A short video-documentary featuring four Christchurch locals who reflect on the destruction of the city's CBD, and how it has changed what they value in a city. Produced with funding from NZ on Air.
A video of quotes from members of the public about the Christchurch Cathedral. The quotes are superimposed over images of the public viewing the earthquake-damaged cathedral.
A video of an interview with Kim Evans, manager of the Shirley Bakery, about the flooding of her store. Evans describes the flood damage as being worse than the damage caused by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.
A video of Lianne Dalziel talking about her vision for the Christchurch residential red zone. Dalziel talks about turning the Travis Wetlands and some of the residential red zone into the largest natural wetlands within a city boundary.
A video of an interview with Allison Naylor about her property in the Flockton Basin. Naylor had to leave her house after flooding made it unliveable. This video was part of a series of videos about residents in the flood-prone Flockton Basin.
A video of an interview with Rose Lennon about her property in the Flockton Basin. Lennon's house has been damaged by flooding in the area. This video was part of a series of videos about residents in the flood-prone Flockton Basin.
A video of an interview with Pamela Wilkinson about her property in the Flockton Basin. Wilkinson had to leave her house after flooding made in unliveable. This video was part of a series of videos about residents in the flood-prone Flockton Basin.
A video of an interview with Alison Naylor about her flooded house on Francis Avenue. Naylor talks about the lack of communication from the Christchurch City Council. She says that the flooding is worse than the liquefaction from the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.
A video of an interview with Jane Rooney about her property in the Flockton Basin. Rooney's house has been damaged by flooding in the area. This video was part of a series of videos about residents in the flood-prone Flockton Basin.
A video of an interview with Robyn Simpson about her property in the Flockton Basin. Simpson had to leave her house after flooding made in unliveable. This video was part of a series of videos about residents in the flood-prone Flockton Basin.
A video of journalist Charlie Gates introducing the 2014 World Buskers Festival. Gates revisits the performance venues for former festivals to show how the central city has changed since the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.
A video of an interview with Kristal and Justin Thompson, about their house on Carrick Street which was damaged by the floods. Justin talks about how the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes has caused their land to drop. Kristal also talks about their insurance scheme.
A video of a reunion between John Abraham and Josh Anderson. Abraham saved Anderson's life after he was buried under rubble from the Durham Street Methodist Church on the 22 February 2011. They are meeting for the first time in three years on the site of the demolished church.
A video of interviews with residents of Carrick Street about the constant flooding. Babu Chatterji, Adam Smith, and Pip Thurlow are interviewed. The residents talk about how the increase in flooding since the earthquakes, how the flooding is affecting their lives, and the lack of help from the authorities.
A video of an interview with Hamish Griffen and Leila Chrystall about their property in the Flockton Basin. Griffen and Chrystall had to leave their house after the flooding made it unliveable. This video was part of a series of videos about residents in the flood-prone Flockton Basin.
A video of a protest against the demolition of the Majestic Theatre on Manchester Street. The video includes an interview with Christchurch City Councillor Yani Johanson. Johanson talks about how the lack of heritage recovery programme in Christchurch has meant that many heritage buildings have destroyed, mainly through the fast-tracking of consenting by the government. Johanson asks that the government returns normal democratic decision making over heritage to the Christchurch City Council so that the public can have a say. The video also includes footage of the Wizard and a protester speaking outside the Majestic Theatre.
A video of Emily Marriot, from Corbel Construction, and Agata Bulksa, from Kirk Roberts Engineers, taking part in a boxing match as part of the Battle of the Rebuild fight night. The Battle of the Rebuild bought together major construction and engineering companies involved in the rebuild of Christchurch. The event raised more than $169,000 for the Aranui and Linwood College Breakfast Club, the Champion Centre, and the Canterbury Youth Development Programme Trust.
A video of an interview with New Zealand Fire Service Chief Executive and National Commander Paul Baxter, about the findings of the coronial inquest into the CTV building deaths. Coroner Gordon Matenga found that failures by the Fire Service and Urban Search and Rescue did not contribute to the deaths of eight students at the CTV site in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Baxter talks about the importance of acknowledging the families of the deceased, and the changes and improvements that have been made by the New Zealand Fire Service since the collapse of the CTV building.
A video of a press conference with Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Raf Manji, Chair of the Christchurch City Council Finance Committee, about the KordaMentha report. KordaMentha is an independent auditing firm which specialises in insolvencies and corporate recovery. The report analysed the Christchurch City Council's three year budgeting plan and the financial strategies that lay behind it. Much of this budget dealt with the challenges in Christchurch caused by the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Dalziel talks about the cost of mending Christchurch's infrastructure, the Council's insurance settlement, and the need to address the findings in the report. Manji talks about the Council's financial options following the report.