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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video created in celebration of New Zealand Sign Language Week. The video was part of a series that taught simple sentences in Sign Language and invited people to win a prize by guessing the words being signed. The videos were posted by All Right? to their Facebook Timeline on 18 May 2014 at 6:00am, and to their YouTube account on 15 May 2014.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video created in celebration of New Zealand Sign Language Week. The video was part of a series that taught simple sentences in Sign Language and invited people to win a prize by guessing the words being signed. The videos were posted by All Right? to their Facebook Timeline on 16 May 2014 at 4:00pm, and to their YouTube account on 15 May 2014.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video showing superheroes and 'All Righties' entertaining and giving gifts at the Christchurch Hospital childrens' wards. The video features Batman, Iron Man, Superwoman, Mr Incredible, Captain America, Black Widow, and Christchurch's own Flat Man, with Batman and Spiderman descending down the side of the building. The video and event were organised by All Right? as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Superhero Surprise'. The Press published the video in an article by Ged Cann on 28 June 2016 at 5:00am. All Right? posted the link to this article on their Facebook Timeline on 28 June 2014 at 10:55am.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video showing TV3 celebrities Hilary Barry, Mike McRoberts and Jeremy Corbett surprising customers at Under the Red Veranda. Barry, McRoberts and Corbett are shown taking orders, serving coffees and having a chat to the customers about how they are doing after the earthquakes and what they do to feel all right. The video and event were organised by All Right? as part of 'Outrageous Burst of All Right: Celebrities and Coffee'. The Press published the video in an article by Nicole Mathewson on 1 May 2014. All Right? posted a link to this article on their Facebook Timeline on 1 May 2014.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Ladi6 and All Right? staff member Ciaran Fox "getting out and about" in Christchurch, talking to local street artist Jacob Yikes about his work and other street art popping up around the CBD. The interview was shot in front of one of Yikes' murals on Tuam Street. All Right? uploaded the video to YouTube on 21 April 2015 and posted a link to the video ton their Facebook Timeline on 28 April 2015 at 4:00pm.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A stop motion video promoting the All Right? Hidden Strengths quiz. The video uses a culinary theme to depict kindness as a hidden strength. Alphabet pasta in a pan arranges itself to read, "Knowing your hidden strengths can boost your relationships," before being made into minestrone. All Right? uploaded the video to YouTube on 29 June, and posted the video to their Facebook Timeline on 30 June 2016 at 3:04pm.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Ciaran Fox from All Right? discussing the easiest way to give yourself and others a boost - smiling. Fox talks about the importance and effects of smiling, while another All Right? staff member and an 'All Rightie' travel around Christchurch making people smile. The video was uploaded to the All Right? YouTube channel on 1 October 2014. The description includes links to talks and articles that go into more detail about the science behind the benefits of smiling.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Si and Gary (Simon Barnett and Gary McCormick) from MORE FM promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing. In this video they talk about the importance of giving, and suggest ways to give. The closing frames read, "When did you last share a little love? The simple things we do often mean the most. For more tips on what makes us feel good, visit"

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Ladi6 and All Right? staff member Ciaran Fox "getting out and about in Christchurch", talking to Anni Watkin and Shaun Asi from Youth and Cultural Development (YCD). Watkin and Asi talk about their work with YCD and youth both before and after the earthquakes. YCD are an independent organisation providing opportunities to young people and support to those who are at risk of getting caught in a cycle of offending. YCD was set up by Ladi's parents in 1992. All Right? uploaded the video to YouTube on 21 April 2015 and posted a link to the video on their Facebook Timeline on 11 May 2015 at 7:00pm.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the damage to central Christchurch after the 4 September earthquake. The video includes footage of car sirens going off, earthquake damage to the shops on the corner of Barbadoes Street and Edgeware Road, the Westende Jewellers building on the corner of Worcester and Manchester Streets, the Repertory Theatre on Kilmore Street, the Asko Design Store on Victoria Street, and a building on the corner of Colombo and Byron Streets. It also includes an interview with Christchurch resident Quentin Garlick.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an address by Alex Cutler, CEO of the New Zealand Green Building Council, at the 2014 Seismics and the City forum. This talk was part of the Building Communities section and explored the extent to which the new city core will be a 'government-flavoured doughnut', the key issues with this concept, and the possible solutions.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a keynote presentation by Professor David Johnston, Senior Scientist at GNS Science, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "The Trajectory of Post-disaster Recovery and Regeneration: The social dimension".The abstract for the presentation reads, "A consideration of social regeneration and what that means for Canterbury moving forward plus current recovery trajectories and ways of measuring progress."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a CERA press conference about the plans for the Christchurch central city. Warwick Isaacs, Chief Executive of the Central Christchurch Development Unit, announces that Boffa Miskell will be the lead company in a consortium of businesses that will design the central Christchurch rebuild. Don Miskell, Director of Boffa Miskell, talks about the company and their excitement about the job.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Town Hall. The video shows footage of a tour through the inside of the Town Hall, recorded on a GoPro camera. It also includes interviews with Councillor Glenn Livingstone and Councillor Tim Carter about their impressions of the damage and the work that will be needed to fix the building.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A 'wrap up' video created by All Right? showing their presence at the 2014 SCIRT World Buskers Festival at Hagley Park. The video shows three 'All Righties' interacting with the members of the public and the buskers themselves. All Right? uploaded the video to Youtube on 6 February 2014, and posted the Youtube link to their Facebook Timeline on 10 February 2014 at 10:01am. "Check out the slick wrap up of our All Righties at World Buskers Festival. We love the way they and all the #buskers shared the laughter this January. They also loved cramming themselves into that MINI!" -

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the South Brighton Motor Camp which has been given a month by the Christchurch City Council to close down. The video includes an interview with campsite leaseholder Dominic Brownin, and residents Malcolm Farrell, Ngaire Fyffe, and Deidre McGowan. The residents talk about the lifestyles and community that will be lost if the camp is closed.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of interviews with staff from The Star and The Press about their experiences during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes stories from Tim Cronshaw (farming reporter at The Press), Andrew Holden (Editor at The Press), Olivia Carville (junior reporter at The Press), Barry Clarke (Editor at The Star), Richard Cosgrove (Illustrations Editor at The Press), Andrew Boyle (General Manager at The Press), Coen Lammers (Deputy Editor at The Press), and Shane Victor (Advertising Manager at The Star).

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the removal of 'Rocky', a 15-tonne boulder which tore through a house in Heathcote during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes an interview with Jan Kupec, Chief Geotechnical Engineer at CERA, about the dimensions and path of the boulder. It also includes interviews with James McKenzie, the manager at the Mt Hutt Ski Area who purchased the rock, and Phil Johnson, the owner of the Heathcote property who put the rock on sale.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an address by Peter Davie, Chief Executive of Lyttelton Port Company, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talk is about how, in today's technological and economic environment, the ability to prevent, prepare for, or quickly recover from a disaster is a critical success factor. The seismic simulations that the Port of Lyttelton ran as part of its long term development plan became a key part of the Port's emergency response, and meant that cargo kept flowing with minimal downtime.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video telling the story of a Dallington house which was built by Bill Cooper in 1957. The house was demolished last month as part of the clearance of the Christchurch residential red zone. The story of the house is used to illustrate what is happening in many Christchurch suburbs. The video also includes the story of a sea elephant that lived in the Avon River in the 1970s and 1980s.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Sarah Beaven during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Leading and Coordinating Social Recovery: Lessons from a central recovery agency".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: This presentation provides an overview of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Social Recovery Lessons and Legacy project. This project was commissioned in 2014 and completed in December 2015. It had three main aims: to capture Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's role in social recovery after the Canterbury earthquakes, to identify lessons learned, and to disseminate these lessons to future recovery practitioners. The project scope spanned four Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority work programmes: The Residential Red Zone, the Social and Cultural Outcomes, the Housing Programme, and the Community Resilience Programme. Participants included both Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority employees, people from within a range of regional and national agencies, and community and public sector organisations who worked with Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority over time. The presentation will outline the origin and design of the project, and present some key findings.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Ian Campbell, Executive General Manager of the Stronger Christchurch Rebuild Team (SCIRT), during the third plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Putting People at the Heart of the Rebuild".The abstract for this presentation reads: On the face of it, the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (SCIRT) is an organisation created to engineer and carry out approximately $2B of repairs to physical infrastructure over a 5-year period. Our workforce consists primarily of engineers and constructors who came from far and wide after the earthquakes to 'help fix Christchurch'. But it was not the technical challenges that drew them all here. It was the desire and ambition expressed in the SCIRT 'what we are here for' statement: 'to create resilient infrastructure that gives people security and confidence in the future of Christchurch'. For the team at SCIRT, people are at the heart of our rebuild programme. This is recognised in the intentional approach SCIRT takes to all aspects of its work. The presentation will touch upon how SCIRT communicated with communities affected by our work and how we planned and coordinated the programme to minimise the impacts, while maximising the value for both the affected communities and the taxpayers of New Zealand and rate payers of Christchurch funding it. The presentation will outline SCIRT's very intentional approach to supporting, developing, connecting, and enabling our people to perform, individually, and collectively, in the service of providing the best outcome for the people of Christchurch and New Zealand.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Richard Conlin during the Community Resilience Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Resilience, Poverty, and Seismic Culture".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: A strategy of resilience is built around the recognition that effective emergency response requires community involvement and mobilization. It further recognizes that many of the characteristics that equip communities to respond most effectively to short term emergencies are also characteristics that build strong communities over the long term. Building resilient communities means integrating our approaches to poverty, community engagement, economic development, and housing into a coherent strategy that empowers community members to engage with each other and with other communities. In this way, resilience becomes a complementary concept to sustainability. This requires an asset-based change strategy where external agencies meet communities where they are, in their own space, and use collective impact approaches to work in partnership. This also requires understanding and assessing poverty, including physical, financial, and social capital in their myriad manifestations. Poverty is not exclusively a matter of class. It is a complex subject, and different communities manifest multiple versions of poverty, which must be respected and understood through the asset-based lens. Resilience is a quality of a community and a system, and develops over time as a result of careful analysis of strengths and vulnerabilities and taking actions to increase competencies and reduce risk situations. Resilience requires maintenance and must be developed in a way that includes practicing continuous improvement and adaptation. The characteristics of a resilient community include both physical qualities and 'soft infrastructure', such as community knowledge, resourcefulness, and overall health. This presentation reviews the experience of some earlier disasters, outlines a working model of how emergency response, resilience, and poverty interact and can be addressed in concert, and concludes with a summary of what the 2010 Chilean earthquake tells us about how a 'seismic culture' can function effectively in communities even when government suffers from unexpected shortcomings.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video created in celebration of New Zealand Sign Language Week. The video was part of a series that taught simple sentences in Sign Language and invited people to win a prize by guessing the words being signed. The videos were posted by All Right? to their Facebook Timeline on 17 May 2014 at 6:00am, and to their YouTube account on 15 May 2014.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video showing part of the demolition of the Ozone Hotel in New Brighton. Steve Taylor comments "She put up a good fight. The Ozone in New Brighton was damaged in the February earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. Here is the main corner of the structure being, as they say, deconstructed. At the end there is a reverent bow by the excavator. Just before this the claw had caught on the floor/ceiling and the whole building shook from side to side, but it still stayed in place."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the 5.1 magnitude aftershock which hit Diamond Harbour on Wednesday 8 September 2010. The aftershock caused damage to Godley House, the Governors Bay Hotel, and St Cuthbert's Church. The video includes footage of each of the buildings, as well as interviews with the owner of Godley House, the owner of the Governors Bay Hotel, and Bruce Adamson, a Lyttelton local.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a press conference with Mayor Bob Parker, Roger Sutton (CEO of Orion), Superintendent Dave Cliff (Christchurch Police), and Chief Fire Officer Dan Coward. The speakers talk about the work that is being done to bring power back to Christchurch residents, and to assess the safety of buildings in the Christchurch central city.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the government's financial aid plan for workers affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Prime Minister John Key has travelled to Christchurch to announce the plan. This video includes footage of a press conference with John Key at the Christchurch Art Gallery. It also includes footage of John Key meeting residents at the Civil Defence Centre at Addington Raceway.