
found 1132 results

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Mayor Bob Parker, recorded at the Civil Defence Headquarters in the Christchurch Art Gallery on the evening of the 22 February 2011. Parker talks about the fatalities and damage caused by the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with New Zealand Fire Service Chief Executive and National Commander Paul Baxter, about the findings of the coronial inquest into the CTV building deaths. Coroner Gordon Matenga found that failures by the Fire Service and Urban Search and Rescue did not contribute to the deaths of eight students at the CTV site in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Baxter talks about the importance of acknowledging the families of the deceased, and the changes and improvements that have been made by the New Zealand Fire Service since the collapse of the CTV building.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a tour of the Christchurch central city Red Zone. The video shows footage of the Edmond's Band Rotunda, Gloucester Street, the CTV building site, Poplar Lane, the McKenzie & Willis building, High Street, Lichfield Street, Colombo Street, Cathedral Square, and ChristChurch Cathedral.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Press journalist Martin Van Beynen talking about the Canterbury Television Building which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Beynen investigates the construction manager of the building, Gerald Shirtcliff, who allegedly faked an engineering degree and stole the identity of an engineer he knew in South Africa. The video also includes footage of Shirtcliff giving evidence about the CTV Building at the Canterbury Earthquake Royal Commission.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with John Haynes, about his experiences during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Haynes was in the Forsyth Barr building when the earthquake struck. Using his skills as trained mountain guide, Haynes belayed fourteen people down three and a half floors to safety.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video made by Julian Vares about FESTA - the Festival of Transitional Architecture. The video includes explanations from FESTA director Jessica Halliday and key collaborators about what FESTA is about, and the important role it plays in the rebuild and recovery of Christchurch. It also includes a compilation of footage from the first three FESTA events of 2012, 2013 and 2014. This footage was shot by Rick Harvie (Belmont Productions), Peter Young (Fisheye Films), Ed Lust and John Chrisstoffels.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of people dancing at Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat, 124 Oxford Terrace, in preparation for the visit by Prince Charles and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall. Coralie Winn, Creative Director of Gap Filler, talks about her preparations for meeting the two royals.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Prince Charles and Camilla, the Dutchess of Cornwall, at Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat, 124 Oxford Terrace. Charles and Camilla came to the Dance-O-Mat to meet the staff of Gap Filler, Life in Vacant Spaces, and the Student Volunteer Army.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about Gap Filler project 15, the Dance-O-Mat, made by Jacob Stanley Creative in order to highlight the interactive nature of Gap Filler's Dance-O-Mat.

Videos, eqnz.chch.2010

At Greendale Faultline on Highfield Road in mid-Canterbury, where the magnitude 7.1 earthquake on 4 September 2010 originated.

Videos, eqnz.chch.2010

At Greendale Faultline on Highfield Road in mid-Canterbury, where the magnitude 7.1 earthquake on 4 September 2010 originated.

Videos, eqnz.chch.2010

At Greendale Faultline on Highfield Road in mid-Canterbury, where the magnitude 7.1 earthquake on 4 September 2010 originated.