Trailer for Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces
Videos, UC QuakeStudies
A trailer video for Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces', which was screened as part of the Body Festival 2014.
A trailer video for Elizabeth Guthrey's film series 'Dancing Through Impermanent Spaces', which was screened as part of the Body Festival 2014.
A video of dance and physical theatre featuring Matt Grant and Elizabeth Guthrey, incorporating several central city locations. The voiceover is a poem written and read by Matt Grant.
A video of dance and physical theatre by Julia Guthrey, Matt Grant and Elizabeth Guthrey. The interpretive dance incorporates a public sculpture titled 'Tree Houses for Swamp Dwellers' by Julia Morrison on the corner of Gloucester Street and Colombo Street.
A video of dance and physical theatre based on themes of leverage, strength and nature, featuring Julia Guthrey, Matt Grant, Elizabeth Guthrey, Laura and Claudia.
A video of interpretive dances related to the salvaging of wood from a house, featuring Matt Grant and Elizabeth Guthrey.
A video of interpretive dances filmed at various locations in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, featuring Matt Grant and Elizabeth Guthrey.
A video of interpretive dances related to the building of a shed, featuring Matt Grant and Elizabeth Guthrey. This video was made as a follow-on to 'Beneath the Layers: Wood salvaging'.
A video of dance and physical theatre featuring Julia Guthrey, Matt Grant, Elizabeth Guthrey, Laura and Claudia. The piece incorporates the public memorial art installation '185 Chairs' by Peter Majendie, on the corner of Madras Street and Cashel Street.
A video showing customers at the Z Curletts Road petrol station being 'compliment bombed' by All Right? on 17th of December 2013. The video depicts 'All Right FM' (a fake radio station), setting up at Z and surprising customers with compliments as they filled up with petrol. Dancing 'All Righties' and All Right? staff members including Ciaran Fox emerge from the store, providing the customers with coffee, flowers and free petrol.
A video showing brass players from the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra performing an impromptu concert at PAK'nSAVE Wainoni on March 27 2014. The video captures customers' reactions as the players set up and perform. Customers are also shown receiving PAK'nSAVE shopping vouchers, donated by PAK'nSAVE, by three dancing 'All Righties'. The video and impromptu concert were organised for the 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: BYO CSO'. All Right? encouraged their Facebook followers to share the video on social media and enter the prize-draw for eight $250 PAK'nSAVE vouchers. The Press published the video on 28 March 2013 at 5:45pm. All Right? uploaded the video to their YouTube account on 31 March 2014. The video was shared more than 400 times on social media by the time of the prize-draw on 8 April 2014.