A video of a presentation by Indranil Kongar of University College London on "Lifeline systems interdependencies: the insurance perspective". The presentation was delivered at the learning forum on Interdependencies of Lifeline Systems as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
A video of an interview with Sarah O'Brien about the official information requests that she is filing with EQC. O'Brien talks about the substandard living conditions that Cantabrians are having to deal with while they wait for EQC to respond to them.
A public talk by Sarah Miles, author of 'The Christchurch Fiasco: The Insurance Aftershock'. This talk formed part of the 'Clearing the claims' session.
A video of an interview with James Jameson about the lack of access to his apartment in the Victoria Apartments. Many of Jameson's possessions have been trapped in the building since the 22 February 2011 earthquake, including irreplaceable art and book collections. After the earthquake, Jameson was given a couple of hours to retrieve his computer and other essentials, but he has not been allowed in since. Jameson talks about the lack of communication from the authorities , the likelihood that his possessions have been ruined, and his inability to make an insurance claim until he knows he definitely cannot retrieve his possessions.
A public talk by Tim Grafton, CEO at the NZ Insurance Council. This talk formed part of the Panel Discussion session, 'Is delay, deny an urban myth?'. The Panel Discussion was chaired by Brendon Burns, Director at Macro Communications.