
found 48 results

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a interview with Reverend Jenni Carter, the vicar of St John's Church in Hororata, about the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Carter talks about the morning of the September earthquake when she saw the damage to the church for the first time.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a reunion between John Abraham and Josh Anderson. Abraham saved Anderson's life after he was buried under rubble from the Durham Street Methodist Church on the 22 February 2011. They are meeting for the first time in three years on the site of the demolished church.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a protest against the demolition of ChristChurch Cathedral. The protest is being held outside St Christopher's Church in Avonhead. The video includes footage of both the Christchurch Wizard and Bishop Victoria Matthews speaking to the protesters.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the experiences of church goers after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Many of the congregations have had to find temporary facilities after the earthquake damaged their churches. The video includes an interview with Bishop Barry Jones from the Roman Catholic Church. Jones talks about the miracle that nobody died in the earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

An video recording of Rev Darryl Tempero's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 3 October 2012. At the time, Darryl Tempero was a Minister at Hope Presbyterian Hornby, the Presbyterian Earthquake Coordinator, and the Co-Chair of Christchurch Post Earthquake Churches' Forum.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a press conference about the ChristChurch Cathedral. The video includes statements by Jim Anderton and Stefano Pampanin, Associate Professor of Engineering at the University of Canterbury. Anderton and Pampanin discuss a report produced by the Great Christchurch Buildings Trust (GCBT) which outlines how the cathedral could be safely restored. The Anglican Church has agreed to review the report.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams touring the Christchurch central city Red Zone. Williams visited Christchurch for two days during his New Zealand tour to offer his support to the city. The video includes footage of Williams visiting the ChristChurch Cathedral, and meeting locals. It also includes an interview with Williams about the demolition of the ChristChurch Cathedral.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a public forum being held to discuss the Anglican Church's three options for the restoration of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The three options are restoring the original cathedral, reinterpreting the original cathedral in modern materials, or building a contemporary cathedral. The video includes footage of speeches by Bishop Victoria Matthews and RCP project manager Marcus Read. It also includes footage of Matthews, Read, and Warren and Mahoney architect Bill Gregory answering questions from the public.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of interviews with members of the public about which option they prefer for the restoration of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The options considered are those unveiled by the Anglican Church: the restoration option which would restore the current cathedral; the traditional option which would reinterpret the original cathedral in modern materials; and the contemporary option which would create a new building featuring a lightweight timber frame, more glazing, and modern interiors.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Aerial footage of Christchurch recorded the day after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The footage shows damage to the Smith City car park, the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, the CTV Building, the PGC Building, the Durham Street Methodist Church, the Lyttelton Timeball Station, the roads alongside the Avon River, and the ChristChurch Cathedral. It also shows New Zealand Army road blocks outside the hospital, crushed buses on Colombo Street, a Royal New Zealand Navy vessel in Lyttelton Harbour, rock fall on the Summit Road, collapsed cliffs in Sumner and Redcliffs, tents set up in a park, flooding in New Brighton, and liquefaction in QEII Park.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with stonemason Mark Whyte, about the demolition of the Holy Trinity Church in Avonside. Whyte discusses how the building should have been deconstructed slowly in order to salvage unique heritage material such as stained-glass windows and hand-painted ceilings.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a press conference with Bishop Victoria Matthews in the Botanic Gardens about the plans for the earthquake-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. Matthews announces that the cathedral will be deconstructed, allowing the safe retrieval of taonga and heritage items within the building.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A time-lapse video of several locations in the Christchurch central city. The locations include the intersection of Gloucester and Manchester Streets, the intersection of Colombo and Armagh Streets, the ChristChurch Cathedral, Cashel Street, and the intersection of Lichfield and Manchester Streets.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

Aerial footage of Canterbury and the Christchurch central city after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The footage shows the earthquake damage to Homebush, St John's Church in Hororata, the railway tracks near Rolleston, and Westende Jewellers on Colombo Street. It also shows flooding in the streets of New Brighton.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints giving free lunches to Linwood College students after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The lunches ensure that students in disadvantaged areas are fed despite the challenges families are facing in the aftermath of the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Cambridge Terrace, Kilmore Street, Colombo Street, the Grant Thornton building in Cathedral Square, Worcester Street, ChristChurch Cathedral, the Westende Jewellers Building, and Hereford Street.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a tour through the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Victoria Square, the Town Hall, Oxford Terrace, Armagh Street, New Regent Street, Gloucester Street, Colombo Street, and Cathedral Square. It also includes footage of excavators demolishing the ChristChurch Cathedral.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a tour through the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of Colombo Street, ChristChurch Cathedral, Warners Hotel, the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Cashel Mall, the former Bus Exchange, Tuam Street, Manchester Street, the Mackenzie & Willis store, High Street, Plume, and The Globe café.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the 5.1 magnitude aftershock which hit Diamond Harbour on Wednesday 8 September 2010. The aftershock caused damage to Godley House, the Governors Bay Hotel, and St Cuthbert's Church. The video includes footage of each of the buildings, as well as interviews with the owner of Godley House, the owner of the Governors Bay Hotel, and Bruce Adamson, a Lyttelton local.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video shows footage of the Edmond's Band Rotunda, Gloucester Street, the CTV building site, Poplar Lane, the McKenzie & Willis building, High Street, Lichfield Street, Colombo Street, Cathedral Square, and ChristChurch Cathedral.