A video of a press conference with Gerry Brownlee announcing a CERA review which will change the zoning of 270 Port Hills properties. Brownlee announces that 247 properties will change from green zoned to red zoned and 33 properties will change from red zoned to green zoned. The properties that have been rezoned red have an unacceptable level of life risk from cliff collapse and the potential of debris inundation.
A video of an interview with Gordon Smith, owner of Gordon Smith and Sons Fruiterers, about the road works outside his shop. Smith talks about how the road works have affected his business, decreasing the number of parks outside his shop and encouraging commuters to take alternative routes.
A video about the reopening of the Rendezvous Hotel on Gloucester Street. The video includes a tour of the hotel and an interview with General Manager Brad Watts. Watts talks about his excitement about the hotel reopening.
A video of three Chisnallwood Intermediate students reading their stories about the Christchurch school closures. The students are Sophie Yeoman, Breana Riordan, and Phoebe Thompson.
A video of Lianne Dalziel announcing her decision to run for the mayoralty of Christchurch. Dalziel talks about the rebuild of Christchurch, and the daily lives of those living in post-earthquake Christchurch. She also talks about her decision to run independently, her experience as a minister, and the need for transparency and financial integrity in the Christchurch City Council. Lastly, she talks about the building consent crisis at the Council, and the need for the Council to connect with communities.
A video of the Christchurch City Council meeting to discuss its consenting process. The meeting was called after the council received a letter from International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) on 30 May 2013. The letter states that the Council has until 28 June 2013 to improve its processes or it will be stripped of its accreditation as a building consent authority. The video includes discussion from Councillor Barry Corbett, Acting Building Operations Manager Steve McCarthy, Democracy Services General Manager Peter Mitchell, Councillor Aaron Keown, and Councillor Claudia Reid.
A video of a tour of Gloucester Street from Dallington to Rolleston Avenue, a five kilometre journey which can be seen as a cross-section of the Canterbury rebuild. The video includes footage of the site of the demolished St George's Presbyterian Church in Linwood, New Regent Street, the Rendezvous Hotel, the Isaac Theatre Royal, the Press building, the Christchurch Art Gallery, and Christ's College.
A video about businesses in the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The Red Zone has now been renamed the Rebuild Zone. The video shows businesses which have remained untouched since the 22 February 2011 earthquake, including the Camelot Hotel and the i-SITE visitor centre in Cathedral Square, Subway on High Street, Jeans West on High Street, Time Zone on Colombo Street, Comics Compulsion on Manchester Street, Mortgage Solutions mortgage brokers on the corner of Hereford and Manchester Streets, Pocha Bar and Restaurant off Lichfield Street, and a fabric store on Lichfield Street.
A video of an interview with Chris Bartholomeusz, Construction Manager at Downer Construction, about the work the team has been doing to stabilise a former quarry on Gleaning Spur. More than 12,000 cubic metres of soil have been removed from the hillside in order to remove a risk of a landslide hitting the houses below.
A video of a helicopter using a monsoon bucket to wash loose debris off a cliff in Redcliffs. The debris is from an earthquake-damaged building on the edge of the cliff which has had to be urgently demolished after wet weather and aftershocks made it unstable. The video also includes an interview with Brenden Winder, Red Zone Cordon and Access Manager at CERA, about the removal of the debris and the need to check other properties.
A time-lapse video showing pedestrians using the temporary walkway through Cathedral Square. The video was filmed over the space of an hour.
A video of Principal Richard Patton announcing to staff and students that Chisnallwood Intermediate is to remain open. Chisnallwood is one of thirteen schools which the Ministry of Education planned to close after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A video of an interview with Sarah O'Brien about the official information requests that she is filing with EQC. O'Brien talks about the substandard living conditions that Cantabrians are having to deal with while they wait for EQC to respond to them.
A video of Principal Toni Simpson telling the students and teachers of Phillipstown School about the plan to merge their school with Woolston School. Phillipstown is one of twelve schools which is set to merge in the Education Renewal Recovery Programme. The programme was created by the Minister of Education in the wake of the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.
A time-lapse video of the demolition of Gloucester Arcade on Gloucester Street.
A video of an interview with John Turner, owner of Ambience Tiling, about the restoration of the tiles in New Regent Street. Turner talks about working with SCE Stone & Design, who sent the sample tiles to China where they were machine replicated. The tiles took six to eight weeks to arrive, with about 10,500 new tiles produced. The video also includes an interview with Iain Taylor, a tiler at Ambience Tiling, about the retiling process.
A video of journalist Charlie Gates introducing the 2014 World Buskers Festival. Gates visits former festival venues in the Christchurch central city and the new performance venues for the 2014 festival, to show how the city has changed since the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.
A video about the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Town Hall. The video shows footage of a tour through the inside of the Town Hall, recorded on a GoPro camera. It also includes interviews with Councillor Glenn Livingstone and Councillor Tim Carter about their impressions of the damage and the work that will be needed to fix the building.
A video of an interview with Mark Forster, Operations Manager of the Christchurch Gondola, about the revamp of the gondola. The attraction has been closed since 22 February 2011 while the café and restaurant is being renovated and the rock fall from the hill above mitigated.
A video of an interview with Lianne Dalziel about her decision to run for the mayoralty of Christchurch. Dalziel talks about resigning as a member of parliament, creating a sounding board for community, businesses, and the political spectrum at the Christchurch City Council, and the importance of uniting the Council.
A video about the South Brighton Motor Camp which has been given a month by the Christchurch City Council to close down. The video includes an interview with campsite leaseholder Dominic Brownin, and residents Malcolm Farrell, Ngaire Fyffe, and Deidre McGowan. The residents talk about the lifestyles and community that will be lost if the camp is closed.
A video about the removal of 'Rocky', a 15-tonne boulder which tore through a house in Heathcote during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes an interview with Jan Kupec, Chief Geotechnical Engineer at CERA, about the dimensions and path of the boulder. It also includes interviews with James McKenzie, the manager at the Mt Hutt Ski Area who purchased the rock, and Phil Johnson, the owner of the Heathcote property who put the rock on sale.
A video telling the story of a Dallington house which was built by Bill Cooper in 1957. The house was demolished last month as part of the clearance of the Christchurch residential red zone. The story of the house is used to illustrate what is happening in many Christchurch suburbs. The video also includes the story of a sea elephant that lived in the Avon River in the 1970s and 1980s.
A video of an interview with Sir Bob Parker about his knighthood. Parker also talks about his father, his wife Jo Nicholls-Parker, and his career in local politics.
A video of a memorial service in Latimer Square held on the second anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes speeches from Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and Prime Minister John Key.
A video of a protest against the Ministry of Education's proposed school closures and mergers in Christchurch. More than a thousand people marched from the CBS Arena to the Ministry of Education office on Princess Street as part of the protest.
A video of an interview with Prime Minister John Key about several topical issues. One of these issues is the housing crisis in Christchurch. Key talks about fast tracking the release of land in Christchurch, making sure there are enough resources in the city for building, and working with the Christchurch City Council around consenting. He also talks about the possibility of the National Party winning the Christchurch East by-election.
A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video includes footage of the Design and Arts College Building, the Heritage Hotel, Cathedral Junction, the Octagon Live restaurant, Manchester Street, Hereford Street, Bedford Row, High Street, Lichfield Street, the Majestic Theatre, Colombo Street, Cashel Street, Just Jeans and Starbucks on Cashel Street, and Kilmore Street. It also includes footage of residents on a Red Zone bus tour.
A video of an interview with Tanja Grzeta and Alastair Wells, the Co-Directors of Unlimited School, about the news that they will be merging with Discovery One. Grzeta and Wells talk about their excitement about the merge, their pursuit of a location for the school within the Christchurch central city, and their hopes that the school can be open 24/7.
A video of interviews with members of the public about which option they prefer for the restoration of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The options considered are those unveiled by the Anglican Church: the restoration option which would restore the current cathedral; the traditional option which would reinterpret the original cathedral in modern materials; and the contemporary option which would create a new building featuring a lightweight timber frame, more glazing, and modern interiors.