition of buildings on Victoria Street. The video includes footage of an excavator demolishing the Daily Bagel building, and an interview with Paddy Snowden from City Salvage about his work after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. It also includes an interview with Api Agsorn-Worn, owner of Victoria Thai Foods on Victoria Street, about the status of her building which she acquired six months ago.
A video about the training of search dogs for New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue (USAR). The video includes an interview with dog handler, Brenda Woolley, and Tim Drennan, the President of the New Zealand USAR Search Dog Association. Woolley talks about what they look for in search dogs, as well as how they train them. The video also includes footage of a dog being trained in the rubble from a demolished building in Christchurch.
A video of a tour of Gloucester Street from Dallington to Rolleston Avenue, a five kilometre journey which can be seen as a cross-section of the Canterbury rebuild. The video includes footage of the site of the demolished St George's Presbyterian Church in Linwood, New Regent Street, the Rendezvous Hotel, the Isaac Theatre Royal, the Press building, the Christchurch Art Gallery, and Christ's College.